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Volume 32, Number 4 (Autumn 2022)




Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):265-268; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.265

Isabel C. Scarinci, Jodie A. Dionne

Global Health; Rural Health

Commentary: Advancing the Science of Implementation for Resource-Limited Settings through Bidirectional Learning Around Cervical Cancer Screening
Ethn Dis. 2022; 32(4):269-274; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.269


Prajakta Adsul, Roopa Hariprasad, Breanne E. Lott, Melissa Lopez Varon

Implementation Science, Cervical Cancer, Global Health, Rural Health

Factors Associated with HPV Vaccine Adherence among Latino/a Adolescents in a Rural, Texas-Mexico Border County
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):275-284; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.275

Daisy Y. Morales-Campos, Marisol D. McDaniel, Gabriel Amaro, Bertha E. Flores, Deborah Parra-Medina

HPV Vaccines; Accessibility; Adolescents; Health Disparities; Latinos

Knowledge Sharing to Reduce Toxin Exposure Risks from Harmful Algal Blooms: Global Networks and Political Barriers
Ethn Dis.2022;32(4):285-292; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.285


Hugh B. Roland, Christopher Whitehead, Lora E. Fleming, Elisa Berdalet, Henrik Oksfeldt Enevoldsen, Matthew O. Gribble

Harmful Algal Blooms; Shellfish Poisoning; Ciguatera Poisoning; Information Dissemination; International Agencies; Alaska Natives

Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Severe Maternal Morbidity and Maternal Mortality
Ethn Dis.2022;32(4):293-304; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.293

Meghan Tipre, Bolanle Bolaji, Christina Blanchard, Alex Harrelson, Jeff Szychowski, Rachel Sinkey, Zoe Jullian, Alan Tita, Monica L. Baskin

Severe Maternal Morbidity; Area Deprivation Index; Alabama; Deep South; Maternal Mortality; Racial Disparities

COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes and Barriers among Unvaccinated Residents in Rural Northern/Central Illinois
Ethn Dis.2022:32(4):305-314; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.305

Manorama M. Khare, Kristine Zimmermann, Francis K. Kazungu, David Pluta, Alexia Ng, Amanda Mercadante, Anandi V. Law

COVID-19 Vaccine; Attitudes and Barriers; Intention to Vaccinate; Rural Adults

Skin Tone, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender Differences in BMI among New US Immigrants
Ethn Dis.2022:32(4):315-324; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.315

Matthew A. Painter, II, Jennifer Tabler

Skin Tone; Race/Ethnicity; Gender; Body Mass Index; Immigrants

Factors Associated with Anticoagulation Initiation for New Atrial Fibrillation in an Urban Emergency Department
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):325-332; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.325

Johanna Seiden, Samantha Lessen, Natalie T. Cheng, Benjamin W. Friedman, Daniel L. Labovitz, Charles C. Esenwa, Ava L. Liberman

Anticoagulation; Atrial Fibrillation; Emergency Medicine; Stroke Prevention

Establishing a Framework for Sustainable Community Action Research
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):333-340; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.333

Malcolm Jones, Danielle Hoague, Raenita Spriggs, Elijah Catalan, Naomi Adams, Timothy Watkins, Aradhna Tripati, Keith C. Norris

Community-Partnered Participatory Research; Community-Based Participatory Research; Community-Academic Engagement Strategy; Health Equity; Environmental Justice

Exploring Perspectives on Establishing COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Black Communities
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):341-350; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.341

Lisa N. Mansfield, Savanna L. Carson, Yelba Castellon-Lopez, Alejandra Casillas, D’Ann Morris, Ejiro Ntekume, Juan Barron, Keith C. Norris, Arleen F. Brown

Vaccine Confidence; Community-Engaged Research; Racial/Ethnic Disparities; Health Equity; Black/African Americans; Vaccine Hesitancy

Maternal and Infant Health Inequities, Reproductive Justice and COVID Addressed in RACE Series
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):351-356; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.351

Chandra L. Ford, Valencia Walker, Joia Crear-Perry, Jessica D. Gipson

Reproductive Justice; Reproductive Health; Abortion Access; COVID Inequities; Health Policy

A Qualitative Analysis on Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Issues During COVID-19 Using a Reproductive Justice Framework
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(4):357-372; doi:10.18865/ed.32.4.357

Patanjali de la Rocha, May Sudhinaraset, Nicole V. Jones, Catherine Kim, Alejandra Cabral, Bita Amani

Reproductive Justice; Health Equity; Sexual and Reproductive Health; Structural Racism


Volume 32, Number 3 (Summer 2022)




A Convergent Mixed Methods Study of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Young Black Men in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):169-184; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.169

Bridgette M. Brawner, Lloyd M. Talley, Jillian L. Baker, Lisa Bowleg, Tiffany B. Dominique, Daiquiri Y. Robinson, Barbara Riegel, The Black Men's Health Initiative

Black; Cardiovascular Disease; Discrimination; Health Equity; Men; Mixed Methods

Cancer Prevention and Diagnosis Knowledge among Spanish-speaking Older Latino/as Residing in Tampa, Florida
Ethn Dis. 2022; 32(3):185-192; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.185

Iraida V. Carrion, Malinee Neelamegam, Tania Estapé, Tracy Doering, Olivia Snynder, Ebony Tollinchi, Jorge Estapé

Cancer; Immigrant; Latino; Latina; Cancer Prevention

Race-Ethnic Differences of ST -Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Findings from a New York Health System Registry
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):193-202; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.193

Christopher S. G. Murray, Cristian Zamora, Sanyog G. Shitole, Panagiota Christa, Un Jung Lee, Anna E. Bortnick, Jorge R. Kizer, Carlos J. Rodriguez

Race-Ethnic Differences; STEMI; Outcomes

Glucometabolic State Transitions: The Jackson Heart Study
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):203-212; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.203

Trudy Gaillard, Haiying Chen, Valery S. Effoe, Adolfo Correa, Mercedes Carnethon, Rita R. Kalyani, Justin B. Echouffo-Tcheugui, Joshua J. Joseph, Alain G. Bertoni

African Americans; Glucometabolic States; Prediabetes; Diabetes Mellitus; Risk Factors; Weight Loss

The Prevalence of Multimorbidity among Foreign-born Adults in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):213-222; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.213

Rebecca E. Jones, Lubaba Tasnim, Solveig A. Cunningham

Migration; Chronic Disease; Cardiometabolic Disease

The Role of Financial Strain and Educational Attainment on Smoking Abstinence of African Americans and Whites Who Smoke
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):223-230; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.223

Dale Dagar Maglalang, Jaqueline C. Avila, Jasjit S. Ahluwalia, Cara M. Murphy, Adam C. Alexander, Nicole L. Nollen

cigarette, abstinence; smoking; financial strain; education; race

Perceived Severity of COVID-19 in a Longitudinal Study in Detroit, Michigan
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):231-238; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.231

Danting Yang, Abram L. Wagner, Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin

Perceived Severity of COVID-19; Ethnicity; Longitudinal Study

Introduction to the Summer 2022 Issue of the RACE Series
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):239-242; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.239

Chandra L. Ford

COVID-19; Racism; Social Injustices; Vaccines

Integrated Methods for Applying Critical Race Theory to Qualitative COVID-19 Equity Research
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(3):243-256; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.243

Bita Amani, Alejandra Cabral, Mienah Z. Sharif, James Huỳnh, Kia Skrine Jeffers, Shelby A. Baptista, Breann McAndrew, Natalie Bradford, Patanjali de la Rocha, Chandra L. Ford

Critical Race Theory; Qualitative Research; Health Equity; Racism; Social Injustice

Barely Tweeting and Rarely About Racism: Assessing US State Health Department Twitter Use During the COVID -19 Vaccine Rollout
Ethn Dis.2022; 32(3):257-264; doi:10.18865/ed.32.3.257

Natalie J. Bradford, Bita Amani, Valencia P. Walker, Mienah Z. Sharif, Chandra L. Ford

Big Data; Social Media; CO¬VID-19; Vaccine; Health Inequities; Racism


Volume 32, Number 2 (Spring 2022)




Foreword: The Intersection of Social Behavior, Population Health and Inherited Traits
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):73-74; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.73

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Harlan P. Jones

Social Behavior; Population Health; Inherited Traits; Health Disparities

Generation 1.5: Years in the United States and Other Factors Affecting Smoking Behaviors Among Asian Americans
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):75-80; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.75

Lu Shi, Maria Mayorga, Dejun Su, Yan Li, Emily Martin, Donglan Zhang

Generation 1.5; Asian Americans; Smoking; Social Determinants of Health

Accuracy of Perceived Breast Cancer Risk in Black and White Women with an Elevated Risk
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):81-90; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.81

Jessica M.L. Young, Kristen J. Vogel Postula, Debra Duquette, Melissa Gutierrez-Kapheim, Vivian Pan, Maria C. Katapodi

Early-onset Breast Cancer; Family History; Health Disparities; Surveillance

Integrating Population Health Strategies into Primary Care: Impact on Outcomes and Hospital Use for Low-Income Adults
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):91-100; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.91

Heather Kitzman, Kristen Tecson, Abdullah Mamun, Briget Da Graca, Samrat Yeramaneni, Kenneth Halloran, Donald Wesson

Patient-Centered Medical Home; Population Health; Health Disparities; Uninsured; Low-Income; Chronic Disease

Perceived Susceptibility to Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension Self-Management among Black and White Live Kidney Donors
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):101-108; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.101

Kevin Gianaris, Grecia B. Vargas, Morgan Johnson, Yi Fan Yu, Elena Wilson, Jamilah A. Perkins, Aswad Jackson, L. Ebony Boulware, Allan Massie, Macey L. Levan, Dorry L. Segev, Tanjala S. Purnell

Kidney Disease; Hypertension; Kidney Donors

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19: Rate Ratios Provide an Incomplete Picture of US Trends, April 2020–March 2021
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):109-112; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.109

Xinzhi Zhang, Catherine M. Stoney, George A. Mensah

COVID-19; Race; Ethnicity; Health Equity; Health Disparity

Poverty, Comorbidity, and Ethnicity: COVID-19 Outcomes in a Safety Net Health System
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):113- 122;doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.113

Joseph P. Smith, Amy B. Kressel, Randall W. Grout, Bree Weaver, Megan Cheatham, Wanzhu Tu, Ruohong Li, David W. Crabb, Lisa E. Harris, William G. Carlos

COVID-19; Health Care Disparity; Safety-Net; Coronavirus

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19-Like Illness and Impacts of Social Distancing and Working from Home
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):123- 130; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.123

Sungwoo Lim, Christine Dominianni, Karen A. Alroy, Maria Baquero, Aldo Crossa, L. Hannah Gould

COVID-19; Environment; Health Status Disparities; Health Equity

Social Engagement and Mental Health Symptoms Across Asian American Ethnic Groups During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):131-144; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.131

Jessica Y. Islam, Iman Awan, Farzana Kapadia

Depression; Anxiety; COVID-19; Pandemic; Disaggregated; Asian Americans

The Importance of Incorporating Stroke Survivors’ Health Perceptions in Addressing Health Care Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):145-148; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.145

Rondalyn R. Dickens, Tirisham Gyang, Sadie Sanders, Charles Ellis, Jr., Alexis N. Simpkins

Health Care Perceptions; Stroke; Social Determinants; Health Equity; Patient-Centered Outcomes

Commentary on Series 1: Rapid Assessment of COVID Evidence (RACE) Articles in this Issue
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):149-150; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.149

Chandra L. Ford, Bita Amani

COVID-19; Health Equity; Social Justice

Using COVID-19 Surveillance Systems to Identify and Monitor Disparities: Best Practices and Recommendations
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):151-164; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.151

Nina T. Harawa, Bita Amani, Consuela Abotsi-Kowu, Ezinne Nwankwo, Chandra L. Ford

COVID-19; Health Equity; Surveillance Systems; Health Disparities

What Happens When the Crisis Seemingly Never Ends? Perspectives in Health Communication
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(2):165-168; doi:10.18865/ed.32.2.165

Monica L. Ponder

Health Communication; Crisis Communication; Health Disparities; Health Inequity; Racialized Trauma


Volume 32, Number 1 (Winter 2022)




The Association Between Educational Attainment and Mortality: Examining Absolute and Relative Effects by Race/Ethnicity
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):1-10; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.1

Jennifer Brite

Race; Ethnicity; Health; Mortality; Education

Risk and Protective Factors for Cost-Related Nonadherence Among Middle East and North African (MENA ) Adults
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):11-20; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.11

Molly Green, Kenneth Resnicow, Madiha Tariq, Nadia Syed, Asraa Alhawli, Minal Patel

Cost-related Nonadherence; Middle Eastern North African; Risk Factors; Protective Factors; Health Insurance

Electronic Health Literacy among Linguistically Diverse Patients in the Los Angeles County Safety Net Health System
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):21-30; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.21

Cristina Valdovinos, Giselle Perez-Aguilar, Roberto Gonzalez Huerta, Chesca Barrios, Griselda Gutiererrez, Carmen Mendez, Anshu Abhat, Gerardo Moreno, Arleen Brown, Alejandra Casillas

Electronic Health Literacy; Digital Health; Health Disparities; LEP; Safety Net

The Relationship between Systemic Racism, Residential Segregation, and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Deaths in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):31-38; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.31

Berkeley Franz, Ben Parker, Adrienne Milner, Jomills H. Braddock II

COVID-19; Racial Disparities; Racial Discrimination

Navigating Access to Cancer Care: Identifying Barriers to Precision Cancer Medicine
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):39-48; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.39

Kayla E. Cooper, Khadijah E. Abdallah, Rebekah S.M. Angove, Kathleen D. Gallagher, Vence L. Bonham

Precision Cancer Medicine; Genomics; Cancer; Underserved; Barriers to Care

Tiwala, Gaining Trust to Recruit Filipino American Families: CARE -T2D Study
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):49-60; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.49

Hillary Nicole A. Peregrina, Grace J. Yoo, Carissa Villanueva, Maria L.G. Bayog, Therese Doan, Melinda S. Bender

Filipino Americans; Recruitment; Culturally Tailored; Family Dyads; Type 2 Diabetes

Advancing Inclusive Research: Establishing Collaborative Strategies to Improve Diversity in Clinical Trials
Ethn Dis. 2022;32(1):61-68; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.61

Owen Garrick, Ruben Mesa, Andrea Ferris, Edward S. Kim, Edith Mitchell, Otis W. Brawley, John Carpten, Keith D. Carter, Joseph Coney, Robert Winn, Stephanie Monroe, Fabian Sandoval, Edith Perez, Mitzi Williams, Evan Grove, Quita Highsmith, Nicole Richie, Susan M. Begelman, Asha S. Collins, Jamie Freedman, Melissa S. Gonzales, Gerren Wilson

Health Care Disparities; Minority Health; Personalized Health Care; COVID-19; Clinical Trial Design

Introducing the Rapid Assessment of COVID Evidence (RACE ) Series
Ethn Dis. 2022; 32(1):69-72; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.69

Chandra L. Ford, Bita Amani

COVID-19; Racism; Health Equity



Volume 31, Number 4 (Autumn 2021)




Diurnal Cortisol Slope and Nighttime Blood Pressure: A Study in European Americans and African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):481-488; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.481

Brooke Ernst, Shaoyong Su, Frank Treiber, Harold Snieder, Xiaoling Wang

Nighttime Blood Pressure; Diurnal Cortisol Slope; African American; Stress

Central Blood Pressure and Subclinical Atherosclerotic Risk in Young Hispanic American Women
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):489-500; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.489


Patricia Pagan Lassalle, Jacob P. DeBlois, Allie Keller, Lee Stoner, Kevin S. Heffernan

Arterial Stiffness; Blood Pressure; Ethnicity; Cardiovascular Disease

Neck Circumference Cut-Off for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Nigeria
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):501-508; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.501

Taiwo Hussean Raimi, Bolade Dele-Ojo, Samuel Ayokunle Dada, David Daisi Ajayi

Neck Circumference; Obesity; Metabolic Syndrome; Nigeria

Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: Socio-demographic Factors, Risk Factors, and Outcomes in Southern Sri Lanka
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):509-518; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.509

Sathyajith Buddhika Ambawatte, Dulmini Nadeesha Weerathunga, Athula Dissanayake, Surangi Chandhi Somaratne, Kanishka Athukorala, Piyumi Sachindra Alwis Wijewickrama

Stroke Subtypes; OCSP Classification; Hospital-based

Attitudes about COVID-19 Testing among Black Adults in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):519-526; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.519

Sarah Schaffer DeRoo, Rachel G. Torres, Sivan Ben-Maimon, Jennifer Jiggetts, Linda Y. Fu

Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures; Health Care Disparities; COVID-19 Testing; SARS-CoV-2

Exploring the Lived Experience of Food Insecure African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes Living in the Inner City
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):527-536; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.527

Rebekah J. Walker, Renee E. Walker, Elise Mosley-Johnson, Leonard E. Egede

Food Insecurity; Type 2 Diabetes; Qualitative; Inner City; African American

Neighborhood Food Environment Associated with Cardiometabolic Health among Predominately Low-income, Urban, Black Women
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):537-546; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.537

Gabrielle Corona, Tamara Dubowitz, Wendy M. Troxel, Madhumita Ghosh-Dastidar, Bonny Rockette-Wagner, Tiffany L Gary-Webb

Neighborhood Food Environment; Cardiometabolic Health; African Americans; Food Retail Stores

Consent for Use of Genetic Data among US Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):547-558; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.547

Sara Gonzalez, Garrett Strizich, Carmen R. Isasi, Simin Hua, Betsy Comas, Tamar Sofer, Bharat Thyagarajan, Krista M. Perreira, Gregory A. Talavera, Martha L. Daviglus, Sarah C. Nelson, Aida L. Giachello, Neil Schneiderman, Robert C. Kaplan

Hispanic/Latino; Genetic Research; Informed Consent

The Association Between NRMN STAR Grantsmanship Self-Efficacy and Grant Submission
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(4):559-566; doi:10.18865/ed.31.4.559

Harlan P. Jones, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Edward L. Krug, Eileen Harwood, Kristin Eide Boman, Thad Unold, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Early Career Faculty; Grant Writing; Self-Efficacy; Underrepresented Minority; Coaching; Professional Development


Volume 31, Number 3 (Summer 2021)




Effect of Race and Ethnicity on In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with COVID-2019
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):389-398; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.389

Adnan I. Qureshi, William I. Baskett, Wei Huang, Daniel Shyu, Danny Myers, Iryna Lobanova, S. Hasan Naqvi, Vetta S. Thompson, Chi-Ren Shyu

Race; Ethnicity; Disparities; Coronavirus Disease; Mortality; Outcomes

Use of Zip Code Based Aggregate Indicators to Assess Race Disparities in COVID-19
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):399-406; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.399

Kevin D. Long, Steven M. Albert

COVID-19; Poverty; Zip Codes; Minority Groups; Ethnic Groups; Racial Disparities

Care and Precision Medicine Research in the Time of COVID-19
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):407-410; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.407

Juliana M. Ison, Elizabeth W. Karlson, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alexander Hille, Cheryl McCloud, Meg Bor, Guohai Zhou, Cheryl R. Clark

Population Health; Health Disparities; Precision Medicine; Community Engagement

Training Underrepresented Early-Career Faculty in Cardiovascular Health Research during COVID -19: Structural Inequities and Health Disparity
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):411-416; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.411

Ana F. Diallo, Olamide Alabi, Angela Groves, Amber E. Johnson, Florence Okoro, S. Raquel Ramos, Rochelle K. Nelson, Mohamed Boutjdir

Junior Faculty Development; Biomedical Research; Mentoring; Health Services Research; NHLBI

Examining the Role of Family History of US Enslavement in Health Care System Distrust Today
Ethn Dis. 2021:31(3):417-424; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.417

Lorraine T. Dean, Genee S. Smith

Trust; African Americans; Enslaved Persons; Patient Acceptance of Health Care; Racism; DAEUS

Legacies of Environmental Injustice on Neighborhood Violence, Poverty and Active Living in an African American Community
Ethn Dis. 2021:31(3):425-432; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.425

Erica Payton Foh, Rashida R. Brown, Kunga Denzongpa, Sandra Echeverria

Community Health; Neighborhood Health; Physical Activity; Environmental Health; Minority Health; Health Status Disparities

Neighborhood-level Asian American Populations, Social Determinants of Health, and Health Outcomes in 500 US Cities
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):433-444; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.433

Ben R. Spoer, Filippa Juul, Pei Yang Hsieh, Lorna E. Thorpe, Marc N. Gourevitch, Stella Yi

Asian American Health; Social Determinants of Health; Population Health; Spatial Epidemiology

Associations of Health Conditions and Health-Related Determinants with Disability among New York City Adult Residents
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):445- 452; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.445

John B. Wetmore, Claudia Chernov, Sharon E. Perlman, Luisa N. Borrell

Disability; Community Health; Health Care Disparities; Chronic Conditions; Mental Health

Social and Behavioral Factors Associated with BMI and Waist Circumference among Adolescents: The Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):453-460; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.453

Marino A. Bruce, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Fei Teng, Elizabeth Heitman, Jennifer C. Reneker, Keith C. Norris, Bettina M. Beech

Pediatric Obesity; African Americans; Adolescence; Minority Health; Population Health

Weight Misperception among African American Adolescents: The Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):461-468; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.461

Bettina M. Beech, Marino A. Bruce, Samantha Cohen-Winans, Kisa Harris, Raymond Jones, Rachel S. Tyrone, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

African Americans; Weight Status; Weight Misperception; Adolescents; Population Health; Jackson Heart KIDS Study

NRMNet: Building a National Resource for Mentorship, Networking and Professional Development to Enhance Diversity
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(3):469-480; doi:10.18865/ed.31.3.469

Damaris Javier, Katie Stinson, MariaElena Zavala, Toufeeq Ahmed, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha

Mentorship; Culturally Responsive; Networking; Professional Development; Biomedical Research; Online Mentoring


Volume 31, Number 2 (Spring 2021)




Early Stage Investigators: Emerging Research Supporting Health Equity
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):165-166;doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.165

Sandra Echeverria, Eberechukwu Onukwugha

Health Equity; Racial/Ethnic Discrimination; Sexual Health; Reproductive Health; Perinatal Health; Mental Health; Lifecourse; Cardiovascular Diseases; Chronic Diseases; Health Care Costs; Health Care Delivery

Internalized Shame and Social Stress-Induced Blood Pressure Patterns among Young Black Women
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):167-176; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.167

Amber J. Johnson, Guido G. Urizar Jr.

Internalized Shame; Trier Social Stress Test; Blood Pressure; Black Women

Associations between Daily Work Hassles and Energy-Balance Behaviors in Female African American Workers: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):177-186; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.177

Ting-Ti Lin, Kelly K. Jones, Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, Shannon N. Zenk

Daily Hassles; Health Behaviors; African American Women; Occupational Health

Life Stressors and Sleep Problems as Predictors of the Likelihood of Lifetime Cannabis Use among Black Adults with Criminal Justice Contact
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):187-196; doi:10.18865/ed.32.1.187

Paul C. Archibald, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Criminal Justice Contact; Stressors; Sleep Problems; Marijuana Use; Black Adultsems, Cannabis Use, Black A

Neighborhood Evictions, Marital/Cohabiting Status, and Preterm Birth among African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):197-204; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.197

Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Brittney Butler, Shibani Chettri, Hikma Elmi, Allison Stevens, Chinenye Bosah, Rhonda Dailey, Dawn P. Misra

Preterm Birth; Neighborhood Evictions; African American; Marital/Cohabiting Status

Estimating School Race/Ethnic Enrollment Effects on Student Mental Health: Density and Diversity as a Risk or Protective Factor
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):205- 216; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.205

Melissa J. DuPont-Reyes, Alice P. Villatoro, Jo C. Phelan, Kris Painter, Bruce G. Link

School Enrollment; Race/Ethnic Density; Race/Ethnic Diversity; Mental Health; Adolescent; School Health diversity; mental health; adolescent; school health

Cost-effectiveness of Telephone-Delivered Education and Behavioral Skills Intervention for African American Adults with Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):217-226; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.217

Leonard E. Egede, Clara E. Dismuke, Christian Eiler, Joni S. Williams, Rebekah J. Walker

Cost-Effectiveness; Diabetes; Education; Skills, African American; Telephonean American, telephone

Traversing Traditions: Prenatal Care and Birthing Practice Preferences Among Black Women in North Florida
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):227-234; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.227

Megan E. Deichen Hansen, Brittny A. James, Inam Sakinah, Joedrecka S. Brown Speights, George Rust

Childbirth, Pregnancy Outcomes, Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities, Infant Mortality, Health Equity

Health Risks and Chronic Health Conditions among Arab American and White Adults in Northern California
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):235-242; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.235

Nadia N. Abuelezam, Abdulrahman M. El-Sayed, Sandro Galea, Nancy P. Gordon

Health Disparities; Chronic Disease; Arab Americans; Risk Factors; California

Metabolic Risk and Depression among Elderly Mexican Americans: The Roles of Nativity Status of Nativity Status
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):243-252; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.243

Weihui Zhang, Elizabeth Vasquez, Anda Botoseneanu, Recai Yucel

Metabolic Risk; Depression; Nativity; Immigrant Health Advantage

Nativity, Family, Disability: Results from the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):253-262; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.253

Elizabeth Vasquez, Weihui Zhang, Joanna Dreby, Sunghee Lee, Anda Botoseneanu

Aging; Ethnicity; Migration; Marital Status

Willingness of Latinx and African Americans to Participate in Nontherapeutic Trials: It Depends on Who Runs the Research
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):263-272; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.263

Kelsey Thetford, Theresa W. Gillespie, Young-il Kim, Barbara Hansen, Isabel C. Scarinci

Minority Health Disparities; Nontherapeutic Cancer Research; Healthy Volunteers; Rural Health

Mentoring Experiences and Publication Productivity among Early Career Biomedical Investigators and Trainees
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(2):273-282; doi:10.18865/ed.31.2.273

Angela Gutierrez, Lourdes R. Guerrero, Heather E. McCreath, Steven P. Wallace

Mentoring; Publication Productivity; Early Career Investigators; Workforce Development; Underrepresented Minorities


Volume 31, Number 1 (Winter 2021)




Social Determinants of Health and Implementation Research: Three Decades of Progress and a Need for Convergence
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):1-4;doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.1

George A. Mensah, William T. Riley

Perspective: Social Determinants of Health and Implementation Research: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):5-8;doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.5

William T. Riley, George A. Mensah

COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Social Determinants of Health, Implementation Science

Should We Implement Geographic or Patient-Reported Social Determinants of Health Measures in Cardiovascular Patients?
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):9-22; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.9

Sophia Kostelanetz, Chiara Di Gravio, Jonathan S. Schildcrout, Christianne L. Roumie, Douglas Conway, Sunil Kripalani

Social Determinants of Health; Cardiovascular Disease; Patient-Reported Outcomes; Mortality

Eliciting the Social Determinants of Cancer Prevention and Control in the Catchment of an Urban Cancer Center
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):23-30; doi:10.18865/ ed.31.1.23

Katerina Jou, Madeline R. Sterling, Rosio Ramos, Francesse Antoine, David M. Nanus, Erica Phillips

Social Determinants of Health; Cancer; Prevention; Screening; Nominal Group Technique

Determinants of Adherence to National Infant Feeding Guidelines by Black Mothers Living with HIV
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):31-40; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.31

Jean Hannan, Josephine B. Etowa, Seye Babatunde, Colleen Stephens, Latisha Barfield, Marta Grisel G. Galarza, Majed M. Alharbi, Valrie Reid, Egbe B. Etowa, J. Craig Phillips

Black Mothers; HIV; Infant Feeding; Policy Adherence; HIV Stigma

Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits among Persons Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):41-46; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.41

Diana-Lyn Baptiste, Ruth-Alma Turkson-Ocran, Hae-Ra Han, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah

Coronary Heart Disease; Stroke, Social Determinants of Health; Emergency Department

Social Determinants of Health as Potential Influencers of a Collaborative Care Intervention for Patients with Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):47-56; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.47

Chidinma A. Ibe, Carmen Alvarez, Kathryn A. Carson, Jill A. Marsteller, Deidra C. Crews, Katherine B. Dietz, Raquel C. Greer, Lee R. Bone, Lisa A. Cooper

Social Determinants of Health; Collaborative Care

Diabetes-Related Stigma and its Influence on Social Networks, Social Support, and HbA1c in Ghana
Ethn Dis.2021; 31(1):57-66; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.57

Marian Botchway, Rachel E. Davis, Anwar T. Merchant, Lambert T. Appiah, Spencer Moore

Stigma; Type 2 Diabetes; Social Networks; Social Support; Ghana, Blood Glucose

Disparities in ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment by Race/Ethnicity in Youth Receiving Kentucky Medicaid in 2017
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):67-76; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.67

Deborah Winders Davis, Kahir Jawad, Yana Feygin, Liza Creel, Maiying Kong, JingChao Sun, W. David Lohr, P. Gail Williams, Jennifer Le, V. Faye Jones, Marie Trace, Natalie Pasquenza

Stimulants; Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder; School-Aged Children; Health Disparities; Race/Ethnicity

Native American Ancestry and Air Pollution Interact to Impact Bronchodilator Response in Puerto Rican Children with Asthma
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):77-88; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.77

Maria Contreras, Kevin Keys, Joaquin Magana, Page Goddard, Oona Risse-Adams, Andrew M. Zeiger, Angel C.Y. Mak, Lesly-Anne Samedy-Bates, Andreas Neophytou, Eunice Lee, Neeta Thakur, Jennifer R. Elhawary, Donglei Hu, Scott Huntsman, Celeste Eng, Ting Hu, Esteban G. Burchard, Marquitta J. White

Asthma; Minority Health; Precision Medicine; Air Pollution; Health Disparities; Health Disparities

Homelessness and Medicaid Churn
Ethn Dis.2021;31(1):89-96; doi:10.18865/ ed.31.1.89

Isaac Dapkins, Saul Blecker

Medicaid Churn; Social Determinants of Health; Homelessness; Coverage Gap; Access to Care; Value-based Care

Association of Perceived Stress and Discrimination on Medication Adherence among Diverse Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):97-108; doi:10.18865/ ed.31.1.97

Carmen Alvarez, Anika L Hines, Kathryn A. Carson, Nadia Andrade, Chidinma Ibe, Jill A. Marsteller, Lisa A. Cooper

Medication Adherence; Hypertension; Social Determinants; Stress; Discrimination

Application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Facilitate Delivery of Trauma-Informed HIV Care
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):109-118; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.109

Kaitlin N. Piper, Lauren L. Brown, Ilyssa Tamler, Ameeta S. Kalokhe, Jessica M. Sales

Trauma-Informed Care; HIV/ AIDS; Implementation; Pre-Implementation Planning; CFIR

Trust and Mistrust in Shaping Adaptation and De-Implementation in the Context of Changing Screening Guidelines
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):119-132; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.119

Rachel C. Shelton, Laura E. Brotzman, Detric Johnson, Deborah Erwin

De-implementation; Implementation; Social Determinants of Health; Trust; Mistrust; Health Equity

Commentary: Policy Implementation Science - An Unexplored Strategy to Address Social Determinants of Health
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):133-138; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.133

Karen M. Emmons, David A. Chambers

Implementation Science; Policy; Health Equity; Social Determinants of Health

Is It “True” Pain? Pain Treatment Discharge Planning for Seriously Injured Patients
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):139-148; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.139

Shoshana V. Aronowitz, Therese S. Richmond, Peggy Compton, Sara F. Jacoby

Trauma; Injury; Pain; Opioids; Race

The Influence of Health Insurance Stability on Racial/Ethnic Differences in Diabetes Control and Management
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):149-158; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.149

Alison G. M. Brown, Nancy Kressin, Norma Terrin, Amresh Hanchate, Jillian Suzukida, Sucharita Kher, Lori Lyn Price, Amy M. LeClair, Danielle Krzyszczyk, Elena Byhoff, Karen Freund

Health Insurance; Health Insurance Stability; Health Disparities; Social Determinants of Health

Examination of Food Insecurity, Socio-Demographic, Psychosocial, and Physical Factors among Residents in Public Housing
Ethn Dis. 2021;31(1):159-164; doi:10.18865/ed.31.1.159

Lisa M. Quintiliani, Jessica A. Whiteley, Jessica Zhu, Emily K. Quinn, Jennifer Murillo, Ramona Lara, John Kane

Food Insecurity; Public Housing; Risk Factors





Volume 30, Number 4 (Autumn 2020)




Early Stage Investigators: Emerging Research Supporting Health Equity
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):517-518; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.517

Sandra Echeverria, Eberechukwu Onukwugha

Health Equity; Racial/Ethnic Discrimination; Sexual Health; Reproductive Health; Perinatal Health; Mental Health; Lifecourse; Cardiovascular Diseases; Chronic Diseases; Health Care Costs; Health Care Delivery

Gender Norms, Discrimination, Acculturation, and Depressive Symptoms among Latino Men in a New Settlement State
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):519-524;doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.519


Jennifer Toller Erausquin, Eunyoung Song, Scott D. Rhodes

Latinos; Mental Health; Depressive Symptoms; Gender Norms; Men; Masculinity

Revisiting the Association between Race, Ethnicity, and Beliefs about Pregnancy
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):525-532; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.525

Meredith G. Manze, Diana R. Romero

Unintended Pregnancy; Pregnancy Prevention; Contraception

“Just Because You Have Ears Doesn’t Mean You Can Hear”—Perception of Racial-Ethnic Discrimination During Childbirth
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):533-542;doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.533

Teresa Janevic, Naissa Piverger, Omara Afzal, Elizabeth A. Howell

Racial Discrimination; Health Care; Communication; Obstetrics

The Impact of Fibroids and Histologic Subtype on the Performance of US Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer among Black Women
Ethn Dis. 2021;30(4):543-552; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.543

Sarah S. Romano, Kemi M. Doll

Endometrial Cancer; Health Care Disparities; African American; Quality of Health Care; Cancer Early Detection; Ultrasonography

Determinants of Depression Risk among Three Asian American Subgroups in New York City
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):553-562; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.553

Supriya Misra, Laura C. Wyatt, Jennifer A. Wong, Cindy Y. Huang, Shahmir H. Ali, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Nadia S. Islam, Stella S. Yi, Simona C. Kwon

Depression; Mental Health; Asian American; Southeast Asian; South Asian; East Asian

Mechanisms of Racial Health Disparities: Relationships between Coping and Psychological and Physiological Stress Responses
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):563-574; doi:10.18865/ed.30.563

Julie Ober Allen, Daphne C. Watkins, Briana Mezuk, Linda Chatters, Vicki Johnson-Lawrence

Health Status Disparities; Coping Behaviors; Psychological Distress; Cortisol; Men’s Health; African Americans

Heart Failure Training and Job Satisfaction: A Survey of Home Care Workers Caring for Adults with Heart Failure in New York City
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):575-582; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.575

Madeline R. Sterling, Jacklyn Cho, Joanna Bryan Ringel, Ariel C. Avgar

Heart Failure; Home Care Workers; Home Health Aides; Vulnerable Populations; Chronic Disease Management

Ethnic Restaurant Nutrition Environments and Cardiovascular Health: Examining Hispanic Caribbean Restaurants in New York City
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):583-592; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.583

Melissa Fuster, Enrique R. Pouget, Margaret A. Handley, Krishnendu Ray, Brian Elbel, Eddie Sakowitz, Kayla Halvey, Terry Huang

Restaurants; Hispanic/Latino; Cardiovascular Disease; Food Environment

Acculturation and Cancer Risk Behaviors among Pacific Islanders in Hawaii
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):593-602; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.593

Kevin Cassel, Mark Willingham, Hye-ryeon Lee, Lilnabeth P. Somera, Grazyna Badowski, Ian Pagano

Acculturation; Cancer; Prevention; Communications; Native Hawaiians; Pacific Islanders

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Hospital Services Reduce Medicare Length of Stay
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):603-610; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.603

Melody K. Schiaffino, Melissa Ruiz, Melissa Yakuta, Alejandro Contreras, Setareh Akhavan, Britney Prince, Robert Weech-Maldonado

Cultural Competency; Length of Stay; Race; Ethnicity; Language

Examining Racial Differences in Access to Primary Care for People Living with Lupus: Use of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions to Measure Access
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):611-620; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.611

Elizabeth A. Brown, Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Diane L. Kamen, Brandi M. White, Edith M. Williams

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Hospitalizations; Access to Primary Care

Trends in Obesity and Medical Expenditure among Women with Diabetes, 2008-2016: Differences by Race/Ethnicity
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4);621-628; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.621

Joni S. Williams, Kaiwei Lu, Olaitan Akinboboye, Oluwatoyin Olukotun, Zhipeng Zhou, Sneha Nagavally, Leonard E. Egede

Diabetes; Obesity; Medical Expenditure; Women; Race/Ethnicity; Disparities

Association between Income and Obesity in Black Men: The Role of Work-Life Interference
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):629-636; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.629

Caryn N. Bell, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Obesity; Race; Men’s Health; Work Characteristics

Sociodemographic Determinants of Life’s Simple 7: Implications for Achieving Cardiovascular Health and Health Equity Goals
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):637-650; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.637

Brent M. Egan, Jiexiang Li, Susan E. Sutherland, Daniel W. Jones, Keith C. Ferdinand, Yuling Hong, Eduardo Sanchez

Life’s Simple 7; Lifestyle; Body Mass Index; Blood Pressure; Cholesterol; Glucose; Cardiovascular Risk; Health Equity

Discrimination Is Associated with Elevated Cardiovascular Disease Risk among African Immigrants in the African Immigrant Health Study
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):651-660;doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.651

Ruth-Alma N. Turkson-Ocran, Sarah L. Szanton, Lisa A. Cooper, Sherita H. Golden, Rexford S. Ahima, Nancy Perrin, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah

African Immigrants; Discrimination; Cardiovascular Disease Risk

HPV Vaccination Hesitancy Among Latina Immigrant Mothers Despite Physician Recommendation
Ethn Dis. 2020; 30(4):661-670; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.661

Alexandra B. Khodadadi, David T. Redden, Isabel C. Scarinci

HPV Vaccine; Provider Recommendation; Latina; Vaccine Acceptability; Prevention; Cervical Cancer

Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Diagnoses in American Indians
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):671-680; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.671

Cara L. Carty, Carolyn Noonan, Clemma Muller, Don Saner, Eric M. Reiman, Dedra Buchwald, Ronny A. Bell, Lonnie A. Nelson

American Indians; Alzheimer’s Disease; Dementia; Electronic Health Records; Dementia Risk Factors

Baseline Characteristics of the 2015-2019 First Year Student Cohorts of the NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD ) Program
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):681-692; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.681

Keith C. Norris, Heather E. McCreath, Karsten Hueffer, Stephen B. Aley, Gabriela Chavira, Christina A. Christie, Catherine M. Crespi, Carlos Crespo, Gene D’Amour, Kevin Eagan, Lourdes E. Echegoyen, Andrew Feig, Maryam Foroozesh, Lourdes R. Guerrero, Kelly Johnson, Farin Kamangar, Laura Kingsford, William LaCourse, Nicole Marie-Gerardi MacCalla, Leticia Marquez-Magana, Ambika Mathur, Kenneth Maton, Shiva Mehravaran, Danielle X. Morales, Terry Nakazono, Elizabeth Ofili, Kolawole Okuyemi, Laura Ott, Audrey Parangan-Smith, Christine Pfund, Dawn Purnell, Arleigh Reynolds, Phillip J. Rous, Carrie Saetermoe, Katherine Snyder, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Amy Wagler, Steven P. Wallace, Teresa Seeman

Diversity; Biomedical Research; Workforce Training; Underrepresented Students

Sub-Saharan Africa Tackles COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):693-694; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.693

Kenechukwu Mezue, Paul Edwards, Ifeanyi Nsofor, Ahmed Goha, Ike Anya, Kristofer Madu, Dainia Baugh, Felix Nunura, Glen Gaulton, Ernest Madu

COVID19; Sub-Saharan Africa; Public Health; Global Pandemic

Mental Health Community and Health System Issues in COVID-19: Lessons from Academic, Community, Provider and Policy Stakeholders
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(4):695-700; doi:10.18865/ed.30.4.695

Armen C. Arevian, Felica Jones, Elizabeth M. Moore, Nichole Goodsmith, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Toby Ewing, Hafifa Siddiq, Patricia Lester, Erick Cheung, Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Sonya Gabrielian, Olivia K. Sugarman, Curley Bonds, Christopher Benitez, Debbie Innes-Gomberg, Benjamin Springgate, Catherine Haywood, Diana Meyers, Jonathan E. Sherin, Kenneth B. Wells

COVID-19; Mental Health; Community


Volume 30, Number 3 (Summer 2020)




Foreword: Racism and Health
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):369-372; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.369

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Racism; Health

Art, Anti-Racism and Health Equity: “Don’t Ask Me Why, Ask Me How!”
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):373-380; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.373

Derek M. Griffith, Andrea R. Semlow

Racism; Anti-racism; Health Equity; Art; Structural Interventions

Building the Transdisciplinary Resistance Collective for Research and Policy: Implications for Dismantling Structural Racism as a Determinant of Health Inequity
Ethn Dis.2020;30(3):381-388; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.381

The Transdisciplinary Resistance Collective for Research and Policy, Adrian N. Neely, Asia S. Ivey, Catherine Duarte, Jocelyn Poe, Sireen Irsheid

Structural Racism; Transdisciplinary; Health Equity

Structural Racial Inequities in Socioeconomic Status, Urban-Rural Classification, and Infant Mortality in US Counties
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):389-398; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.389

Jessica Owens-Young, Caryn N. Bell

Infant Mortality; Health Inequities; Maternal Health; Infant Health; Structural Racism; Racial Inequalitiesities; maternal and infant health; structural racism; racial inequalities

Cost-Related Non-Utilization of Health Services and Self-Perceived Reactions to Race
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):399-410; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.399

Eberechukwu Onukwugha, Jacquelyn McRae, Wendy Camelo Castillo

Cost-Related Non-Utilization; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; Reactions to Race

Associations between Perceived Racial Discrimination and Tobacco Cessation among Diverse Treatment Seekers
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):411-420; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.411

Monica Webb Hooper, Patricia Calixte-Civil, Christina Verzijl, Karen O. Brandon, Taghrid Asfar, Tulay Koru-Sengul, Michael H. Antoni, David J. Lee, Vani N. Simmons, Thomas H. Brandon

Racial Discrimination; Ethnic Discrimination; Tobacco; Smoking Cessation; African Americans; Hispanics

Incorporating Health Equity and Community Perspectives During COVID-19: Commonalities with Cardiovascular Health Equity Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):421-424; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.421

Erica Payton Foh, Sandra E. Echeverria

COVID-19; Health Equity; Cardiovascular Disease; Physical Activity; Diabetes

COVID-19 and African American Religious Institutions
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):425-428; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.425

Marino A. Bruce

COVID-19; Coronavirus; African Americans; Religious Institutions; Religiosity

Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Research and Inclusion of Diverse Populations
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):429-432; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.429

Daniel T. Lackland, Catrina Sims-Robinson, Joy N. Jones Buie, Jenifer H. Voeks

Clinical Research; Underserved Minorities; External Validity; Clinical Trials

Applying Community-Partnered Participatory Research Approaches to Develop COVID-19 Solutions
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):433-436; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.433

Kenneth Brooks Wells, Felica Jones, Keith C. Norris

Community-Partnered Participatory Research; COVID-19; Team Science

Contact Tracing: A Clarion Call for National Training Standards
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):437-440; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.437

Bettina M. Beech, LeChauncy Woodard

Contact Tracing; COVID-19; Training; Population Health

Adiposity and Leukocyte Telomere Length in US Adults by Sex-Specific Race/Ethnicity: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):441-450; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.441

Sharon K. Davis, Ruihua Xu, Rumana J. Khan, Amadou Gaye

Race/Ethnicity; Adiposity; Obesity; Leukocyte Telomere Length

Does Home Remedy Use Contribute to Medication Nonadherence Among Blacks with Hypertension?
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):451-458; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.451

Yendelela L. Cuffee, Milagros Rosal, J. Lee Hargraves, Becky A. Briesacher, Suzanne Akuley, Noof Altwatban, Sandral Hullett, Jeroan J. Allison

Home Remedies; Blacks; Hypertension; High Blood Pressure Medication Adherence

Sociocultural Factors Associated with Awareness of Palliative Care and Advanced Care Planning among Asian Populations
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):459-468; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.459

Jay J. Shen, Catherine Dingley, Ji Won Yoo., Sfurti Rathi, Soo Kyong Kim, Hee-Taik Kang, Kalyn Frost

Palliative Care; Advanced Care Planning; Asian; Sociocultural

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Sleep Quality among Older Adults: Kaiser Healthy Aging and Diverse Life Experiences (KHANDLE) Study
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):469-478; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.469

Kristen M. George, Rachel L Peterson, Paola Gilsanz, Dan M. Mungas, M. Maria Glymour, Elizabeth Rose Mayeda, Rachel A. Whitmer

Sleep; Disparities; Risk Factors; Older Adults

Sociodemographic Disparities in the Tobacco Retail Environment in Washington, DC: A Spatial Perspective
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):479-488; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.479

Andrew Anesetti-Rothermel, Peter Herman, Morgane Bennett, Ned English, Jennifer Cantrell, Barbara Schillo, Elizabeth C. Hair, Donna M. Vallone

Tobacco; Disparities; Point-of-Sale; Retail Density

Conceptualizing Ethnicity: How Dimensions of Ethnicity Affect Disparities in Health Outcomes Among Latinxs in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):489-500; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.489

Whitney N. Laster Pirtle, Zulema Valdez, Kathryn P. Daniels, Maria D. Duenas, Denise Castro

Ethnicity; Race; Latinxs; Worthlessness; Self-rated Health

Cross-Sectional Study of Homeless High Service Utilizers in Los Angeles County Jails: Race, Marginalization and Opportunities for Diversion
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):501-508; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.501

Sonya Shadravan, Dustin Stephens, Oona Appel, Kristen Ochoa

Jail Diversion; Mental Health; Homelessness; High Service Utilizers; Intersectionality; Structural Racism

Gentrification: A Priority for Environmental Justice and Health Equity Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):509-512; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.509

Genee S. Smith, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Gentrification; Health

Addressing Asian American Misrepresentation and Underrepresentation in Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):513-516; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.513

Nilay S. Shah, Namratha R. Kandula

Asian American; Asian; Representation; Research Methods; Disparities


Volume 30, Number 2 (Spring 2020)




Foreword: The Paradigm Shift - The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Black Women and Families: Speaking Truth to Power
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):241-246; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.241

Gail E. Wyatt, Cynthia Davis

HIV/AIDS; Black Women; Black Families

Commentary: Valuing the Vulnerable – The Important Role of Transgender Communities in Biomedical Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):247-250; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.247

Victoria A. Cargill

Transgender; Cisgender; Sex Differences; Vulnerable; Biomedical Research

HIV Testing Behaviors among Black Rural Women: The Moderating Role of Conspiracy Beliefs and Partner Status Disclosure
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):251-260; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.251

Kristina B. Hood, Calvin J. Hall, Bianca D. Owens, Alison J. Patev, Faye Z. Belgrave

HIV Testing; Testing Attitudes; Black Women; Rural South; Partner Status Disclosure; HIV Conspiracy Beliefs

Barriers to Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections among HIV-Serodiscordant Couples: The Influence of Discrimination
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):261-268; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.261

Jenna Alarcon, Tamra B. Loeb, Alison B. Hamilton, Nicholas J. Moss, Condessa M. Curley, Muyu Zhang, Wilbert C. Jordan, Gloria Lockett, Cynthia Carey-Grant, Gail E. Wyatt

HIV; STI Testing; African American HIV- Serodicordant Couples; Barriers to STI Testingrodicordant Couples; Barriers to STI Testing

“It Had a Lot of Cultural Stuff in It”: HIV-Serodiscordant African American Couples’ Experiences of a Culturall y Congruent Sexual Health Intervention
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):269-276; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.269

Jacqueline Mthembu, Alison B. Hamilton, Norweeta G. Milburn, Deborah Sinclair, Siyabulele Mkabile, Mmathabo Mashego, Thabile Manengela, Gail E. Wyatt

HIV Serodiscordance; Couples; African American; Sexual Health; Evidence-Based Intervention; Qualitative

Utilizing a Life Course Approach to Examine HI V Risk for Black Adolescent Girls and Young Adult Women in the United States: A Systematic Review of Recent Literature
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):277-286; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.277

Tamara Taggart, Norweeta G. Milburn, Kate Nyhan, Tiarney D. Ritchwood

HIV; Adolescents and Emerging Adults; Women; HIV Prevention; African American

HIV Prevention Programming for Older African American Women: The Impact of a Faith-Based and Behavioral Science Partnership on Depressive Symptoms
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):287-294; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.287

Megan T. Ebor, Aurora P. Jackson

HIV; HIV Prevention; Faith-Based HIV Programming; Older African American Women; Depressive Symptomatology; Psychological Wellbeing

Writing Accountability Groups Are a Tool for Academic Success: The Obesity Health Disparities PRIDE Program
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):295-304; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.295

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, Bettina M. Beech, Keith C. Norris, Elizabeth Heitman, Marino A. Bruce

Scientific Writing; Research Training and Mentoring; Underrepresented Minority Faculty; Teaching Intensive Institutions; Obesity Research; Diversity

Mentoring Programs by and for a New Generation of Latino Investigators in Behavioral-Social Science HIV Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):305-312; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.305.

David M. Stoff, Maria Cecilia Zea, Carlos E. Rodriguez-Diaz

Diversity; Mentorship; Latino Investigators; HIV; Behavioral-Social Science

An Examination of Factors Deterring the Pursuit of Advanced Degrees Among Alumni of a Minority Research and Training Program
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):313-320; doi:10.18865/ ed.30.2.313

Gretchen Schneider Burton, Maria da Graça H. Vicente

Undergraduate Research; Inclusion; Mentoring; Narrative

PRIDE Peer Mentor Development Program: Lessons Learned in Mentoring Racial/Ethnic Minority Faculty
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):321-330; doi:10.18865/ ed.30.2.321

Natasha Williams, Joseph Ravenell, Andrea F. Duncan, Mark Butler, Girardin Jean-Louis, Adina Kalet

Academic Medicine; Mentoring; Racial / Ethnic Minorities

A Structural Model of Social Determinants of the Metabolic Syndrome
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):331-338; doi:10.18865/ ed.30.2.331

Kevin W. Smith, Nancy Krieger, Anna Kosheleva, Matthew Urato, Pamela D. Waterman, David R. Williams, Dana R. Carney, Jarvis T. Chen, Gary G. Bennett, Elmer Freeman

Metabolic Syndrome; Structural Equation Models; Discrimination

Racial Disparities in Stroke Recovery Persistence in the Post-Acute Stroke Recovery Phase: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):339-348; doi:10.18865/ ed.30.2.339

Joy N. J. Buie, Yujing Zhao, Suzanne Burns, Gayenell Magwood, Robert Adams, Catrina Sims-Robinson, Daniel T. Lackland

Epidemiology; Risk Factors; Motor Skills; Activities of Daily Living; Blacks

Do the Same Central Anthropometric Variables that Best Predict Blood Pressure in European Americans also Best Predict Blood Pressure in African Americans?
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):349-356; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.349

L. Jerome Brandon, Larry D. Proctor

Central adiposity; African Americans; Blood Pressure; Anthropometric Variables; European Americans

Testicular Cancer Incidence and Mortality in New Mexico
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):357-364; doi:10.18865/ed.30.2.357

Zachariah D. Taylor, Elizabeth McLeod, Charlotte C. Gard, Michael E. Woods

Testicular Cancer; New Mexico; US-Mexico Border; Incidence; Survival

Perspective: Black Resilience - Broadening the Narrative and the Science on Cardiovascular Health and Disease Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(2):365-368; doi:10.18865/ ed.30.2.365

Herman A. Taylor, Tulani Washington-Plaskett, Arshed A. Quyyumi

Resilience; Cardiovascular Health; Health Disparities


Volume 30, Number 1 (Winter 2020)




Training the Next Generation of Health Equity Researchers: Exploring STEM Pathways and Best Practices
Ethn Dis.2020;30(1):1-4; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.1

Harlan P. Jones

Health Equity; Training; Diversity; STEM; Underrepresented Minorities; Health Disparities, Education

The NIDDK High School Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons
Ethn Dis.2020;30(1):5-14; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.5

Robert Rivers, Keith C. Norris, George Hui, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Carolee Dodge-Francis, Lourdes R. Guerrero, Aneesa Golshan, Kelley Brinkley, Kira Tran, Sheila McLaughlin, Noe Antolin, Tiffany Yoshida, Dolores E. Caffey-Fleming, Lawrence Agodoa

Diversity; Biomedical Research; Workforce Training; Underrepresented; High School

Youth Enjoy Science Program at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center: Increasing Engagement and Opportunity for Underrepresented Minority Students
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):15-24; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.15

Kelli Qua, Klara K. Papp, Damian J. Junk, Monica Webb Hooper, Nathan A. Berger

Pipeline Program; Research Immersion; Scientific Opportunity; Underrepresented Minority High School Students; Career Development

The Jackson Heart Study: Preparing African American High School Students for Health Careers and Research
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):25-32; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.25

Kisa K. Harris, Frances Henderson, Wendy B. White, Amel Mohamed, Asoka Srinivasan

Training for Health Careers; High School Students; African American

An Approach to Improving Student Success in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM ) Career Pathways
Ethn Dis.2020;30(1):33-40; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.33

Steven B. Oppenheimer, Jack I. Mills, Ali Zakeri, Trista R. Payte, Avi Lidgi, MariaElena Zavala

Achievement Gap; Early Intervention; College Success; Longitudinal Study

The Role of Public Health Partnerships in the Success of the Jackson Heart Study Undergraduate Training and Education Center
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):41-46; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.41

Wendy B. White, Frances Henderson, Kisa K. Harris, Amel Mohamed, Asoka Srinivasan

Cardiovascular Disease; Underrepresented Minorities; Capacity Building; Public Health Partnerships; Health Disparities

Disparities Elimination Summer Research Experience (DESRE): An Intensive Summer Research Training Program to Promote Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce
Ethn Dis.2020;30(1):47-54; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.47

K. Bryant Smalley, Jacob C. Warren

Pipeline Programs; Training; Health Disparities; Underrepresented Minorities; Rural; Summer Programs

Comparisons and Approaches of PREP Programs at Different Stages of Maturity: Challenges, Best Practices and Benefits
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):55-64; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.55

Nancy B. Schwartz, Laurie E. Risner, Miriam Domowicz, Victoria H. Freedman

Post-baccalaureate; Diversity; Research; Intervention; Mentoring, STEM

Preparing the Next Generation of Diverse Biomedical Researchers: The University of North Texas Health Science Center’s Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Predoctoral Program
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):65-74; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.65

Harlan P. Jones, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Thomas Yorio, Johnny He

Training, Minority, Mentoring, Professional Development

The Impact of Grantsmanship Self-Efficacy on Early Stage Investigators of The National Research Mentoring Network Steps Toward Academic Research (NRMN STAR )
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):75-82; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.75

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Eileen M. Harwood, Edward L. Krug, Thad Unold, Kristin Eide Boman, Harlan P. Jones

Grantsmanship; Grant Writing; Self-Efficacy; Research Training and Mentoring; NRMN STAR; Biomedical Workforce Diversity; Career Coaching

Conversation Cafés and Conceptual Framework Formation for Research Training and Mentoring of Underrepresented Faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Obesity Health Disparities (OHD) PRIDE Program
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):83-90; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.83

Bettina M. Beech, Keith C. Norris, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr, Elizabeth Heitman, Marino A. Bruce

Research Training and Mentoring; Health Disparities; Obesity Research; Population Health

Racial Differences in Mechanical Thrombectomy Utilization for Ischemic Stroke in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):91-96; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.91

Charles Esenwa, Alain Lekoubou, Kinfe G. Bishu, Kemar Small, Ava Liberman, Bruce Ovbiagele

Stroke; Mechanical Thrombectomy; Race; Racial Disparities; Large Vessel Occlusion

Heterogeneity in Current Cigarette Smoking among Hispanic/Latino Heritage Groups in New York City, 2003-2016
Ethn Dis. 2019;30(1):97-108; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.97

Julia S. Sisti, John P. Jasek, Shannon M. Farley

Latino Health; Tobacco Use; New York City; Health Disparities; Cigarette Smoking

Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Shopping Behaviors and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of Farmers’ Market Incentive Program Users in Illinois
Ethn Dis.2020;30(1):109-118; doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.109

Chelsea R. Singleton, Nicollette Kessee, Corey Chatman, Connie Spreen

Farmers’ Markets; Fruit; Vegetables; SNAP; Race

Sleep Patterns among US Latinos by Nativity and Country of Origin: Results from the National Health Interview Survey
Ethn Dis. 2020;30(1):119-128;doi:10.18865/ed.30.1.119

Catherine Garcia, Connor M. Sheehan, Nilda Florez-Gonzalez, Jennifer A. Ailshire

Sleep Duration; Hispanics/Latinos; Latino Heterogeneity





Volume 29, Number 4 (Autumn 2019)




Phenotypes of Hypertensive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Patterns: Design and Rationale of the ECHORN Hypertension Study
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):535-544; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.535

Erica S. Spatz, Josefa L. Martinez-Brockman, Baylah Tessier-Sherman, Bobak Mortazavi, Brita Roy, Jeremy I. Schwartz, Cruz M. Nazario, Rohan Maharaj, Maxine Nunez, O. Peter Adams, Matthew Burg, Marcella Nunez-Smith

Hypertension; Ambulatory Blood Pressure; Stress; Social Risk Factors; Machine Learning; Health Disparities

Commentary – Hypertension Phenotypes: The Many Faces of a Silent Killer
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):545-548; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.545


George A. Mensah

Hypertension; Phenotypes; Blood Pressure; BP Dipping; Nocturnal BP

Leveraging Delivery of Blood Pressure Control Interventions among Low-income African American Adults: Opportunities to Increase Social Support and Produce Family-level Behavior Change
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):549-558; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.549

Tracy J. Yang, Lisa A. Cooper, L. Ebony Boulware, Rachel L. J. Thornton

Cardiovascular Diseases; Family Health; Hypertension; Health Promotion; Disease Management

The Burden of Hypertension and Diabetes in an Emergency Department in Northern Tanzania
Ethn Dis.2019;29(4):559-566; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.559

Julian T. Hertz, Francis M. Sakita, Preeti Manavalan, Deng B. Madut, Nathan M. Thielman, Blandina T. Mmbaga, Catherine A. Staton, Sophie W. Galson

Hypertension; Diabetes; Emergency Department; Sub-Saharan Africa; Tanzania

Beyond Medication Adherence: The Role of Patients’ Beliefs and Life Context in Blood Pressure Control
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):567-576; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.4.567

Nancy R. Kressin, A. Rani Elwy, Mark Glickman, Michelle B. Orner, Gemmae M. Fix, Ann M. Borzecki, Lois A. Katz, Dharma E. Cortés, Ellen S. Cohn, Anna Barker, Barbara G. Bokhour

Hypertension; Medication Adherence; Survey Methods; Health Beliefs; Life Context

Stress Reduction in the Prevention of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditation and Health Education in Hypertensive African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):577-586; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.4.577

Robert H. Schneider, Hector F. Myers, Komal Marwaha, Maxwell A. Rainforth, John W. Salerno, Sanford I. Nidich, Carolyn Gaylord-King, Charles N. Alexander, Keith C. Norris

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy; Left Ventricular Mass Index; Stress Reduction; Transcendental Meditation; Health Disparity; Cardiovascular Disease

Black-White Differences in 20-year Trends in Cardiovascular Risk in the United States, 1990-2010
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):587-598; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.587

Uchechi A. Mitchell, Jennifer A. Ailshire, Jung Ki Kim, Eileen M. Crimmins

Cardiovascular Diseases; Risk Factors; Health Disparities; Population Health; Race/Ethnicity, Sex

Race/Ethnicity Matters: Differences in Poststroke Inpatient Rehabilitation Outcomes
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):599-608; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.599

James J. García, Karlita L. Warren

Inpatient Poststroke Rehabilitation; Race/Ethnicity; FIM®

Patterns of Health Care Utilization Before First Episode Psychosis in Racial and Ethnic Groups
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):609-616; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.4.609

Karen J. Coleman, Bobbi Jo Yarborough, Anne Beck, Frances L. Lynch, Christine Stewart, Robert S. Penfold, Enid M. Hunkeler, Belinda H. Operskalski, Gregory E. Simon

First Episode Psychosis; Mental Health Research Network; Virtual Data Warehouse

Commentary: Engaging African Immigrants in Research – Experiences and Lessons from the Field
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(4):617-622; doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.617

Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Ruth-Alma Turkson-Ocran, Nwakaego A. Nmezi, Manka Nkimbeng, Joycelyn Cudjoe, Danielle S. Mensah, Sarah York, Sarah Mossburg, Nishit Patel, Eunice Adu, Justine Cortez, Francoise Mbaka-Mouyeme, George Mwinnyaa, Cheryl Dennison-Himmelfarb, Lisa A. Cooper

Immigrants, Recruitment; Africans; Community-engaged Research


Volume 29, Number 3 (Summer 2019)




US Military Service and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiovascular Disease: An Analysis of the 2011-2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):451-462; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.3.451

Lauren E. Walker, Eduard Poltavskiy, Jud C. Janak, Carl A. Beyer, Ian J. Stewart, Jeffrey T. Howard

Veterans Health; Military; Race/Ethnicity; Health Status Disparities; Cardiovascular Diseases; Health Behavior

Brief Report: Characterizing the Burden of Cardiometabolic Disease among Public Housing Residents Served by an Urban Hospital System
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):463-468; doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.463

Earle C. Chambers, Colin D. Rehm

Cardiometabolic Disease; Public Housing; Electronic Health Record (EHR); Smoking; Obesityc health record (EHR); smoking; obesity

Physical Activity of Arab Muslim Mothers of Young Children Living in the United States: Barriers and Influences
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):469-476; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.3.469

Heba Eldoumi, Gail Gates

Arab; Muslim; Faith; Leisure; Physical Activity

Years of Potential Life Lost from Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanics
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):477-484; doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.477

Lakshman Manjunath, Jiaqi Hu, Latha Palaniappan, Fatima Rodriguez

Hispanics: Premature Mortality; Cardiovascular Disease; Years of Potential Live Lost; Epidemiology; Disparities

Self-Esteem, Weight Status, and Trying to Lose Weight During Young Adulthood: The Roles of Sex and Ethnicity/Race
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):485-494. doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.485

Roni Elran-Barak

Eating Behaviors; Weight Loss; Self-Esteem; Young Adults; Ethnicity; African Americans; Add Health

Web-Based Tobacco Cessation Interventions and Digital Inequality across US Racial/Ethnic Groups
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):495-504; doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.495

Monica Webb Hooper, Kelly M. Carpenter, Erica E. Salmon

Tobacco; Tobacco Cessation; Internet Interventions; Digital Inequality

Are the Fitzpatrick Skin Phototypes Valid for Cancer Risk Assessment in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of Women?
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):505-512. doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.505

Marilyn S. Sommers, Jamison D. Fargo, Yadira Regueira, Kathleen M. Brown, Barbara L. Beacham, Angela R. Perfetti, Janine S. Everett, David J. Margolis

Fitzpatrick Skin Phototypes; Skin Color; Skin Cancer Risk Assessment; Sunburn History; Health Disparities

Perspective: The Clinical Use of Polygenic Risk Scores: Race, Ethnicity, and Health Disparities
Ethn Dis.2019;29(3):513-516; doi:10.18865/ed.29.3.513

Megan C. Roberts, Muin J. Khoury, George A. Mensah

Precision Medicine; Polygenic Risk Scores; Genome-Wide Association Studies

Diversity in the Era of Precision Medicine - From Bench to Bedside Implementation
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):517-525; doi.org:10.18865/ed.29.3.517

Abdullah Mamun, Nana Y. Nsiah, Meenakshi Srinivasan, Ayyappa Chaturvedula, Riyaz Basha, Deanna Cross, Harlan P. Jones, Karabi Nandy, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha

Precision Medicine; Health Disparities; Genetic Testing; Genomics; Cancer

Trends in Memory Problems and Race/Ethnicity in the National Health and Examination Survey, 1999-2014
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(3):525-534; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.3.525

Alejandra Casillas, Li-Jung Liang, Stefanie Vassar, Arleen Brown

Cognitive Impairment; Racial/Ethnic Disparities; Memory Problems; Health Disparities


Volume 29, Number 2 (Spring 2019)




How Does Acculturation Influence Smoking Behavior Among Latinos? The Role of Education and National Background
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):227-238. doi:10.18865/ ed.29.2.227

Erik J. Rodriquez, Alicia Fernández, Jennifer C. Livaudais-Toman, Eliseo J. Perez-Stable

Smoking Behavior; Latinos/Hispanics, Acculturation

Cancer-related Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors within the Latino Faith Community in South Los Angeles
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):239-246; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.239

Aziza Lucas-Wright, Petra Duran, Mohsen Bazargan, Claudia Vargas, Annette E. Maxwell

Community Survey; Latino Faith-Based Sample; South Los Angeles; Cancer Knowledge; Attitudes and Behaviors

Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Walking Limitations in Ethnically Diverse Older Latinos in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):247-252; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.2.247

Elizabeth Vasquez, Rosenda Murrillo, Sandra Echeverria

Neighborhood; Social Cohesion; Race/Ethnicity; Older Adults

Assessing the Likelihood of Having a Regular Health Care Provider among African American and African Immigrant Women
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):253-260; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.253

Fatema Binte Ahad, Cathleen D. Zick, Sara E. Simonsen, Valentine Mukundente, France A. Davis, Kathleen Digre

African Immigrants; Health Care Provider; Health Literacy; Primary Care; Access; Refugee

Patient-level Predictors of Extent of Exposure to a Community Health Worker Intervention in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):261-266; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.2.261

Chidinma A. Ibe, Janice Bowie, Kathryn A. Carson, Lee Bone, Dwyan Monroe, Debra Roter, Lisa A. Cooper

Community Health Workers; Hypertension; Health Disparities; Intervention Exposure

Influence of Spirituality on Depression-Induced Inflammation and Executive Functioning in a Community Sample of African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):267-276; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.267

Olga M. Herren, Silas E. Burris, Shellie-Anne Levy, Keri Kirk, Kanesha S. Banks, Victor L. Jones, Breanna Beard, Denee T. Mwendwa, Clive O. Callender, Alfonso L. Campbell

Depression; Inflammation; Spirituality; Health Disparities; African Americans; Cognitive Function

Community Engagement and Planning versus Resources for Services for Implementing Depression Quality Improvement: Exploratory Analysis for Black and Latino Adults
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):277-286; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.277

Nicolás E. Barceló, Alma Lopez, Lingqi Tang, Maria Gabriela Aguilera Nunez, Felica Jones, Jeanne Miranda, Bowen Chung, Armen Arevian, Curley Bonds, Adriana Izquierdo, Elizabeth Dixon, Kenneth Wells

Depression; Minority Groups; Disparity; Equity; Community-Based Participatory Research

Comparison of Ideal Cardiovascular Health Attainment and Acculturation among Asian Americans and Latinos
Ethn Dis.2019;29(2):287-296; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.287

Fatima Rodriguez, Sandra E. Echeverria, Sri Ram Pentakota, Chioma Amadi, Katherine G. Hastings, Latha P. Palaniappan

Cardiovascular Health; Latinos; Asian Americans; Acculturation

Longitudinal Changes in Allostatic Load during a Randomized Church-based, Lifestyle Intervention in African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):297-308; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.2.297

Marissa Tan, Abdullah Mamun, Heather Kitzman, Leilani Dodgen

Lifestyle Intervention; Allostatic Load; Health Behaviors; Church-based Program

Convergence Despite Divergence: Views of Academic and Community Stakeholders about the Ethics of Community-Engaged Research
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):309-316; doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.309

Stephanie M. Hoover, Shristi Tiwari, Jimin Kim, Melissa Green, Al Richmond, Mysha Wynn, Kyle Simone Nisbeth, Stuart Rennie, Giselle Corbie-Smith

Research Ethics; Survey and Questionnaires; Community-Engaged Research; Health Equity


Volume 29, Number 1 (Winter 2019)




A Comparison of Physicians' and Nurse Practitioners' Use of Race in Clinical Decision-Making
Ethn Dis.2019;29(1):1-8; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.1.1

Khadijah E. Abdallah, Kathleen A. Calzone, Jean F. Jenkins, Melissa E. Moss, Sherrill L. Sellers, Vence L. Bonham

Nurse Practitioners; Physicians; Clinical Decision-making; Race; Health Care Disparities; Genomics; RACE scale; GKAI scale

Father’s Lifetime Socioeconomic Status, Small for Gestational Age Infants, and Infant Mortality: A Population-Based Study
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):9-16; doi:10.18865/ed.29.1.9

Samantha Enstad, Kristin Rankin, Carla Desisto, James W. Collins

Small for Gestational Age; Infant Mortality; Father’s Class; Paternal Socioeconomic Status; African American Race

Perspective: A Call for Precision in Faith-based Initiatives Promoting Health among African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):17-20; doi:10.18865/ed.29.1.17

Marino A. Bruce, Keith C. Norris, Bettina M. Beech, Janice V. Bowie, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Religion; Spirituality; Faith-based Organizations; African Americans; Interventions

Perspective: Work-Related Stress and Mortality among Black Men
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):21-22; doi:10.18865/ed.29.1.21

Paul Archibald

Work-related Stress; Mortality; Black Men; Life Course

Reasons for Exclusion from a Smoking Cessation Trial: An Analysis by Race/Ethnicity
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):23-30; doi:10.18865/ed.29.1.23

Monica Webb Hooper, Taghrid Asfar, Marina Unrod, Asha Dorsey, John B. Correa, Karen O. Brandon, Vani N. Simmons, Michael A. Antoni, Tulay Koru-Sengul, David J. Lee, Thomas H. Brandon

Randomized Clinical Trials; Tobacco Cessation; Disparities; Racial/Ethnic Differences; Eligibility Criteria; Exclusion Criteria

County of Residence and Screening Practices among Latinas and Non-Latina Whites in Two Rural Communities
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):31-38; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.1.31

Catherine Duggan, Yamile Molina, Elizabeth Carosso, Genoveva Ibarra, Beti Thompson

Breast Screening; Health Disparities; Ethnicity; Underserved Communities

Life Course Socioeconomic Position, Allostatic Load, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes among African America n Adults: The Jackson Heart Study, 2000-04 to 2012
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):39-46; doi:10.18865/ed.29.1.39

Gloria L. Beckles, Kai McKeever Bullard, Sharon Saydah, Giuseppina Imperatore, Fleetwood Loustalot, Adolfo Correa

Life Course Socioeconomic Position; Type 2 Diabetes; Allostatic Load; African Americans

Differences in Cardiovascular Mortality Risk among African Americans in the Minnesota Heart Survey: 1985-2015 vs The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Cohort: 1987-2015
Ethn Dis. 2019;29(1):47-52; doi:10.18865/ ed.29.1.47

Kristen M. George, Aaron R. Folsom, Lyn M. Steffen, Lynne E. Wagenknecht, Thomas H. Mosley

Disparities; Race; Cardiovascular Disease; Mortality





Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2018)




Angiotensin II and the Natriuretic and Blood Pressure Response to Mental Stress in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):511-516; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.511

Gregory A. Harshfield, Coral D. Hanevold, Allison Jasti, Santu Ghosh, Jennifer Pollock, David Pollock, Frank A. Treiber, Yanbin Dong, Varghese George

Angiotensin II; Sodium Retention; Systolic Blood Pressure; Irbesartan; Stress; Retainers, Excreters

Effect of Race on Outcomes Following Early Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography or Standard Emergency Department Evaluation for Acute Chest Pain
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):517-524; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.517


Samuel W. Reinhardt, Adefolakemi Babatunde, Eric Novak, David L. Brown

Chest Pain; Acute Coronary Syndromes; Cardiac Computed Tomography; Emergency Department; Ethnicity/Race

Impaired Homocysteine Metabolism Associated with High Plasma Interleukin- 17A Levels, a Pro-Atherogenic Marker, in an Endogamous Population of North India
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):525-530; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.4.525

Lovejeet Kaur, Priyanka Rani Garg, Pradeep Kumar Ghosh, Kallur nava Saraswathy

Homocysteine Metabolism; MTHFR; Foxp3; Interleukin-10; Interleukin- 17A; Folate; Vitamin B12

Race/Ethnicity-Specific Associations between Smoking, Serum Leptin, and Abdominal Fat: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):531-538; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.531

Sina Kianoush, Andrew P. DeFilippis, Carlos J. Rodriguez, Mahmoud Al Rifai, Emelia J. Benjamin, Michael E. Hall, Pamela Ouyang, Matthew A. Allison, Michael J. Blaha

Smoking; Adipokines; Leptin; Body Weight; Abdominal Fat

John Henryism and Perceived Health among Hemodialysis Patients in a Multiracial Brazilian Population: the PROHEMO
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):539-548; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.539.

Gildete Barreto Lopes, Sherman A. James, Marcelo Barreto Lopes, Carolina Cartaxo Penalva, Camila Tavares Joau e Silva, Cacia Mendes Matos, Marcia Tereza Silva Martins, Antonio Alberto Lopes

Coping; John Henryism; General Health; Quality of Life; Hemodialysis; Race

Addressing Hepatitis C within a Southwest Tribal Community
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):549-554; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.549

Francine C. Gachupin, Rene Harbaugh, Alex Amarillas, Frances Cupis, Jason Lockwood, Shanna J. Tautolo

American Indian; Hepatitis C; Capacity Building; HIV/AIDs; Rural Health

Review: Partner Support and Physical Activity among Mexican American Women
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):555-560;doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.555

Neomie C. Congello, Deborah Koniak-Griffin

Mexican American; Women; Physical Activity; Partner Support

Commentary: Race and Ethnicity in Biomedical Research – Classifications, Challenges, and Future Directions
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):561-564; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.561

Dame Idossa, Narjust Duma, Katerina Chekhovskiy, Ronald Go, Sikander Ailawadhi

Biomedical Research; Race; Ethnicity; Health Disparities

Breast Cancer Outcomes in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Cohort of Insured Women
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):565-574; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.565

Reina Haque, Xiaoqing Xu, Jiaxiao Shi, Marilyn L. Kwan, Rowan T. Chlebowski

Breast Cancer; Race/Ethnicity; Repeat Breast Cancer Risk

Perspective: Sistas In Science – Cracking the Glass Ceiling
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):575-578; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.4.575

Athena Starlard-Davenport, Alisa Rich, Titilope Fasipe, Eboni I. Lance, Kehinde Adekole, Ariadna Forray, Mesia Steed, Ashley Fitzgerald, Scharri Walker, Betty S. Pace

Women in Science; PRIDE; Underrepresented Minorities in Research

Training and Mentoring the Next Generation: Insights from the Field
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(4):579-585; doi:10.18865/ed.28.4.579

Lisa A. Cooper

Education; Translational Medical Research; Community-Based Participatory Research; Health Status Disparities; Health Care Disparities; Mentoring


Volume 28, Number 3 (Summer 2018)




Preventing Tobacco-Related Cancer Disparities: A Focus on Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):129-132; doi:10.18865/ed.28.3.129

Monica Webb Hooper

Cancer; Disparities; Prevention; Tobacco; Menthol Cigarettes; Cancer Screening

Health and Health Care Disparities in Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases: Learning from One to Improve the Other
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):133-134; doi:10.18865/ed.28.3.133

George A. Mensah

Cardiovascular Disease; Cancer; Health Disparities; Social Determinants

Attitudes and Risk Perceptions toward Smoking among Adolescents who Modify Cigar Products
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):135-144; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.135

Erika Trapl, Sarah J Koopman Gonzalez

Tobacco; Cigars; Adolescents; Freaking; Blunting; Risk Perceptions

Sociodemographics, But not Acculturation Proxies, Account for Differences in Lifetime Cessation between White and Hispanic Smokers
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):145-152; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.145

Yessenia Castro, Cristina B. Bares, Berenice Castillo, Ariel Kennedy

Ethnic Differences; Smoking Cessation; Hispanics/Latinos; Acculturation

Comparison of E-Cigarette Use among Menthol and Non-Menthol Smokers: Findings from a Community Based Sample
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):153-160; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.153

Monica Webb Hooper, Sabrina L. Smiley

Smoking; Menthol Cigarettes; Non-menthol Cigarettes; E-Cigarettes; ECigarette Knowledge

To Text or Not to Text? Technology-based Cessation Communication Preferences among Urban, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Smokers
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):161-168; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.161

Kassandra I. Alcaraz, Kara Riehman, Rhyan Vereen, Jeuneviette Bontemps-Jones, J. Lee Westmaas

Smoking Cessation; African American; Email; Text Messaging; Qualitative Research; Poverty

Educating Hispanic Women about Cervical Cancer Prevention: Feasibility of a Promotora-Led Charla Intervention in a Farmworker Community
Ethn Dis.2018;28(3):169-176; doi:10.18865/ed.28.3.169

Khaliah Fleming, Vani N. Simmons, Shannon M. Christy, Steven K. Sutton, Margarita Romo, John S. Luque, Kristen J. Wells, Clement K. Gwede, Cathy D. Meade

Hispanics/Latinos; Health Promotion; Health Disparities; Women’s Health; Cervical Cancer; Promotoras de Salud

The Association Between Menthol Perceptions and Support for a Policy Ban among US Smokers
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):177-186; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.177

Jessica M. Rath, Marisa Greenberg, Lindsay Pitzer, Brittany Emelle, Molly Green, Shiyang (Michael) Liu, Jeffrey Willett, Shyanika W. Rose, Elizabeth C. Hair, Donna Vallone

Menthol; Smoke-Free Policy; Health Communications

Commentary: Educational and Clinical Training Considerations for Addressing Tobacco-Related Cancer Health Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):187-192; doi:10.18865/ed.28.3.187

Christine E. Sheffer, Monica Webb Hooper, Jamie S. Ostroff

Tobacco; Smoking; Minority Groups; Vulnerable Populations; Cancer

Sleep Disorders and Symptoms in Blacks with Metabolic Syndrome: the Metabolic Syndrome Outcome Study (MetSO)
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):193-200; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.193

Natasha J. Williams, Chimene Castor, Azizi Seixas, Joseph Ravenell, Girardin Jean-Louis

Inadequate Sleep; African American; Black; Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Insomnia; Metabolic Syndrome; Daytime Sleepiness

Do Socioeconomic Conditions Explain Ethnic Inequalities in Tooth Loss among US Adults?
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):201-206; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.3.201

Fatma W. Nazer, Wael Sabbah

Tooth Loss; Ethnicity; Oral Health; African Americans, Socioeconomic Factors

Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Common Mental Disorders in Northeastern Brazil
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(3):207-214; doi:10.18865/ed.28.3.207

Jenny Rose Smolen, Edna Maria de Araújo, Nelson Fernandes de Oliveira, Tania Maria de Araújo

Intersectionality; Race; Sex; Mental Health; Brazil


Volume 28, Number 2 (Spring 2018)




How Incarceration Influences Native-Born Black Men’s Risk of Obesity
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):69-74; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.2.69

Tony N. Brown, Julian Culver, Asia Bento

African American Men; Family; Incarceration; National Survey of American Life (NSAL); Obesity

Sistas Inspiring Sistas Through Activity and Support (SISTAS): Study Design and Demographics of Participants
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):75-84; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.2.75

Malcolm Bevel, Oluwole A. Babatunde, Sue P. Heiney, Heather M. Brandt, Michael D. Wirth, Thomas G. Hurley, Samira Khan, Hiluv Johnson, Cassandra M. Wineglass, Tatiana Y. Warren, E. Angela Murphy, Erica Sercy, Amanda S. Thomas, James R. Hebert, Swann Arp Adams

African American; Community- Based Participatory Research; Breast Cancer; Physical Activity; Diet

African American Clergy Perspectives About the HIV Care Continuum: Results From a Qualitative Study in Jackson, Mississippi
Ethn Dis.2018; 28(2): 85-92; doi:10.18865/ed.28.2.85

Amy Nunn, Sharon Parker, Katryna McCoy, Mauda Monger, Melverta Bender, Joanna Poceta, Julia Harvey, Gladys Thomas, Kendra Johnson, Yusuf Ransome, Cassandra Sutten Coats, Philip Chan, Leandro Mena

African Americans; HIV; Faith Leaders; HIV Care Continuum

The HealthKick Study: Modifiable Lifestyle Factors in Primary Caregivers of Primary School Learners from Two School Districts in the Western Cape Province, South Africa
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):93-98; doi:10.18865/ed.28.2.93

Anniza de Villiers, Marjanne Senekal, Johanna Nel, Catherine E. Draper, Estelle Lambert, Nelia P. Steyn

Non-communicable Diseases; Caregivers; Obesity; Modifiable Risk Factors, Diet

Impact of Ethnicity, Sex, and Socio-Economic Status on the Risk for Heart Failure Readmission: The Importance of Context
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):99-104; doi:10.18865/ed.28.2.99

Sonia G. Ponce, Jeffrey Norris, Diane Dodendorf, Melissa Martinez, Bart Cox, Warren Laskey

Hispanic; Heart Failure

Daily and Nondaily Smoking Varies by Acculturation among English-Speaking, US Latino Men and Women
Ethn Dis. 2018.28(2):105-114; doi:10.18865/ed.28.2.105

Kim Pulvers, A. Paula Cupertino, Taneisha S. Scheuermann, Lisa Sanderson Cox, Yen-Yi Ho, Nicole L. Nollen, Ruby Cuellar, Jasjit S. Ahluwalia

intermittent smoking; Hispanic Americans; gender; culture; health; tobacco

Theory-Informed Research Training and Mentoring of Underrepresented Early-Career Faculty at Teaching-Intensive Institutions: The Obesity Health Disparities PRIDE Program
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):115-122; doi:10.18865/ed.28.2.115

Bettina M. Beech, Marino A. Bruce, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr, Elizabeth Heitman, Derek M. Griffith, Keith C. Norris

Research Training and Mentoring; Underrepresented Faculty; Teaching- Intensive Institutions; Health Disparities; Obesity Research; Population Health

Will 'Deaths of Despair' among Whites Change How We Talk about Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities?
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(2):123-128; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.2.123

Lauren Brown, Reginald Tucker-Seeley

Mortality; Deaths of Despair; Hispanic Paradox; Race/Ethnic Health Disparities


Volume 28, Number 1 (Winter 2018)




Person-Environment Congruence: A Call for Increased Precision in Matching Research Mentors and Mentees
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):1-2; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.1

Bettina M. Beech, Keith C. Norris

Research Mentoring; Underrepresented Minority Faculty; Teaching-Intensive Institutions

Implementation of the Steps Toward Academic Research (STAR) Fellowship Program to Promote Underrepresented Minority Faculty into Health Disparity Research
Ethn Dis.2017;28(1):3-10; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.3

Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Harlan P. Jones

Minority; Faculty; Grantwriting; Professional Development; Health Disparities

Development of a Participatory Capacity- Building Program for Congregational Health Leaders in African American Churches in the US South
Ethn Dis.2018;28(1):11-18; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.11

Mercedes M. Morales-Aleman, Artisha Moore, Isabel C. Scarinci

African Americans; Community Health Workers; Capacity-Building; Spiritually Based Intervention

Fasting Plasma Glucose and the HbA1c Are Not Optimal Screening Modalities for the Diagnosis of New Diabetes in Previously Undiagnosed Asian Indian Community Participants
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):19-24; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.19

Rosaley Prakaschandra, Datshanna Prakesh Naidoo

Diabetes; HBA1c; Asian Indians; Fasting Plasma Glucose; OGTT

Sociocultural Influences on African Americans’ Representations of Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):25-32; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.25

Olayinka O. Shiyanbola, Earlise Ward, Carolyn Brown

Illness Representations; Sociocultural Factors; African Americans, Diabetes; Common Sense Model; Qualitative Research

Determinants of Obesity in Two Urban Communities: Perceptions and Community-Driven Solutions
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):33-42; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.1.33

Gabriela R. Oates, Janice M. Phillips, Lori B. Bateman, Monica L. Baskin, Mona N. Fouad, Isabel C. Scarinci

Obesity; Urban; Community Perceptions; Photovoice

Racial Differences in Weight Loss Mediated by Engagement and Behavior Change
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):43-48; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.43

Loneke T. Blackman Carr, Carmen Samuel-Hodge, Dianne Stanton Ward, Kelly R. Evenson, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala, Deborah F. Tate

Obesity, weight loss, African American, intervention

Prevalence of Self-Reported Chronic Diseases and Health Services Utilization by Ethnic Minorities in Manaus Metropolitan Region
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):49-54; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.49

Raquel Rodrigues Ferreira Rocha de Alencar, Tais Freire Galvao, Bruno Vianei Real Antonio, Marcus Tolentino Silva

Brazil; Chronic Disease; Ethnic Groups; Surveys; Cross-Sectional Studies; Health Services

Acculturation, Mental Health, and Quality of Life among Hispanic Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Latent Class Analysis
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):55-60; doi:10.18865/ ed.28.1.55

Jessica Tobin, Kimberly A. Miller, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Jennifer B. Unger, Ann S. Hamilton, Joel E. Milam

Acculturation; Hispanic; Depression; Quality of Life; Childhood Cancer Survivors; Latent Class Analysis

Addressing Racial Disparities in Stroke: The Wide Spectrum Investigation of Stroke Outcome Disparities on Multiple Levels (WISSDOM )
Ethn Dis. 2018;28(1):61-68; doi:10.18865/ed.28.1.61

Robert J. Adams, Charles Ellis, Gayenell Magwood, Mark S. Kindy, Leonardo Bonilha, Daniel T. Lackland, and the WISSDOM INVESTIGATORS

Stroke; Recovery; Health Disparities; Race; Ethnicity




Volume 27, Number 4 (Autumn 2017)




Perspective: Cardiovascular Disease among Young African American Males
Ethn Dis.2017;27(4):363-366; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.363

Marino A. Bruce, Tanganyika Wilder, Keith C. Norris, Bettina M. Beech, Derek M. Griffith, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Cardiovascular Disease; African American Males; Adolescents; Health Disparities; Population Health

Perspective: Late-Stage (T4) Translation Research and Implementation Science: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Strategic Vision
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):367-370; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.367


George A. Mensah, Cheryl Anne Boyce, LeShawndra N. Price, Helena O. Mishoe, Michael M. Engelgau

Translation Research; Implementation Science; Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases; Sleep Disordersnequities; Global Health; Translation Research

Inequalities in Hypertension and Diabetes in Canada: Intersections between Racial Identity, Gender, and Income
Ethn Dis.2017;27(4):371-378; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.371

Thierry Gagné, Gerry Veenstra

Canada; Black-White Health Inequalities; Hypertension; Diabetes; Intersectionality

Influence of Language and Culture in the Primary Care of Spanish-Speaking Latino Adults with Poorly Controlled Diabetes: A Qualitative Study
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):379- 386; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.379

Cindy D. Zamudio, Gabriela Sanchez, Andrea Altschuler, Richard W. Grant

Type 2 Diabetes; Latino Health; Patient-Provider Communication; Primary Care

Exploring the “Obesity Paradox” as a Correlate of Cognitive and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Black and White Older Adults
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):387-394; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.387

Jeannine S. Skinner, Willie Mae Abel, Katryna McCoy, Conseulo H. Wilkins

Race; Body Mass Index; Cognition; Physical Function

Smoking Urges During Treatment and Long-Term Cessation among Low-Income African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):395-402; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.395

Monica Webb Hooper, Noella A. Dietz, Joseph C. Wilson

Cravings; Urges; Tobacco; Smoking Cessation; African Americans; Nicotine Replacement Therapyan Americans; nicotine replacement therapy

A Racial Comparison of Differences between Self-Reported and Objectively Measured Physical Activity among US Adults with Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):403-410; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.403

Shahrzad Bazargan-Hejazi, Jeffrey S. Arroyo, Stanley Hsia, Neda Rouhi Brojeni, Deyu Pan

Accelerometry; Ethnicity; Physical Activity; BMI; Diabetes; National Data

Increasing Physical Activity in Black Women: Results from a Randomized Trial Conducted in Faith-Based Settings
Ethn Dis.2017;27(4):411- 420; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.411

Melicia C. Whitt-Glover, Moses V. Goldmon, Ziya Gizlice, Marie Sillice, Lyndsey Hornbuckle, Daniel P. Heil

Black; Women; Church; Physical Activity; Intervention; Faithon; faith

Perceived Stress in Black and Latino Male Firefighters: Associations with Risk and Protective Factors
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):421-428; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.421

Consuelo Arbona, Christine Pao, Amanda Long, Norma Olvera

Perceived Stress; Firefighters; Black; Latino

Prevalence and Correlates of Major Depressive Symptoms among Black Men with Prostate Cancer
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4);429-436; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.429

Ballington L. Kinlock, Lauren J. Parker, Daniel L. Howard, Janice V. Bowie, Thomas A. LaVeist, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Black Men; Prostate Cancer; Depression; Major Depressive Symptoms; Cancer Disparity

“They have said that I was slightly depressed but there are circumstances that bring that on”: How Middle-Aged and Older African American Men Describe Depression
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):437-442; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.437

Emily K. Cornish, Erin M. Bergner, Derek M. Griffith

Depression; Men’s Health; Mental Health; Minority Men; African American Men; Qualitative Research; Interviews

Use of Internet for General and Dental Health along Acculturation Features in a Sample of Mexican Americans
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):443-452; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.443

Odette Aguirre, Rodrigo Mariño, Carlo Medina-Solís, Gerardo Maupomé

Oral Health; Acculturation; Electronic Health Records; Health Behaviors; Internet Use; Mexican American

Engaging African Americans in Research: The Recruiter’s Perspective
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):453- 462; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.453

Nadine J. Barrett, Kearston L. Ingraham, Tracey Vann Hawkins, Patricia G. Moorman

Minorities; Participation Rates; Recruiters; Observational Epidemiologic Studies; Barriers; Motivating Factors; Clinic Education

Commentary: De-implementation Science: A Virtuous Cycle of Ceasing and Desisting Low-Value Care Before Implementing New High Value Care
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):463-468; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.463

Karina W. Davidson, Siqin Ye, George A. Mensah

Implementation Science; De-Implementation Science; Implementation Research;


Volume 27, Number 3 (Summer 2017)






Racial Differences in Prostate Cancer Treatment: The Role of Socioeconomic Status
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):201-208; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.201

Megan Watson, David Grande, Archana Radhakrishnan, Nandita Mitra, Katelyn R. Ward, Craig Evan Pollack

Prostate Cancer; Treatment; Race; Socioeconomic Status

Perceived Discrimination and Reported Trust and Satisfaction in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):209-216; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.209

LáShauntá M. Glover, Mario Sims, Karen Winters

Discrimination; Providers; Trust; Satisfaction; African Americans, Jackson Heart Study

Exposure to and Use of Electronic Cigarettes: Does Language Matter?
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):217- 222; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.217

Paul Wada, Chun Nok Lam, Elizabeth Burner, Sophie Terp, Michael Menchine, Sanjay Arora

Electronic Cigarettes; Language; Public Health

Community Partners in Care: 6-Month Outcomes of Two Quality Improvement Depression Care Interventions in Male Participants
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):223-232; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.223

Pratik Mehta, Anthony Brown, Bowen Chung, Felica Jones, Lingqi Tang, James Gilmore, Jeanne Miranda, Kenneth Wells

Community-based Participatory Research; Collaborative Care; Depression; Mental Health

Differential Response to Exercise in African Americans with High Levels of Inflammation
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):233-240; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.233

Jan Kretzschmar, Dianne M. Babbitt, Keith M. Diaz, Deborah L. Feairheller, Kathleen M. Sturgeon, Amanda M. Perkins-Ball, Sheara T. Williamson, Chenyi Ling, Heather Grimm, Michael D. Brown

Inflammation; Exercise; Cardiovascular Disease

Asian American Dietary Sources of Sodium and Salt Behaviors Compared with Other Racial/Ethnic Groups, NHANES, 2011-2012
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):241-248; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.241

Melanie Firestone, Jeannette Beasley, Simona Kwon, Jiyoung Ahn, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Stella Yi

Sodium; Race; Ethnicity; Asian Americans

Mentored Training to Increase Diversity among Faculty in the Biomedical Sciences: The NHLBI Summer Institute Programs to Increase Diversity (SIPID) and the Programs to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health-related Research (PRIDE)
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):249-256; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.249

Treva K. Rice, Donna B. Jeffe, Josephine E.A. Boyington, Jared B. Jobe, Victor G. Davila-Roman, Juan E. Gonzalez, Lisa de las Fuentes, Levi H.C. Makala, Rita Sarkar, Gbenga G. Ogedegbe, Anne L. Taylor, Susan Czajkowski, Dabeeru C. Rao, Betty S. Pace, Girardin Jean-Louis, Mohamed Boutjdir

Diversity; Junior Faculty; Career Development; Mentored Training

Learning and Developing Individual Exercise Skills (L.A.D.I.E.S.) for a Better Life: A Church-Based Physical Activity Intervention - Baseline Participant Characteristics
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):257-264; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.257

Melicia C. Whitt-Glover, Moses V. Goldmon, Ziya Gizlice, Daniel P. Heil, Njeri Karanja

Exercise; Black; Women; Intervention; Religion

Predictors of Retention Among African Americans in a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Healthy Eating and Active Living in the Spirit (HEALS) Intervention
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):265-272; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.265

Oluwole A. Babatunde, Swann Arp Adams, Micheal D. Wirth, Jan M. Eberth, Jameson Sofge, Seul Ki Choi, Brook Harmon, Lisa Davis, Ruby Drayton, Thomas G. Hurley, Hearther M. Brandt, Cheryl A. Armstead, James R. Hebert

African Americans; Blacks; Body Mass Index; Partner; Retention; Stress


Volume 27, Number 2 (Spring 2017)




Foreword: Big Data and its Application in Health Disparities Research
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):69-72; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.69

Eberechukwu Onukwugha, O. Kenrik Duru, Emmanuel Peprah

Big Data; Health Disparities

Commentary: In the Rising Era of Big Data, Small Steps are Key
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):73-76; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.73

Nina Heller, Jonathan H. Seltzer

Big Data; Health Disparities

Racial and Ethnic Differences in a Linkage With the National Death Index
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):77-84; doi:10.18865/ ed.27.2.77

Eric A. Miller, Frances A. McCarty, Jennifer D. Parker

Record Linkage; Racial Disparities; Social Security Number

Hispanic Residential Isolation, ADHD Diagnosis and Stimulant Treatment among Medicaid-insured Youth
Ethn Dis.2017(2):85-94; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.85

Dinci Pennap, Mehmet Burcu, Daniel J. Safer, Julie M. Zito

Medicaid; ADHD; Stimulants; Hispanic Youth; Racial/ethnic Disparities; Residential Segregationl/ethnic disparities; Residential segregation; Big Data

Big Data Science: Opportunities and Challenges to Address Minority Health and Health Disparities in the 21st Century
Ethn.Dis;2017;27(2):95-106; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.95

Xinzhi Zhang, Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, Philip E. Bourne, Emmanuel Peprah, O. Kenrik Duru, Nancy Breen, David Berrigan, Fred Wood, James S. Jackson, David W.S. Wong, Joshua Denny

Big Data; Health Disparities; Health Inequities

Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Data Science
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):107-116; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.107

Judith E. Canner, Archana J. McEligot, María-Eglée Pérez, Lei Qian, Xinzhi Zhang

Big Data; Health Disparities; Health Inequities; Workforce Diversity

Perspective: Hope for Health Equity
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):117-120; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.117

George Rust

Health Equity; Justice; Health Care Access

Perspective: POTUS Trump’s Executive Orders - Implications for Immigrants and Health Care
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):121-124; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.121

Efrain Talamantes, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola

Immigrants; Health Disparities; Health Care Workforce

Race-Ethnic Disparities in Hospital Arrival Time after Ischemic Stroke
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):125-132; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.125

Mellanie V. Springer, Daniel L. Labovitz, Ethan C. Hochheiser

Stroke; Health Care Disparities; Race; Hispanics; Delay; African Americans

Systemic inflammation and Viral Exposure among Young Mexican American Women: Nativity-Related Differences
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):133-142; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.133

Natalya Rosenberg, Martha L. Daviglus, Holli A. DeVon, Chang Gi Park, Kamal Eldeirawi

Inflammation; Viruses; Women

“I don’t have to explain, people understand”: Acceptability and Cultural Relevance of a Mobile Health Lifestyle Intervention for Filipinos with Type 2 Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):143-154; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.143

Dale Dagar Maglalang, Grace J. Yoo, Rhodora A. Ursua, Carissa Villanueva, Catherine A. Chesla, Melinda S. Bender

Mobile Health; Filipino Americans; Type 2 Diabetes; Culturally Adapted; Weight Loss; Lifestyle Intervention

Impact of Distress Reduction on Behavioral Correlates and A1C in African American Women with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes: Results from EMPOWER
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):155-160; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.155

Doyle M. Cummings, Lesley D. Lutes, Kerry Littlewood, Chelsey Solar, Bertha Hambidge, Peggy Gatlin

Diabetes-related Distress; A1C; Glycemic Control; Self-Care; Self-Efficacy

Body Mass Index and Intensive Care Unit Outcomes in African American Patients
Ethn Dis.2017;27(2):161-168; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.161

O’Dene Lewis, Julius Ngwa, Angesom Kibreab, Marc Phillpotts, Alicia Thomas, Alem Mehari

Body Mass Index; Obesity; African American; Intensive Care

Next Generation Sequencing Reveals High Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Variants of Unknown Significance in Early-Onset Breast Cancer in African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):169-178; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.169

Luisel Ricks-Santi, J. Tyson McDonald, Bert Gold, Michael Dean, Nicole Thompson, Muneer Abbas, Bradford Wilson, Yasmine Kanaan, Tammey J. Naab, Georgia Dunston

BRCA1; BRCA2; Familial Breast Cancer; Hereditary Breast Cancer; Next Generation Sequencing; African American; Precision Medicine; Cancer Disparities

Development and Evaluation of Two Abbreviated Questionnaires for Mentoring and Research Self-Efficacy
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(2):179-188; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.179

Donna B. Jeffe, Treva K. Rice, Josephine E.A. Boyington, Dabeeru C. Rao, Girardin Jean-Louis, Victor G. Dávila-Román, Anne L. Taylor, Betty S. Pace, Mohamed Boutjdir

Mentoring; Research Selfefficacy; Diversity; Principal Components Analysis; Instrument Development

Review: Metabolic Syndrome in Black South African Women
Ethn Dis. 2017(27):189-200; doi:10.18865/ed.27.2.189

Philippe Jean-Luc Gradidge, Nigel J. Crowther

Metabolic Syndrome; South Africa; Women


Volume 27, Number 1 (Winter 2017)




Longevity, Stress, Genes and African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):1-2; doi: 10.18865/ed.27.1.1

Keith E. Whitfield, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Longevity; Exceptional Survivors; Genetic Influences; Stress; African Americans; Aging

Spirituality and Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior among Latino Men and Women in Massachusetts
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):3-10; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.3

Valerie J. Silfee, Christina F. Haughton, Stephenie C. Lemon, Vilma Lora, Milagros C. Rosal

Physical Activity; Sedentary Lifestyle; Spirituality; Hispanic, Ethnic Groups

Sickle Cell Trait and Renal Function in Hispanics in the United States: the Northern Manhattan Study
Ethn Dis. 2017; 27(1):11-14; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.11

Nicole D. Dueker, David Della-Morte, Tatjana Rundek, Ralph L. Sacco, Susan H. Blanton

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD); Hispanics; Sickle Cell Trait

Determinants of Hypertension in Urban Uganda: A Community-Based Case-Control Study
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):15-20; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.15

Jerome H. Chin, Aska Twinobuhungiro, Alexander Sandhu, Norbert Hootsmans, James Kayima, Robert Kalyesubula

Hypertension; Cardiovascular Disease; Stroke; Obesity; Uganda; Africa

The Development of Health for Hearts United: A Longitudinal Church-based Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Mid-life and Older African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):21- 30; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.21

Penny A. Ralston, Iris Young-Clark, Catherine Coccia

Cardiovascular Disease; Churchbased Health; African Americans; Longitudinal Intervention; Community-Based Participatory Research; Older Adults

Factors Related to Differences in Retention among African Americans and White Participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) Prospective Cohort: 1987-2013
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):31-38; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.31

Kristen M. George, Aaron R. Folsom, Anna Kucharska-Newton, Tom H. Mosley, Gerardo Heiss

Attrition; Race; Prospective Cohort; CVD Risk Factors; SES

Emergent Dialysis and its Impact on Quality of Life in Undocumented Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease
Ethn Dis. 2017;27(1):39-44; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.39

Andrew N. Hogan, William R. Fox, Lynn P. Roppolo, Robert E. Suter

Kidney Failure; Chronic/ethnology; Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapy; Renal Dialysis; Quality of Life; Emigrants; Immigrants; Undocumented Immigrants

Insulin Detemir in Combination with Oral Antidiabetic Drugs Improves Glycemic Control in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes in Near East Countries: Results from the Lebanese Subgroup
Ethn Dis.2017;27(1):45-54; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.45

Akram Echtay, Emile Andari, Paola Atallah, Roland Moufarrege, Rita Nemr

Glycemic Control; Insulin Detemir; Lebanese Population; Oral Antidiabetic Drugs; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Commentary: Building an Evidence Base for Promoting Informed Prostate Cancer Screening Decisions: An Overview of a Cancer Prevention and Control Program
Ethn Dis. 2017; 27(1):55-62; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.55

Otis L. Owens, Daniela B. Friedman, James Hebert

Prostate Cancer Screening; Informed Decision-making; Health Disparities; Technology; Community Engaged Research

Commentary: Reconsidering the Role of Context in Diabetes Prevention
Ethn Dis.2017; 27(1):63-68; doi:10.18865/ed.27.1.63

Briana Mezuk, Jeannie B. Concha, Paul Perrin, Tiffany Green

Diabetes Prevention; Diabetes; Health Behavior; Inequalities; Mental Health




Volume 26, Number 4 (Autumn 2016)




Associations of Neighborhood Safety and Neighborhood Support with Overweight and Obesity in US Children and Adolescents
Ethn Dis.2016;26(4):469-476; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.469

Luisa N. Borrell, Lisa Graham, Sharon P. Joseph

Obesity; Children; Adolescents; Neighborhood Safety; Neighborhood Suppor; United States

PPARG-LYPLAL1 Multi-Allelic Combination Associated with Obesity and Overweight in Mexican Adolescent Females
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):477-484; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.477


Esther-Alhelí Hernández-Tobías, Luisa Torres-Sánchez, Gino Noris, Carla Santana, Maria Reyna Samano, José Arellano-Galindo, María de la Luz Arenas-Sordo, Daniel Brooks, Ana Lilia Rodríguez-Ventura, Marco Antonio Meraz-Ríos, Rocío Gómez

Multi-allelic Combination, LYPLAL1, PPARG, ADIPOQ, MC4R, CDH13, Obesity, Mexico

The Association of Body Fat and Leisure Time Physical Activity Called into Question for Asian Indians
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):485-492; doi:10.18865/ed.26.4.485

Stéphane Sinnapah, Sophie Antoine-Jonville, Olivier Hue

Adolescents; Asian Indians; Thrifty Genotype; Adiposity; Leisure-Time Physical Activity

Association between Race, Poverty Status and Grip Strength in Middle to Old Age Adults.
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):493-500; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.493

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Eleanor Simonsick, Alan Zonderman, Michelle K. Evans

Physical Function; Race; Aging; Health Disparities

Dimensions of Racial Identity and Perceived Discrimination in Health Care
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):501-512; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.501

Irena Stepanikova, Gabriela R. Oates

Racial Identity; Measures of Race; Perceived Discrimination; Health Care

Insulin Resistance and Inflammation in Black Women with and without Breast Cancer: Cause for Concern
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):513-520; doi:10.18865/ed.26.4.513

Kathleen A. Griffith, Seon Yoon Chung, Shijun Zhu, Alice S. Ryan

Health Disparities; Obesity; Breast Cancer; Insulin Resistance; Cancer Survival

Self-Reported Sleep in Older African Americans and White Americans
Ethn Dis.2016;26(4):521-528; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.521

Arlener D. Turner, Andrew S. Lim, Sue E. Leurgans, David A. Bennett, Aron S. Buchman, Lisa L. Barnes

Sleep Quality; Sleep Apnea; Restless Leg Syndrome; REM Behavior Disorder; African Americans; Disability

Explaining Racial/Ethnic Dietary Patterns in Relation to Type 2 Diabetes: An Analysis of NHANES 2007-2012
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):529-536; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.529

Sarah Y. Nowlin, Charles M. Cleland, Maya Vadiveloo, Gail D'Eramo Melkus, Niyati Parekh, Holly Hagan

Type 2 Diabetes; Diet; Dietary Pattern; Racial Disparities; Race; Ethnicity; Nutrition

Identifying Spanish Language Competent Physicians: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(4):537-544; doi:10.18865/ed.26.4.537

Claudia Chaufan, Andrew J. Karter, Howard H. Moffet, Judy Quan, Melissa M. Parker, Jenna Kruger, Dean Schillinger, Alicia Fernandez

Hispanic; Latino; Physician Self-Assessment; Language Competence; Interpreter Use

Review: Hemodynamic Characteristics and Outcomes of Sickle Cell Disease Associated Pulmonary Hypertension
Ethn Dis.2016;26(4):545-552; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.4.545

Alem Mehari, Alvin V. Thomas, Alicia N. Thomas, Mark S. Johnson

Sickle Cell Disease; Pulmonary Hypertension; Hemodynamics

Protection from Cardiovascular Disease Due to Increased High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in African Black Populations: Myth or Reality?
Ethn Dis.2016;26(4):553-560; doi:10.18865/ed.26.4.553

Nicholas J. Woudberg, Julia H. Goedecke, Sandrine Lecour

Cardiovascular Risk; High- Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol; African Population Studies


Volume 26, Number 3 (Summer 2016)




Health Inequities in Hypertension and Related Organ Damage
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3)263-266; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.263

George A. Mensah

Hypertension; Organ Damage; Blood Pressure

Controlling Hypertension to Prevent Target Organ Damage: Perspectives from the World Hypertension League President
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):267-270; doi: 10.18865/ed.26.3.267

Daniel T. Lackland

Hypertension; Stroke; End-stage Renal Disease; Heart Failure

SPRINT and Implications for Target Organ Protection in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):271-274; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.271

Jackson T. Wright, Lawrence J. Fine

SPRINT; Cardiovascular Disease; Hypertension; Systolic Blood Pressure; African American

Hypertension and Target Organ Damage: Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):275-278; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.275

George A. Mensah

Hypertension; Organ Damage; Blood Pressure

Nocturnal Non-dipping Blood Pressure Profile in Black Normotensives Is Associated with Cardiac Target Organ Damage
Ethn Dis.2016;26(3):279-284; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.279

Kenechukwu Mezue, Godsent Isiguzo, Chichi Madu, Geoffrey Nwuruku, Janani Rangaswami, Dainia Baugh, Ernest Madu

Non-dipping Blood Pressure; Nocturnal Hypertension; Black Population; Caribbean Population; Cardiac Remodeling

The Role of Care Management as a Population Health Intervention to Address Disparities and Control Hypertension: A Quasi-Experimental Observational Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):285-294; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.285

Tanvir Hussain, Whitney Franz, Emily Brown, Athena Kan, Mekam Okoye, Katherine Dietz, Kara Taylor, Kathryn A. Carson, Jennifer Halbert, Arlene Dalcin, Cheryl A. M. Anderson, Romsai T. Boonyasai, Michael Albert, Jill A. Marsteller, Lisa A. Cooper

Care Management; Population Health; Hypertension; Primary Care; Quality Improvement; Disparities

Associations between Culturally Relevant Recruitment Strategies and Participant Interest, Enrollment and Generalizability in a Weight-loss Intervention for African American Families
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):295-304; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.295

Lauren E. Huffman, Dawn K. Wilson, Heather Kitzman-Ulrich, Jordan E. Lyerly, Haylee M. Gause, Ken Resnicow

Recruitment; Sociocultural Values; Weight-loss Intervention; African Americans

Age, Race and Cardiovascular Outcomes in African American Veterans
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):305-314; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.305

Keith C. Norris, George A. Mensah, L. Ebony Boulware, Jun L. Lu, Jennie Z. Ma, Elani Streja, Miklos Z. Molnar, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Csaba P. Kovesdy

Race; African American; Age; Mortality; Coronary Heart Disease; Stroke; Incidence; Chronic Kidney Disease

Barriers and Facilitators to Nurse Management of Hypertension: A Qualitative Analysis from Western Kenya
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):315-322; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.315

Rajesh Vedanthan, Nelly Tuikong, Claire Kofler, Evan Blank, Jemima H. Kamano, Violet Naanyu, Sylvester Kimaiyo, Thomas S. Inui, Carol R. Horowitz, Valentin Fuster

Nurses; Cardiovascular Disease; Hypertension; Focus Groups; Community- Based Participatory Research; Kenya; Qualitative Research

Hypertension and Migraine in the Northern Manhattan Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):323-330; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.323

Hannah Gardener, Teshamae Monteith, Tatjana Rundek, Clinton B. Wright, Mitchell S.V. Elkind, Ralph L. Sacco

Hypertension; Migraine; Aura; Epidemiology; Race; Ethnicity

Small-area Variation in Hypertension Prevalence among Black and White Medicaid Enrollees
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):331-338; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.331

Kellee White, John E. Stewart, Ana Lòpez-DeFede, Rebecca C. Wilkerson

Hypertension; Medicaid; Residential Segregation; Hotspot Mapping; Rural and Urban; Small-area Variation

Hypertension Prevalence in New York City Adults: Unmasking Undetected Racial/Ethnic Variation, NYC HANES 2004
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):339-344; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.339

Ashley E. Giambrone, Linda M. Gerber, Jesica S. Rodriguez-Lopez, Chau Trinh-Shervin, Nadia Islam, Lorna E. Thorpe

Hypertension; Race/Ethnicity; Hispanic Subgroups; Asian Subgroups; New York City

Heart Failure Hospitalization by Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Age in California: Implications for Prevention
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):345-354; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.345

Baqar A. Husaini, Robert S. Levine, Keith C. Norris, Van Cain, Mohsen Bazargan, Majaz Moonis

Heart Failure; Ethnicity; Gender; Age; Hospital Costs

Life Course Socioeconomic Position and Subclinical Disease: The Jackson Heart Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3);355-362; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.355

Bradley Deere, Michael Griswold, Seth Lirette, Ervin Fox, Mario Sims

Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease; Socioeconomic Position; African American

Non-White Race Is an Independent Risk Factor for Hospitalization for Aortic Dissection
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):363-368; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.363

Donald Harris, Elena Klyushnenkova, Richa Kalsi, Danon Garrido, Abhishek Bhardwaj, Joseph Rabin, Shahab Toursavadkohi, Jose Diaz, Robert Crawford

Aortic Dissection; Cardiovascular Disease; Disparity

Reaching for Health Equity and Social Justice in Baltimore: The Evolution of an Academic-Community Partnership and Conceptual Framework to Address Hypertension Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):369-378; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.3.369

Lisa A. Cooper, Tanjala S. Purnell, Chidinma A. Ibe, Jennifer P. Halbert, Lee R. Bone, Kathryn A. Carson, Debra Hickman, Michelle Simmons, Ann Vachon, Inez Robb, Michelle Martin-Daniels, Katherine B. Dietz, Sherita Hill Golden, Deidra C. Crews, Felicia Hill-Briggs, Jill A. Marsteller, L. Ebony Boulware, Edgar R. Miller, David M. Levine

Hypertension; Health Status Disparities; Health Care Disparities; Community- Based Participatory Research; Social Determinants of Health

A Perspective on Promoting Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s PRIDE Program
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):379-386; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.379

Josephine E.A. Boyington, Nita J. Maihle, Treva K. Rice, Juan E. Gonzalez, Caryl A. Hess, Levi H. Makala, Donna B. Jeffe, Gbenga Ogedegbe, Dabeeru C. Rao, Victor G. Dávila-Román, Betty S. Pace, Girardin Jean-Louis, Mohamed Boutjdir

Diversity; Workforce; Biomedical Research; NHLBI

A Strategic Framework for Utilizing Late-Stage (T4) Translation Research to Address Health Inequities
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):387-394; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.3.387

Maria Lopez-Class, Emmanuel Peprah, Xinzhi Zhang, Peter G. Kaufmann, Michael M. Engelgau

Framework; Health Inequities; Translation Research

A Global Perspective on Using Implementation Research to Address Hypertension-Associated Target Organ Damage
Ethn Dis. 2016; 26(3):395-398; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.3.395

Emmanuel Peprah, Maria Lopez-Class, Susan Shero, Joylene John-Sowah, Michael Engelgau

Hypertension; Target Organ Damage; Implementation Research; Global Healthtation Research, Global Health

Capacity-Building for Career Paths in Public Health and Biomedical Research for Undergraduate Minority Students: A Jackson Heart Study Success Model
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):399-406; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.399

Wendy Brown White, Asoka Srinivasan, Cheryl Nelson, Nimr Fahmy, Frances Henderson

Mentor; Cardiovascular Disease; Undergraduate; Training

Outcome Disparities in African American Compared with European American Women with ER +HER 2- Tumors Treated within an Equal-Access Health Care System
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):407-416; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.407

Nicholas S. Costantino, Benjamin Freeman, Craig D. Shriver, Rachel E. Ellsworth

Breast Cancer; African American; Luminal A; Disparities

Awareness Campaign for the Early Detection of Growth Disorders in Public School Children in North Lebanon
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):417-426; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.417

Femia Hayek, Bouchra Berro, Wissam Fayad

Early Detection; Growth Disorders; Health Educators; Ministry of Education; Screening; Socioeconomic Level

Race and Sex Differences in the Association between Food Insecurity and Type 2 Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):427-434; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.3.427

Sabrina Strings, Yamini K. Ranchod, Barbara Laraia, Amani Nuru-Jeter

Race; Sex; Food Insecurity; Diabetes

Levels of Participants Satisfaction with Initial Contact and Examination Visit: The Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos (HCHS /SOL)
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):435-442; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.435

Ana C. Talavera, Christina Buelna, Rebeca A. Espinoza Giacinto, Sheila F. Castañeda, Aida L. Giachello, Madeline Crespo-Figueroa, Johanne B. Hernandez, Rosalinda Rodriguez, Maria de los Angeles Abreu, Carlos M. Sanchez, Krista Perreira

Recruitment; Retention; Hispanics/ Latinos; Participant Satisfaction; Longitudinal Population-based Studies

Racial and Insurance Status Disparities in Patient Safety Indicators among Hospitalized Patients
Ethn Dis. 2016; 26(3):443-452; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.443

Jay J. Shen, Christopher R. Cochran, Olena Mazurenko, Charles B. Moseley, Guogen Shan, Robin Mukalian, Scott Neishi

Race; Ethnicity; Medicaid; Uninsured; Patient Safety Indicator; Socioeconomic Status

Differential Effects of Personal-Level vs Group-Level Racial Discrimination on Health among Black Americans
Ethn Dis. 2016;26:453-460; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.3.453

Nao Hagiwara, Courtney J. Alderson, Briana Mezuk

Health Disparities; Personal/ group Discrimination Discrepancy; Mental Health; Physical Health; Black Americans

The Inaugural Elijah B. Saunders Memorial Lecture: The Global Consequences of Hypertension and Related Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(3):461-468; doi:10.18865/ed.26.3.461

George A. Mensah

Hypertension; Blood Pressure; Prevalence; Control Rate; Mortality; Disparities; Global, Low- and Middle-Income Countries


Volume 26, Number 2 (Spring 2016)




Dietary Intake, Behaviors and Psychosocial Factors among Women from Food-Secure and Food-Insecure Households
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):139-146; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.139

Patricia A Sharpe, Kara Whitaker, Kassandra A. Alia, Sara Wilcox, Brent Hutto

Food Insecurity; Poverty; Food Security; African American Women

Ethnicity and Health in Colombia: What Do Self-perceived Health Indicators Tell Us?
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):147-156; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.147

Andres A. Agudelo-Suarez, Eliana Martinez-Herrera, Adriana Posado-Lopez, Anderson Rocha-Buelvas

Ethnic Groups; Health Surveys; Health Disparities

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status in Relation to All-cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Mortality in the Black Women’s Health Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):157-164; doi:10.18865/


Traci N. Bethea, Julie R. Palmer, Lynn Rosenberg, Yvette C. Cozier

Longitudinal Studies; Residence Characteristics; Socioeconomic Factors; Mortality; African Americans

Abdominal Wall Defects Among Mexican American Infants: The Effect of Maternal Nativity
Ethn Dis; 2016;26(2):165-170; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.165

Shayna D. Hibbs, Amanda Bennett, Yessenia Castro, Kristin M. Rankin, James W. Collins, Jr.

Abdominal Wall Defect; Gastroschisis; Omphalocele; Mexican American; Nativity; Disparity

Primary School Children’s Nutrition Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Behavior, after a Three-Year Healthy Lifestyle Intervention (HealthKick)
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):171-180; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.171

Anniza De Villiers, Nelia Steyn, Catherine E. Draper, Jillian Hill, Nomonde Gwebushe, Estelle V. Lambert, Carl Lombard

Healthy Lifestyle; Knowledge; Nutrition Intervention; Primary Schools; Obesity; Children; Self-efficacy; Behavior; South Africa

Review: Increasing Awareness and Education on Health Disparities for Health Care Providers
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):181-190; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.181

Shawna Nesbitt, Rigo Estevan Palomarez

Disparities; Racial, Hispanic Paradox; Food Desert; Obesity; Hypertension

Cardiometabolic Risk in South Asian Inhabitants of California: Hypertriglyceridemic Waist vs Hypertriglyceridemic Body Mass Index
Ethn Dis.2016;26(2):191-196; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.191

Fahim Abbasi, Ashish Mathur, Gerald M. Reaven, César R. Molina

Hypertriglyceridemic waist; Cardiometabolic Risk; South Asians

Sex and Race Differences in the Relationship between Obesity and C-Reactive Protein
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):197-204; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.2.197

Daniel O. Clark, Kathleen T. Unroe, Huiping Xu, NiCole R. Keith, Christopher M. Callahan, Wanzhu Tu

Obesity; C-reactive protein; Sex Differences; Race; Aged

Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of New Onset Supraventricular Arrhythmias in African American Patients with Severe Sepsis
Ethn Dis.2016;26(2):205-212; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.2.205

O'Dene Lewis, Julius Ngwa, Richard F. Gillum, Alicia Thomas, Wayne Davis, Vishal Poddar, George R. Adams, Alvin Thomas, Jr., Alem Mehari

Supraventricular Arrhythmia; Atrial Fibrillation; Severe Sepsis; Critical Care; Length of Stay; Mortality

Racial Disparities in Creatinine-based Kidney Function Estimates Among HIV-infected Adults
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):213-220; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.2.213

Naomi Anker, Rebecca Scherzer, Carmen Peralta, Neil Powe, Tanushree Banjeree, Michael Shlipak

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Chronic Kidney Disease; Racial Disparities; Mortality

Efficacy and Safety of Canagliflozin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of Different Ethnicity
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):221-228; doi:10.18865/ ed.26.2.221

Jaime A. Davidson, Richard Auilar, Fernando J. Lavalle Gonzalez, Angelina Trujillo, Maria Alba, Ujjwala Vijapurkar, Gary Meininger

Canagliflozin; Glucose Cotransporter Inhibitor; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; Hispanic; Latino; Efficacy; Safety

Diabetes Education, Specialty Care, and Self-Care Advice among Obese African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):229-234; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.229

Stephania T. Miller, Jennifer Cunningham-Erves, Sylvie A. Akohoue

Diabetes; Diabetes Preventive Care; African American Women; Diabetes Nutrition Counseling; Diabetes Physical Activity Counseling

Cognition, Depressive Symptoms and Vascular Factors among Southwest Tribal Elders
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2):235- 244; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.235

Francine Gachupin, Michael D. Romero, Willa J. Ortega, Rita Jojola-Dorame, Hugh Hendrie, Eddie Paul Torres, Sr., Frank Lujan, Michael Lente, Barbara Sanchez, Verna Teller, Fernando Beita, Ulysses Albeita, Beatrice Lente, Deborah Ruth Gustafson

Cognition; Vascular; Depression; American Indian

Rationale and Design of the Women and Inclusion in Academic Medicine Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(2): 245-254; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.245

Emorcia V. Hill, Michael Wake, René Carapinha, Sharon-Lise Normand, Robert E. Wolf, Keith Norris, Joan Y. Reede

Women; Minority Groups; Academic Medical Centers; Career Development; Diversity Inclusion

Stroke Knowledge in African Americans: A Narrative Review
Ethn Dis. 26(2):255-262; doi:10.18865/ed.26.2.255

Anjail Z. Sharrief, Brenda Johnson, Sharon Abada, Victor C. Urrutia

Stroke; Risk Factors; African Americans; Health Care Disparities; Minority Health


Volume 26, Number 1 (Winter 2016)




Race/ethnic Differences in Post-Stroke Depression (PSD): Findings from the Stroke Warning Information and Faster Treatment (SWIFT) Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):1-8; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.1

Emily Goldmann, Eric T. Roberts, Nina S. Parikh, Aaron S. Lord, Bernadette Boden-Albala

Stroke; Depression; Ethnicity; Disparities

Addressing Stroke Risk Factors in Black and White Americans: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2010
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):9-16; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.9

Karen C. Albright, Amelia K. Boehme, Rikki M. Tanner, Justin Blackburn, George Howard, Virginia J. Howard, Monika Safford, Mark Beasley, Nita Limdi

Stroke, Cerebral Infarction, Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, Disparities, African Americans

Neighborhood Characteristics Are Associated with Racial and Gender Variation Among Walking in Older Adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):17-26; doi:10.18665/ed.26.1.17

Tingjian Yan, Li-Jung Liang, Stefanie Vassar, Monica Cheung Katz, Jose J. Escarce, W.T. Jr. Longstreth, Sharon Stein Merkin, Arleen F. Brown

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status; Walking; Physical Activity

A Brief, Multifaceted, Generic Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure Control and Reduce Disparities Had Little Effect
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):27-36; doi: 10.18865/ed.26.1.27

Nancy R. Kressin, Judith A. Long, Mark E. Glickman, Barbara G. Bokhour, Michelle B. Orner, Christine Clark, James A. Rothendler, Dan R. Berlowitz

Physician-Patient Relations; Hypertension; Patient Compliance

The Effects of Job Instability and Financial Strain on C-Reactive Protein in a Sample of Mexican Immigrants
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):37-44; doi: 10.18865/ed.26.1.37

Patrick R. Steffen, Jill Walker, Richard Meredith, Chris Anderson

Acculturation; Job Instability; Financial Stress; C-reactive Protein; Immigrant Health

Sex and Race-Ethnicity Secular Trends in Mean and Elevated Red Blood Cell Distribution Width Among Adults in the United States, 1999-2012
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):45-50; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.45

Paul D. Loprinzi, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Haitham M. Ahmed, Michael J. Blaha

Epidemiology; NHANES; Cardiovascular Disease

Results from the Trial Using Motivational Interviewing, Positive Affect, and Self-Affirmation in African Americans with Hypertension (TRIUMPH)
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):51-60; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.51

Carla Boutin-Foster, Emanuela Offidani, Balavenkatesh Kanna, Gbenga Ogedegbe, Joseph Ravenell, Ebony Scott, Anna Rodriguez, Rosio Ramos, Walid Michelen, Linda M. Gerber, Mary Charlson

African Americans; Blood Pressure; Medication Adherence; Positive Affect; Self-Affirmation; Motivational Interviewing

Race-Specific Association of Caesarean-Section Delivery with Body Size at Age 2 Years
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):61-68; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.61

Andrea E Cassidy-Bushrow, Ganesa Wegienka, Suzanne Havstad, Albert M. Levin, Susan V. Lynch, Dennis R. Ownby, Andrew G. Rundle, Kimberley J. Woodcroft, Edward M. Zoratti, Christine Cole Johnson

Birth Cohort; Childhood Obesity; Delivery Mode; Race; Disparities

Ethnic Identity and Implicit Anti-fat Bias: Similarities and Differences between African American and Caucasian Women
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):69-76; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.69

Erica A. Hart, Tracy Sbrocco, Michele M. Carter

Weight Bias; Women; African American; Non-Hispanic White

Higher Motivation for Weight Loss in African American than Caucasian Rural Patients with Hypertension and/or Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):77-84; doi: 10.18865/ed.26.1.77

Jacob Warren, Bryant Smalley, Nikki Barefoot

Motivation; Weight Loss; Exercise; Obesity; Rural;; African American; Hispanic; Race; Ethnicity

Racial and Economic Disparities in Diabetes in a Large Primary Care Patient Population
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):85-90; doi: 10.18865/ed.26.1.85

Danielle L. Heidemann, Nicholas A. Joseph, Aishwarya Kuchipudi, Denise White Perkins, Sean Drake

Diabetes Mellitus; Health Care Disparities; Diabetes Complications; Racial Disparities; Socioeconomic Factors

Compliance with a New York State 2010 HIV Testing Law: Is There Racial/Ethnic Bias in HIV Testing? Experience of Monroe County, New York, 2012
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):91-98; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.91

Byron S. Kennedy, Anne Kern, John Ricci, Mary Younge, Kathy Carelock, Brenda Bedard, Kim Smith, Roxana Inscho

HIV Testing; Health Screening Disparities; Public Health

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Related Risk Factors in the City of Oran, Algeria: the ISOR Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):99-106; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.99

Leila Houti, Imane Hamani-Medjaoui, Sarah A. Lardjam-Hetraf, Hadjira Ouhaibi-Djellouli, Saada Chougrani, Louisa Goumidi, Sounnia Mediene-Benchekor

Metabolic Syndrome; Prevalence; Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Urban Algerian Population

Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking among Arab Youth; a Cross-Country Study
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):107-112; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.107

Khalid A. Kheirallah, Jomana W. Alsulaiman, Mohammad H. Al-Sakran, Sukaina Alzyoud, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Kenneth D. Ward

Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking; Youth; Arab World; Tobacco Use

Neighborhood and Individual Socioeconomic Status and Asthma Incidence in African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):113-122; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.113

Patricia F. Coogan, Nelsy Castro-Webb, Jeffrey Yu, George T. O'Connor, Julie R. Palmer, Lynn Rosenberg

Asthma; Cohort Study; Socioeconomic Status; Neighborhood; African American

The Healthy Community Neighborhood Initiative: Rationale and Design
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):123-132; doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.123

Arleen F. Brown, D'Ann M. Morris, Katherine L. Kahn, Ibrahima C. Sankare, Keyonna M. King, Roberto Vargas, Aziza Lucas-Wright, Loretta F. Jones, Astrea Flowers, Felica U. Jones, Rachelle Bross, Dennishia Banner, Homero E. del Pino, Orwilda L. Pitts, Lujia Zhang, Courtney Porter, Sigrid K. Madrigal, Stefanie D. Vassar, Sitaram Vangala, Li-Jung Liang, Arturo B. Martinez, Keith C. Norris

Design; Rationale; Community Partnered Research; African American; Latino; Under-resourced Communities; Community Assets; Chronic Disease

Commentary: Persistence and Health-Related Consequences of the Model Minority Stereotype for Asian Americans
Ethn Dis. 2016;26(1):133-138;doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.133

Stella S. Yi, Simona C. Kwon, Rachel Sacks, Chau Trinh-Shevrin

Asian Americans; Discrimination; Health Care Disparities; Minority Health; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Emigrants; Immigrants




Volume 25, Number 4 (Autumn 2015)




Editorial - Advancing Health Equity: Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Elijah B. Saunders
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 381-382; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.4.381

George A. Mensah, Keith C. Norris

Health Equity

Screening of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors (PPARs) α, γ and δ Gene Polymorphisms for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Association in the Multi-ethnic Malaysian Population
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 383-390; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.383

Phee-Phee Chia, Sook-Ha Fan, Yee-How Say

Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Malaysia

Body Size Perceptions among Overweight and Obese African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 391-398; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.391

Meghan Baruth, Patricia A Sharpe, Gayenell Magwood, Sara Wilcox, Rebecca A Schlaff

Body Image, Body Satisfaction, African American Women, Obesity

Association of the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool with Weight Status, Percent Body Fat, and Acanthosis Nigricans in Children from a Low Socioeconomic, Urban Community
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 399-404; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.399

Kimbo E. Yee, Karin A. Pfeiffer, Kelly Turek, Marion Bakhoya, Joseph J. Carson, Mahesh Sharman, Erin Lamb, Joey C. Eisenmann

Obesity, Familial Environment, Youth, Elementary School

Neighborhood Social Predictors of Weight-related Measures in Underserved African-Americans in the PATH Trial
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 405-412; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.405

Tyler McDaniel, Dawn K. Wilson, Sandra M. Coulon, Gregory A. Hand, E. Rebekah Siceloff

Neighborhood Environment, Obesity, Weight, Waist Circumference, African American

Effect of Interleukin-10 and Laminar Shear Stress on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nitric Oxide in African American Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 413-418; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.413

Dianne M. Babbitt, Ji-Seok Kim, Steven J. Forrester, Michael D. Brown, Joon-Young Park

African Americans, Endothelial Cells, Endothelial Dysfunction, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase, Inflammation, Interleukin-10, Laminar Shear Stress, Nitric Oxide

Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors in 18 to 20 Year Old African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 419- 426; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.419

Sarah E. Messiah, David A. Ludwig, Denise C. Vidot, Veronica H. Accornero, Steven E. Lipshultz, Tracie L. Miller, Lihua Xue, Emmalee S. Bandstra

African American, Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Birth Weight, Metabolic Syndrome, Adolescents

Validation of an Albuminuria Self-assessment Tool in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 427- 434; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.427

Rikki M Tanner, Mark Woodward, Carmen Peralta, David G Warnock, Orlando Gutiérrez, Daichi Shimbo, Holly Kramer, Ronit Katz, Paul Muntner

Albuminuria; Screening; Kidney Disease; Self-Assessment; Race; Ethnicity; Racial Disparities

Associations of Abdominal Muscle Area with 4-Year Change in Coronary Artery Calcium Differ by Ethnicity among Post-Menopausal Women
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 435-442; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.435

Christina L. Wassel, Gail A. Laughlin, Sarah D. Saad, Maria Rosario G. Araneta, Wilma Wooten, Elibeth Barrett-Connor, Matthew A. Allison

Abdominal Muscle, Muscle Mass, Coronary Artery Calcium, Ethnicity, Race

Acculturation and Insulin Resistance Among US Chinese Immigrant Women
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 443-450; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.443

Acculturation and Insulin Resistance Among US Chinese Immigrant Womenx

Acculturation, Chinese, Immigrants, Insulin Resistance, Longitudinal

Residential Segregation and Diabetes Risk among Latinos
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 451-458; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.451

Diana S. Grigsby-Toussaint, Antwan Jones, Jessica Kubo, Natalie Bradford

Segregation, Diabetes, Latinos

Diabetes in Africa sub-Saharan Distribution Based on Social Status: The Case of Libreville (Gabon)
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 459-462; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.459

Guy S. Padzys, Joseph P Ondo, Priscilla L Omouenze, Sylvie Zongo

Diabetes; Urbanization; Social Status

Pilot Study: Survey Tools for Assessing Parenting Styles and Family Contributors to the Development of Obesity in Arab Children Ages 6 – 12 Years Old
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 463- 468; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.463

Suzan H. Tami, Debra B. Reed, Elizabeth Trejos, Mallory Boylan, Shu Wang

Pilot Study, Parenting Style, Arab Mothers, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Caregiver’s Feeding Styles Questionnaire (CFSQ), Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment (FNPA), Childhood Obesity

Adaptation of the Psychological-Behavioral Acculturation Scale to a Community of Urban-based Mexican Americans in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 469-478; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.469

Gerardo Maupome, Rodrigo Marino, Odette M. Aguirre-Zero, Anita Ohmit, Sigi Dai

Acculturation; Dual Scales; Psychological Scale; Mexican-Americans; Psychometric Properties

A Differential Item Functional Analysis by Age of Perceived Interpersonal Discrimination in a Multi-racial/ethnic Sample of Adults
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 479-486; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.479

Sherry Owens, Alfgeir Kristjansson, Haslyn E.R. Hunte

Prejudice, Ethnic Groups Bias, Psychometrics, Age Distribution

Improving Health Care for the Future Uninsured in Los Angeles County: A Community Partnered Dialogue
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 487- 494; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.487

Sharat Parameswaran Iyer, Andrea Jones, Efrain Talamantes, Elizabeth S. Barnert, Hemal K. Kanzaria, Alissa Detz, Timothy J. Daskivich, Loretta Jones, Gery W. Ryan, Anish P. Mahajan

Medically Uninsured, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Health Services Accessibility, Community Health Services

Treatment Resistant Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 495-498; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.495

Brent M. Egan

treatment resistant hypertension, blood pressure, pseudo-resistant hypertension, cardiovascular disease, adherence, spironolactone

Prevention, Detection and Management of Coronary Artery Disease in Minority Females
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 499-506; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.499

Renee Patrice Bullock-Palmer

Cardiovascular Disease; Ethnic Disparities; Gender Disparities

Holistic Healthcare for Medically Uninsured: The Church Health Center of Memphis
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4):507-510; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.507

G. Scott Morris

Uninsured, Working Poor, Health Disparities, Health Equity, Faith And Health

Weight Loss Pharmacotherapy: Brief Summary of the Clinical Literature
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4):511-514; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.511

Brent M. Egan, Kellee White, PhD, MPH

Obesity; Weight Loss; Pharmacotherapy; African American; Caucasian

Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure and Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4):515- 520; doi:10.18865/ed.25.4.515

Keith C. Norris, Susanne B Nicholas

Blood Pressure; Hypertension; Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease

Social and Medical Determinants of Cardiometabolic Health: The Big Picture
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(4): 521-524; doi:10.18865/ ed.25.4.521

Gary A. Puckrein, Brent M. Egan

Health Disparities; ZIP Code; Race; Heart Failure; Stroke

Volume 25, Number 3 (Summer 2015)




Preface: Minority Men's Health
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):237-239; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.237


David R. Williams, PhD, MPH

Minority Men's Health, Lifecourse, Aging

Advancing Racial/Ethnic Minority Men's Health Using a Life Course Approach
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):241-244; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.241

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, O. Kenrik Duru, MD, MS, Carl V. Hill, PhD, MPH

Minority Men's Health, Lifecourse, Aging, African American Men

The National Institute on Aging Health Disparities Research Framework
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):245-254; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.245

Carl V. Hill, PhD, MPH, Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, Norman B. Anderson, PhD, Marie A. Bernard, MD

Aging, Minority Men's Health, Health Disparities

The Impact of Veteran Status on Life-Space Mobility among Older Black and White Men in the Deep South
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3): 255-262; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.255

Gina M. McCaskill, PhD, MSW, MPA, Patricia Sawyer, PhD, Kathryn L. Burgio, PhD, Richard Kennedy, MD, Courtney P. Williams, MPH, Olivio J. Clay, PhD, Cynthia J. Brown, MD, Richard M. Allman, MD

Life-space mobility, older veterans, cumulative inequality

Perceived Control Predicts Pulse Pressure in African American Men: The Baltimore Study of Black Aging
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):263-270; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.263

LaBarron K. Hill, PhD, Regina Sims Wright, PhD, Adrienne T. Aiken-Morgan, PhD, Alyssa Gamaldo, PhD, Christopher L. Edwards, PhD, Keith E. Whitfield, PhD

Pulse Pressure, Minority Men's Health, Aging

An Examination of Lower Extremity Function and Its Correlates in Older African American and White Men
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):271-278; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.271

Olivio J. Clay, PhD, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, Larrell L. Wilkinson, PhD, Eric P. Plaisance, PhD, Michael Crowe, PhD, Patricia Sawyer, PhD, Cynthia J. Brown, MD, MSPH

Lower Extremity Function, Aging, Minority Men's Health

Impacts of Long-term Obesity on the Health Status of Samoan and Tongan Men in the United States: Results from the Pacific Islander Health Study
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):279-286; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.279

Sela V. Panapasa, PhD, James W. McNally, PhD, Steven G. Heeringa, PhD, David R. Williams, PhD, MPH

Samoan, Tongan, Lifecourse, Men’s health, Obesity, Chronic disease, Vulnerable population, Pacific Islander

“I AM a Man”: Manhood, Minority Men’s Health and Health Equity
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):287-293; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.287

Derek M. Griffith, PhD

Men’s Health, Men’s Health Disparities, Manhood, Minority Men, Black Men, Life Course, Intersectionality

Racial Composition Over the Lifecourse: Examining Separate and Unequal Environments and the Risk for Heart Disease for African American Men
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):295-304; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.295

Keon L. Gilbert, DrPH, Keith Elder, PhD, Sarah Lyons, MS, Kimberly A. Kaphingst, ScD, Melvin Blanchard, MD, Melody S. Goodman, PhD

Racial Composition, Segregation, African American Men’s Health, Hypertension, Health Disparities

Weight Status and Blood Pressure among Adolescent African American Males: The Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):305-312; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.305

Marino A. Bruce, PhD, Bettina M. Beech, DrPH, Derek M. Griffith, PhD, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD

Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study, African American adolescent boys, cardiovascular risk, offspring cohort study, population health, blood pressure

A Life Course Approach to Inequality: Examining Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between Early Life Socioeconomic Conditions and Health in Later Life Among Men
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):313-320; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.313

Taylor W. Hargrove, MA, Tyson H. Brown, PhD

Life Course, Race/Ethnicity, Health, Men

Hypertension Prevalence, Awareness and Control Levels among Ghawarna: An African-Descendant Ethnic Minority in the Jordan Valley
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):321-328; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.321

Khalid A. Kheirallah, PhD, Mohammed Liswi, MD, Rami Alazab, MD, Zeyad Bataineh, MD, Sukaina Alzyoud, PhD, Jomana Alsulaiman, MD, Hashem Jaddou, MD

Ethnic Groups, Hypertension, Jordan

Perceived Barriers to and Facilitators of Hypertension Management among Underserved African American Older Adults
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):329-336; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.329

Marylen Rimando, PhD

Hypertension Management, African Americans, Underserved, Older Adults, Patient Education

The FAITH Trial: Baseline Characteristics of a Church-based Trial to Improve Blood Pressure Control in Blacks
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):337-344; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.337

Antoinette Schoenthaler, EdD, Kristie Lancaster, PhD, Sara Midberry, MPH, Matthew Nulty, MPH, Elizabeth Ige, BS, Amy Palfrey, PhD, Niketa Kumar, PhD, Gbenga Ogedegbe, MD

Hypertension, African Americans, Faith-Based, Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

Statin Use, Incident Dementia and Alzheimer Disease in Elderly African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):345-354; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.345


Hugh C. Hendrie, MBChB, DSc, Ann Hake, MD, Kathleen Lane, MS, Christianna Purnell, BA, Frederick Unverzagt, PhD, Valerie Smith-Gamble, MD, Jill Murrell, PhD, Adesola Ogunniyi, MBChB, Olusegun Baiyewu, MBBS, Chris Callahan, MD, Andrew Saykin, PsyD, Stanley Taylor, MS, Kathleen Hall, PhD, Sujuan Gao, PhD

Cohort Studies, Alzheimer Disease, Dementia, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors, African Americans

Perceptions from Latino and African American Older Adults about Biological Markers in Research
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):355-362; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.355

Gerardo Moreno, MD, MSHS, Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH, Carlos E. Meza, BS, Ivy Kwon, MPH, Teresa Seeman, PhD, Laura Trejo, MPA, Mignon Moore, PhD, Catherine A Sarkisian, MD, MSHS

Aging, African Americans, Latinos, Biomarkers

Case Study of an Unsustainable Community-Academic Partnership: Toward Core Standards for the Structure of Emerging Participatory Research
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):363-372; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.363

Jose L. Calderon, MD, Keith C. Norris, MD, PhD, Patrick C. Hardigan, PhD, Lorrin A. Calderon, BS, Ron D. Hays, PhD

Core Standards, Participatory Research, Organizational Structure, Disambiguation, Conflict Resolution

Cardiometabolic Health in African Immigrants to the United States: A Call to Re-examine Research on African-descent Populations
Ethn Dis. 2015; 25(3):373-380; doi: 10.18865/ed.25.3.373

Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, PhD, RN, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, PhD, ANP, RN, Charles Agyemang, PhD, MPH, Anne E. Sumner, MD

African Immigrants, African Diaspora, Health Disparities, Cardiometabolic Health, Cardiovascular Disease, Migration

Volume 25, Number 2 (Spring 2015)




The Combined Influence of Psychological Factors on Biomarkers of Renal Functioning in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:117–122

Georica K. Gholson, Denee T. Mwendwa, Regina Sims Wright, Clive O. Callender, Alfonso L. Campbell

Psychological, African Americans, Kidney Functioning, Depressive Symptomatology, Hostility, Perceived Stress

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Service Utilization among Youth Participating in Negative Externalizing Behaviors
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:123-129

Khusdeep Malhotra, Ruth Shim, Peter Baltrus, Harry J. Heiman, Oluwatoyosi Adekeye, George Rust

Health Disparities, Mental Health, Adolescent Health, Race/Ethnicity

Discrimination and Depression among Urban Hispanics with Poorly Controlled Diabetesx
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:130-137

Dana March, Jasmine Williams, Shayla Wells, Joseph P. Eimicke, Jeanne A. Teresi, Casandra Almonte, Bruce G. Link, Sally E. Findley, Walter Palmas, Olveen Carrasquillo, Jose A. Luchsinger

Epidemiology, Immigrant

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Distress Among Stroke Survivors
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:138-144

Lesli E. Skolarus, Lynda D. Lisbeth, James F. Burke, Deborah A. Levine, Lewis B. Morgenstern, Linda S. Williams, Paul N. Pfeiffer, Devin L. Brown

Stroke, Mental Distress, Race, Ethnicity

Serious Psychological Distress and Diabetes Management among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:145-151

Kimberly R. Huyser, Spero M. Manson, Lonnie A. Nelson, Carolyn Noonan, Yvette Roubideaux, The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Healthy Heart Demonstration Project

American Indian, Alaska Native, Diabetes, Serious Psychological Distress

The Effect of Pulse Pressure on All-Cause and Cardiovascular-Specific Mortality Risks in US Adults
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:152-156

Luisa N. Borrell, Lalitha Samuel

Pulse pressure, Mortality, Allcause Mortality, Cardiovascular-specific Mortality, NHANES, Adults, United States

Stroke Disparities: Disaggregating Native Hawaiians from Other Pacific Islanders
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:157-161

Kazuma Nakagawa, Pippa R. MacDonald, Susan M. Asai

Ischemic Stroke, Racial Disparities, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders

A Pilot Study Evaluating a Community-Based Intervention Focused on the ISHIB IMPACT Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Toolkit in African American Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:162-167

Wallace Johnson, Camellus Ezeugwu, Dwyan Monroe, Ian M. Breunig, Fadia Shaya

Hypertension, Blood Pressure, African American

Implementation of an Adjunct Strategy to Reduce Blood Pressure in Blacks with Uncontrolled Hypertension: A Pilot Project
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:168-174

Madelaine Tully, Allison Kos, Jennifer Kusch, Theodore Kotchen

Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Blacks

Fasting Serum Glucose and Cholesterol as Predictors of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Acute Stress in a Sample of African American College Students
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:175-179

Vernessa R. Clark, Patrice Perkins, Bernice L. Carson, Kimberly Boyd, Trayce M. Jefferson

Serum Cholesterol Concentration, Fasting Serum Glucose (FSG), Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress

Rationale and Design of the Echocardiographic Study of Hispanics/Latinos (ECHO-SOL)
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:180-186

Carlos J. Rodriguez, Ajay Dharod, Matthew A. Allison, Sanjiv J. Shah, Barry Hurwitz, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala, Franklyn Gonzalez, II, Dalane Kitzman, Linda Gillam, Daniel Spevack, Rupal Dadhania, Sarah Langdon, Robert Kaplan

Echocardiography, Epidemiology, Hispanics, Cardiovascular

Participant Retention in a Longitudinal National Telephone Survey of African American Men and Women
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:187-192

Cheryl L. Holt, Daisy Le, Joe Calvanelli, Jim Huang, Eddie M. Clark, David L. Roth, Beverly Williams, Emily Schulz

Retention, Longitudinal, Survey Research, African American

Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Scale Adapted for African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:193-199

Kerry Littlewood, Doyle M. Cummings, Lesley Lutes, Chelsey Solar

Social Support, Diabetes, African American, Women

Factors Associated with Underestimation of Weight Status Among Caucasian, Latino, Filipino, and Korean Americans - DiLH Survey
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:200-207

JiWon Choi, Melinda S. Bender, Shoshana Arai, Yoshimi Fukuoka

Body Mass Index, BMI, Weight Status, Latino, Filipino, Korean

Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases in a High-Risk Population: Evidence-Based Approach to CHD Risk Reduction
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:208-213

John Kwagyan, Tamrat M. Retta, Muluemebet Ketete, Cristina N. Bettencourt, Abid R. Maqbool, Shichen Xu, Otelio S. Randall

Blood Pressure, African American, Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity

Lean Mass and Fat Mass as Contributors to Physical Fitness in an Overweight and Obese African American Population
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:214-219

Lisa R. Yanek, Dhananjay Vaidya, Brian G. Kral, Devon A. Dobrosielski, Taryn F. Moy, Kerry J. Stewart, Diane M. Becker

Physical Fitness, Body Composition, Obesity, African Americans

Racial Disparities in Behavior Risk Factors and Diabetes Preventive Health Care Among Asian/Pacific Islanders with Type 2 Diabetes
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:220-225

Jianfei Guo, Fengxia Yan, Xia Cui

Diabetes Preventive Health Care, Risk Factors, Type 2 Diabetes, Racial Disparity

Effect of Race on the Prevalence of Congenital Malformations among Newborns in the United States
Ethn Dis. 2015;25[2]:226-231

Alexander Egbe, Simon Lee, Deborah Ho, Santosh Uppu

Race, Congenital Malformation, Epidemiology, Newborn

Volume 25, Number 1 (Winter 2014)





Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:1


Keith C. Norris, MD, PhD


Adults Asking Adolescents to Light Cigarettes: Parental Prompting of Adolescent Smoking Among Filipino Americans

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:2


Dennis R. Trinidad, Lydia Z. Isip


Improved Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease for Latinos Seen in High-Proportin Latino vs Low-Proportion Latino Clinics

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:3–10


Lenny Lopez, Nakela Cook, Leroir Hicks

Health Care Disparities, Quality of Health Care, Coronary Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Cardiology Consultation

Residential Ethnic Segregation and Stroke Risk in Mexican Americans: The Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi Project

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:11-18


Rajiv C. Patel, Jonggyu Baek, Melinda A. Smith, Lewis B. Morgenstern, Lynda D. Lisbeth

Stroke, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Segregation

Association of Hispanic Ethnicity with Acute Ischemic Stroke Care Processes and Outcomes

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:19-23


William P. Neil, Rema Raman, Thomas M. Hemmen, Karin Ernstrom, Brett C. Meyer, Dawn M. Meyer, Bruce Ovbiagele

Stroke Race-Ethnic, Emergency Medical Services, Hispanic, Prognosis, Outcome, Thrombolysis, Prognosis, Health Services, Ambulance, Disparities

John Henryism, Socioeconomic Position, and Blood Pressure in a Multi-Ethnic Urban Community

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]: 24-30


Alana M.W. LeBron, Amy Jo Schulz, Graciela Mentz, Denise White Perkins

John Henryism, Blood Pressure, Socioeconomic Status, Race, Ethnicity, Latino, Hispanic, African American, non-Latino Black, Health Inequities

Uncovering Physiological Mechanisms for Health Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:31-37


Amanda E. Staiano, Deidre M. Harrington, Neil M. Johannsen, Robert L. Newton, Jr., Mark A. Sarzynski, Damon L. Swift, Peter T. Katzmarzyk

Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Energy Expenditure, Genetics, Glucose Homeostasis, Muscle Physiology, Obesity, Race Differences

Sedentary Behavior, Body Mass Index, and Weight Loss Maintenance Among African American Women

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:38-45


Wendell C. Taylor, Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, Gina Evans-Hudnall, Lorna Haughton, Ann Smith Barnes

Sedentary Behavior, Weight Loss, Body Mass Index, African Americans, Weight Regain

Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Rurality Influences on Type 2 Diabetes Management Among North Carolina Adults

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]: 46-51


Crystal N. Piper, Tatreka Polite-Middleton, Shilpa Chalakalal, Neethu Sebastion, Fred Martin

Diabetes Mellitus, Disease Education, Healthcare Disparities, Self-Care

Asian American Mothers' Perceptions of Their Children's Weight: A Comparison with Other Racial/Ethnic Groups in Los Angeles

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]: 52-57


Tabashir Z. Nobari, May-Choo Wang, Shannon E. Whaley

Children, Obesity, Asian Americans, WIC, Perception of Weight Status

Obesogenic Behaviors Among Adolescents: The Role of Generation and Time in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:58-64


Joanna Almeida, Dustin T. Duncan, Kendrin R. Sonneville

Obesogenic Behaviors, Body Mass Index, Generation, Time in the United States, Adolescents

Association of UCP1 -3826A/G and UCP3 -55C/T Gene Polymorphisms with Obeisty and Its Related Traits Among Multi-ethnic Malaysians

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:65-71


Kah-Hui Lee, Voon-Yun Chai, Sathia S. Kanachamy, Yee-How Say

Uncoupling Protein 1, Uncoupling Protein 3, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Obesity, Malaysia

Recruitment and Enrollment of African Americans and Caucasians in a Health Promotion Trial for Persons with Serious Mental Illness

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:72-77


Mona Siddiqui, Lisa A. Cooper, Lawrence J. Appel, Airong Yu, Jeanne Charleston, Joseph Gennusa, Faith Dickerson, Gail L. Daumit

Recruitment, African Americans, Serious Mental Illness, Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Trial

Stressors and Coping Mechanisms Associated with Perceived Stress in Latinos

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:78-82


Sarah M. Perez, Jennifer K. Gavin, Vanessa A. Diaz

Latino, Perceived Stress, Coping, Discrimination, Denial, Health Problems

The Association of Depression with Diabetes Management Among Urban American Indians/Alaska Natives in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:83-89


Elizabeth S. Knaster, Amanda M. Fretts, Leslie E. Phillips

Diabetes Mellitus, Depression, North American Indians

Racial Differenes in Hospital Mortality for Medical and Surgical Admissions: Variations by Patient and Hospital Characteristics

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:90-97


Roxanne M. Andrews, Ernest Moy

Race, Hospital Care, Hospital Mortality

A Cross-Sectional Survey to Evaluate Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Measles Vaccination Among Ethnic Minorities

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:98-103


Shengliang Zhang, Jinren Pan, Zhifang Wang

Attitude, Measles-Containing Vaccine, Immunization, Ethnic Minorities

Racial Differences in Diabetes Among Union Forces During the US Civil War

Ethn Dis. 2015;25[1]:104–107


Jeffrey A. Smith, B. Christopher Frueh, Jennifer Campbell, Leonard Egede

Diabetes, Military, Civil War


Volume 24, Number 4 (Autumn 2014)




Disparities in Hospice Utilization Among American Indian Medicare Beneficiaries Dying of Cancer

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:393-398


B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, Jinhai Huo, Thomas A. Buchholz, Daniel G. Petereit

American Indian, Hospice Utilization, Disparities, Medicare Beneficiaries, End of Life

Relationship Between Glaucoma and Admixture in Postmenopausal African American Women

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:399-405


Lorena Garcia, Lihong Qi, Kuldev Singh, Roman Kosay, Rami Nassir, Natalia Fijalkowski, Mary Haan, John Robbins, Michael F. Seldin

Admixture, Glaucoma, African American Women

Differential Item Functioning on the Schedule of Racist Events: Exploring a Modified Scale for Samples with Black and White Participants

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:406-412


Richard Feinn, Kristina P. Schumann, Howard Tennen, Julie Wagner

DIF, SRE, Perceived Racism

The Relation of Age to Low Birth Weight Rates Among Foreign-Born Black Mothers: A Population-Based Exploratory Study

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:413-417


Stephanie B. Deal, Amanda C. Bennett, Kristin M. Rankin, James W. Collins, Jr.

Weathering, Low Birth Weight Infant, Maternal Age, Foreign Born, African American

Associations Between Self-Rated Health and Personality

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:418-422


Adrienne T. Aiken-Morgan, Jacqueline Bichsel, Jyoti Savla, Christopher L. Edwards, Keith E. Whitfield

Personality, Subjective Health, Self-rated Health, African Americans, Aging

Essential Health Care Among Mexican Indigenous People in a Universal Coverage Context

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:423-430


Edson Servan-Mori, Blanca Pelcastre-Villafuerte, Ileana Heredia-Pi, Arain Montoya-Rodriguez

Health Services, Indigenous Population, Inequity, Socioeconomic Conditions

Prescriging Patterns in the Treatment of Hypertension among Underserved African American Elderly

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:431-437


Hamed Yazdanshenas, Mohsen Bazargan, Gail Orum, Leila Loni, Navid Mahabadi, Baqar Husaini

Resistant Hypertension, African American, Elderly, Medication

Assessing the Association of Nativity and Acculturation to Fast Food Restaurant Use and Its Relationship to Metabolic Risk Factors Among US Black with Afro-Caribbean Ethnicity

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:438-443


Eugene S. Tull, Jerome Taylor

Afro-Caribbean, Acculturation, Insulin Resistance, Fast Food Restaurant Use

Social Support and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Black Adults

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:444-450


Daphne C. Hernandez, Lorraine R. Reitzel, David W. Wetter, Lorna H. McNeill

Social Support, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Black, Sex Differences, Relationship Status

Decreased Heart Rate Variability Is Associated with Increased Transcranial Doppler Velocities in Children with Sickle Cell Disease

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:451-455


Jenna B. Jones, Ibrahim F. Shatat, Brent M. Egan, Remberto C. Paulo

Sickle Cell Anemia, Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Blood Pressure Variability, Pediatric

Stress, Longevity and Cardiovascular Outcomes Among African American Families in the Jackson Heart Study

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:456-461


Keith E. Whitfield, Shevaun D. Neuper, Marino A. Bruce, Mario Sims, Adrienne T. Aiken-Morgan, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.

Stress, Longevity, Cardiovascular Outcomes, Families

Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Moroccan Obese Patients with and without Metabolic Syndrome: Importance of Lipoproteins Ratios

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:462-468


Fadwa Essiarab, Hassan Taki, Halima Lebrazi, Abdelfettah Derouiche, Anass Kettani, Maati Sabri, Rachid Saile

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammation, Lipids, Cardiovascular Risk Factor

Assessing Predictors for Sustainable Management of Type 2 Diabetes Using Evidence-Based Guidelines in Public Primary Care in a Predominatly Afro-Caribbean Population

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:469-474


Hazel Forde, Monica Marshall, Damian Cohall, Anders Lassen Nielsen

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Standards, Primary Health Care, African Continental Ancestry Group – Caribbean

Influence of Obesity Assessments on Cardiometabolic Risks in African and European American Women

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:475-480


L. Jerome Brandon, Larry Proctor, Calvin L. Cole

Cardiometabolic Risks, African American Women, Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, Body Fat Percentage

The Biracial Asian Populaion in California: An Examination of Health Profiles and Chronic Conditions

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:481-487


Anh Bao Nguyen, Nancy Breen, Trenette T. Clark, Richard Moser

Biracial, Asians, Chronic Conditions, Ethnicity

The Association Between Chronic Disease and Smoking Beliefs and Behaviors in African American Young Adult Smokers

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:488-494


Cassandra Petrilla, Marshall K. Cheney

African American, Smoking, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Young Adult

Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:495-501


Hakeem Ayinde, Richard F. Gillum

Ischemic Heart Disease, Stroke, CVD Risk Factors, Africa, Caribbean

Improving Persistently Elevated HbA1c in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Nigeria

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[4]:502-507


Efosa K. Oghagbon

HbA1c,DiabetesMellitus,Nigeria, Health Care System, Diabetes Education

Volume 24, Number 3 (Summer 2014)




Racial Disparities in Hypertension Awareness and Management: Are There Differences Among African Americans and Whites Living under Similar Social Conditions?

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:269–275


Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Janice V. Bowie, Jenny R. Smolen, Caryn N. Bell, Michael L. Jenkins, Jr., John Jackson, Thomas A. LaVeist

Hypertension Awareness, Hypertension Control, Social Environment, Health Disparities, Hypertension Treatment

Ethnicity and Health Literacy: A Survey on Hypertension Knowledge Among Canadian Ethnic Populations

Ethn Dis.2014;24[3]:276-282


Ceara Tess Cunningham, Lindsay L. Sykes, Amy Metcalfe, Amy Cheng, Muhammad Riaz, Katie Lin, Emily Schoor, Norm R.C. Campbell, Hude Quan

Hypertension, Knowledge, Ethnic Groups, Awareness, Health Literacy

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Pregnancy-Related Hypertensive Disease in Nulliparous Women

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:283-289


Gaurav Ghosh, Jagteshwar Grewel, Tuija Mannisto, Pauline Mendola, Zhen Chen, Yunlong Xie, S. Katherine Laughon

Ethnic Groups, Hypertension, Pregnancy-induced, Pre-eclampsia

Research Participants’ Opinions on Genetic Research and Reasons for Participation: A Jackson Heart Study Focus Group Analysis

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:290-297


Evelyn R. Walker, Cheryl R. Nelson, Donna Antoine-LaVigne, Darcel T. Thigpen, Mona A. Puggal, Daniel F. Sarpong, Alice M. Smith, Alyce L. Stewart, Frances C. Henderson

Community-based Participatory Research, Genetics, Ethics, Community Education

Commentary: Clinician and Researcher Contributions to Disparities in Racial and Ethnic Minority Participation in Human Subjects Research

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:298-301


Cherise A. Charleswell

Health Disparities, Clinical Research, Human Subject Research, Minorities Recruitment, Cultural Competency

A Comparison of Psychosocial Health in North American and Chinese Canadian Cardiac Outpatients, and Ethnocultural Correlates of Quality of Life

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:302-309


Christine Tang, Shamila Shanmugasegaram, Chi-Ming Chow, Natalie Cho, Yonyao Tan, Sherry L. Grace

Cultural Characteristics, Canada, Chinese, Cardiovascular Diseases, Outpatients

Analysis of Risk Factors of Acute Ischemic Stroke for Different Ethnic Groups in Changde

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:310-315


Ping Xu, Jin Kang, Xu-Lin Xiang, Gui-Xiang Guo, Chun-Yun Gao, Shi-Jin Zhu, Qing-Hua Su, Jun Wen, Yan-Deng Li, Bo Xiao

Acute Ischemic Stroke, Risk Factors, Ethnic Groups

Cardiovascular Risks in Kazakh Population in Xinjiang Province of China

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:316-320


Xiang Ma, Xue Bai, Ujit Kumar Karmacharya, Ding Huang, Ying Huang, Xiang Xie, Xian Wei, Yi-Tong Ma

Cardiovascular Disease, Kazakh

Health-Related Quality of Life in Obese and Overweight, Treatment-Seeking Youth

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:321-327


William R. Black, Ann M. Davis, Meredith L. Dreyer Gillette, Mary B. Short, Chad T. Wetterneck, Jianghua He

Pediatric Obesity, Child Obesity, Health Related Quality of Life, HRQOL, Race Difference, Sex Difference

Executive Function and Negative Eating Behaviors in Severely Obese African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:328-334


Regina C. Sims, Nomi Kaie Bennett, Denee T. Mwendwa, Mana K. Ali, Shellie-Anne T. Levy, Clive O. Callender, Alfonso L. Campbell

Eating Behaviors, African Americans, Obesity, Executive Functioning, Inhibition, Set Shifting

Maintenance of Long-Term Adequate Levels of Vitamin D Lowers HbA1c in African American Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:335-341


Rhea T. Green, Kanwal K. Gambhir, Gail Nunlee-Bland, Wolali A. Odonkor, Vijaya A. Ganta

Type 2 Diabetes, 25(OH)D, hypovitaminosis D, Vitamin D, African American, Vitamin D Supplementation, Hemoglobin A1c

Efficacy of Obesity Indices and Age in Predicting Diabetes: Study on a Transitional Tribe of Northeast India

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:342-348


N.K. Mungreiphy, Satwanti Kapoor

Diabetes, Obesity, Age, Socioeconomic Change, Tribe

Effect of Diabetes Self-Efficacy on Glycemic Control, Medication Adherence, Self-Care Behaviors, and Quality of Life in a Predominantly Low-Income, Minority Population

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:349-355


Rebekkah J. Walker, Brittany L. Smalls, Melba A. Hernandez-Tejada, Jennifer A. Campbell, Leonard E. Egede

Diabetes Self-efficacy, Glycemic Control, Medication Adherence, Self-care Behaviors, Quality of Life, Low-income Population, Type 2 Diabetes

Body Composition and Muscular Strength as Predictors of Bone Mineral Density in African American Women with Metabolic Syndrome

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:356-362


Pei-Yang Liu, Lndsey M. Hornbuckle, Jasminka Z. Ilich, Jeong-Su Kim, Lynn Panton

Body Fat, Obesity, Lean Mass, Osteoporosis

Examination of Race Disparities in Physical Inactivity among Adults of Similar Social Context

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:363-369


Shondelle M. Wilson-Frederick, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Caryn N. Bell, Sara N. Bleich, Jean G. Ford, Thomas A. LaVeist

Integrated Community, Physical Activity, Race Disparities, Residential Segregation, Social Environment

The Influence of Sitting Time and Physical Activity on Health Outcomes in Public Housing Residents

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:370-375


Heather J. Leach, Scherezade K. Mama, Erica G. Soltero, Rebecca E. Lee

African Americans, Physical Activity, Sitting Time, Socioeconomic Factors

Ethnicity as a Predictive Factor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening Among Patients in Hawaii

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:376-381


Catherine L. Ly, Linda L. Wong

Early Detection of Cancer, Health Care Disparities, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Liver Neoplasms, Mass Screening

Race and Invasive Fungal Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[3]:382-385


Amelia K. Boehme, Gerald McGwin, David R. Andes, G. Marshall Lyon, Tom Chiller, Peter G. Pappas, John W. Baddley

Invasive Fungal Infection, Solid Organ Transplant, Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Cryptococcosis

Volume 24, Number 2 (Spring 2014)




Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Health among Black and White Women Residing In Stroke Belt and Buckle Regions of the South

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:133-143


Sharon K. Davis, Samson Gebreab, Rakale Quarells, Gary H. Gibbons

Black, White, Women, Cardiovascular Risk Factor, Social Determinants, Stroke, South

Racial Disparities in Hospitalizations, Procedural Treatments and Mortality of Patients Hospitalized with Atrial Fibrillation

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:144-149


Sahar Naderi, Fatima Rodriguez, Yun Wang, JoAnne M. Foody

Racial Disparities, Hospitalizations, Atrial Fibrillation

Subjective Socioeconomic Status Predicts Framingham Cardiovascular Disease Risk for Whites, not Blacks

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:150-154


Allyssa J. Allen, Jessica M. McNeely, Shari R. Waldstein, Michele K. Evans, Alan B. Zonderman

Health Disparities, Socioeconomic Status, Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in the Coastal Region of South Carolina

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:155-161


Kevin McElligott, James McElligott, Guillermo Rivell, Robert Rolfe, Robert Sharpe, Kelly Lambright, Laurine Charles

Cardiovascular Diseases, Personal Health Services, Hispanic Americans, Mexican Americans, South Carolina, Diabetes Mellitus, Health Services Accessibility, Health Care Disparities, Health Surveys, Health Care Surveys

Weight-Based Discrimination and Medication Adherence among Low-Income African Americans with Hypertension: How Much of the Association Is Mediated by Self-Efficacy?

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:162-168


Michael P. Richardson, Molly E. Waring, Monica L. Wang, Lisa Nobel, Yendelela Cuffee, Sharina D. Person, Sandral Hullett, Catarina I. Kiefe, Jeroan J. Allison

Health Disparities, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Discrimination, African American

High Factor VIII, Von Willebrand Factor, and Fibrinogen Levels and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Blacks and Whites

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:169-174


Amanda B. Payne, Connie H. Miller, W. Craig Hooper, Cathy Lally, Harland D. Austin

Venous Thromboembolism, Fibrinogen, Factor VIII, Von Willebrand Factor

Diet and Blood Pressure: Differences Among Whites, Blacks and Hispanics in New York City 2010

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:175-181


Katherine Bartley, Molly Jung, Stella Yi

Hypertension, Nutrition, Blood Pressure, Racial/Ethnic Differences

Diabetes Control through an Educational Intervention

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:182-188


Wallace Johnson, Fadia T. Shaya, Reed Winston, Aurelia Laird, C. Daniel Mullins, Viktor V. Chirikov, Elijah Saunders

Patient Education, African Americans, High Risk, Inner-City

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Multiple Diabetes Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in the Southeastern United States

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:189-194


Cheryl P. Lynch, Joni L. Strom Williams, Jamaeka Reid, Renee Joseph, Brad Keith, Leonard Egede

Race/ethnicity, Diabetes, Diabetes Outcomes

Community Screening for Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Using Hba1c Levels in High-Risk African Americans and Latinos

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:195-199


Mayer B. Davidson, Petra Duran, Martin L. Lee

Screening, Risk Score, Prediabetes, HbA1c Levels

Nutrient Intake and Lifestyle Factors by Diabetes Status of Circassians and Chechans in Jordan

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:200-206


Reema Fayez Tayyem, Rana Dajani, Yousef S. Khader, Suhad S. Abu-Mweis, Raja Fatahallah, Hiba A. Bawadi

Nutrients, Diabetes, Obesity, Circassians, Chechan

Usefulness of Lipid Ratios and Atherogenic Index of Plasma in Obese Moroccan Women with or without Metabolic Syndrome

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:207-212


Fadwa Essiarab, Hassan Taki, Halima Lebrazi, Maat Sabri, Rachid Saile

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Lipoproteins, Lipid Ratios, Atherogenic Index of Plasma

Hypertension Prevalence and Knowledge Assessment in Rural Haiti

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:213-219


Logan Pierce, Alexander Shannon, Julian Sonnenfeld, Mark Pearlmutter, Harold Previl, Janet E. Forrester

Hypertension, Haiti, Blood Pressure, Knowledge, Caribbean, Cardiovascular Disease, Awareness

eGFR and Chronic Kidney Disease Stages among Newly Diagnosed Asymptomatic Hypertensives and Diabetics Seen in a Tertiary Health Center in Nigeria

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:220-225


Samuel Ajayi, Manmak Mamven, Dike Ojii

Screening, eGFR, Newly Diagnosed Hypertensives, Diabetics

Commentary: The Practice of Dialysis in the Intensive Care Unit in a Developing Country

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]: 226-228


Omar Maoujoud, Yassir Zajjari, Mohammed Asseraji, Taoufiq Aatif, Samir Ahid, Zouhair Oualim

Dialysis, Renal Replacement Therapy, Acute Renal Failure, Hemodialysis, Ethnicity

Low-Income Urban Latino Parents’ Perceptions of Immunization Text Reminders

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:229-235


Carolyn R. Ahlers-Schmidt, Elizabeth Ablah, Nicole Rogers, Paula Cupertino, Debra Parra-Medina, Frank Dong, Tracie Collins

Immunization, Text Message, Latino

Associations of Race and Other Socioeconomic Factors with Post-Hospitalization Hospice Care Settings

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:236-242


Abbie Kirkendall, Jay J. Shen, Yili Gan

Hospice Care, Racial Disparity, Socioeconomic Factors, Home Care, Medical Facility

An Ecological Analysis of the Incidence of Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix in Hispanic Women in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[2]:243-247


Kristy K. Ward, Angelica M. Roncancio, Miguel Angel Cano, Steven C. Plaxe

Hispanic, Latina, Cervical Cancer, County Characteristics, Language Isolation, Education, Income

Volume 24, Number 1 (Winter 2014)




Association of American Indian Cultural Identity with Physical Activity

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]: 1-7


Glen E Duncan, Casey L McDougall, Elizabeth Dansie, Eva Garroutte, Debra Buchwald, Jeffrey A Henderson

American Indian; Culture; Language; Physical Activity

Facilitators, Barriers, and Components of A Culturally Tailored Afterschool Physical Activity Program in Preadolescent African American Girls and Their Mothers

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:8-13


Sofiya Alhassan, Cory Greever, Ogechi Nwaokelemeh, Albert Mendoza, Daheia J Barr-Anderson

African American; Mother- Daughter Dyads; Physical Activity; Qualitative Study

The Association between Obesity and Health-Related Quality of Life among Urban Latinos

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:14-18


Karolyn A Wanat, Carrie L Kovarik, Sara Shuman, Robert C Whitaker, Gary D Foster, Matthew J O’Brien

Health-related Quality of Life; Latino Health; Obesity; Acculturation

Diabetes Risk, Diagnosis, and Control: Do Psychosocial Factors Predict Hemoglobin A1c Defined Outcomes or Accuracy of Self-Reports?

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:19-27


Kellee White, Favel L Mondesir, Lisa M Bates, M Maria Glymour

Diabetes; Self-report; Accuracy; Race/ethnicity; Racial Discrimination

The Association of English Ability and Glycemic Control among Latinos with Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]: 28-34


Arshiya A Baig, Cara A Locklin, Edward Foley, Bernard Ewigman, David O Meltzer, Elbert S Huang

Diabetes; Latinos; English Language

High Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Xavante Indians from Mato Grosso, Brazil

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:35-40


Amaury L Dal Fabbro, Laércio J Franco, Anderson S da Silva, Daniela S Sartorelli, Luana P Soares, Luciana F Franco, Patrícia C Kuhn, Regina S Moisés, Joáo Paulo B Vieira-Filho

Diabetes Mellitus; Hypertension; Obesity; Xavante

Triple-Combination Treatment with Olmesartan Medoxomil/ Amlodipine/ Hydrochlorothiazide in Hispanic/Latino Patients with Hypertension: The TRINITY Study

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:41-47


Andrew J Lewin, Dean J Kereiakes, Steven G Chrysant, Joseph L Izzo, Jr, Suzanne Oparil, James Lee, Victor Fernandez, Michael Melino

Angiotensin Receptors; Calcium Channel Blockers; Hispanic Americans; Hypertension; Thiazide Diuretics

The Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diabetes Increases with a Body Mass Index Of ≥23 kg/m2 in Filipino American Women

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:48-54


Irma B Ancheta, Cynthia A Battie, Ma. Teresa Tuason, Nancy Borja-Hart, Christine V Ancheta

Asian; Minority; Women; Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Filipino; Diabetes

Patterns of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Ghana: A 5-Year Review of Autopsy Cases at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:55-59


Olutobi A Sanuade, John K Anarfi, Ama de-Graft Aikins, Kwadwo A Koram

Cardiovascular Disease; Mortality; Autopsy; Ghana

Self-Reported Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Associated Hopelessness in African American Participants of a Church-Placed Health Screening Program

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:60-66


JaNae Joyner, David M Cline, Debra R Simmons, Carlos M Ferrario, David L Mount

Hypertension; Inertia; Hopelessness; Behavior; Church

A Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Management of Hypertension among Filipino Americans in New York and New Jersey: A Pilot Study

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:67-76


Rhodora A Ursua, David E Aguilar, Laura C Wyatt, Carina Katigbak, Nadia S Islam, S Darius Tandon, Potri Ranka Manis Queano Nur, Nancy Van Devanter, Mariano J Rey, Chau Trinh-Shevrin

Hypertension; Blood Pressure; Filipino; Asian Americans; Immigrants; Community Health Workers

The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study: Sample, Design, and Procedures

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:77-83


Linda C Gallo, Frank J Penedo, Mercedes Carnethon, Carmen R Isasi, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Vanessa L Malcarne, Scott C Roesch, Marston E Youngblood, Martha L Daviglus, Patricia Gonzalez, Gregory T Talavera

Cardiovascular Disease; Culture; Hispanic; Latino; Metabolic Syndrome; Psychosocial Factors; Social Factors

Older Depressed Latinos’ Experiences with Primary Care Visits for Personal, Emotional and/or Mental Health Problems: A Qualitative Analysis

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:84-91


Adriana Izquierdo, Catherine Sarkisian, Gery Ryan, Kenneth B Wells, Jeanne Miranda

Depression, Aging, Latino, Primary Care

Health Behaviors and Obesity among Hispanics with Depression, United States 2006

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]: 92-96


Pranesh P Chowdhury, Lina S Balluz, Guixiang Zhao, Machell Town

Depression; Ethnicity; Hispanics; Physical Activity; BRFSS

Health Characteristics and Health Behaviors of African American Adults According to Self-Rated Health Status

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:97-103


Meghan Baruth, Katie Becofsky, Sara Wilcox, Kara Goodrich

Self-rated Health; Health Behaviors; Chronic Health Conditions; African Americans

Prenatal Dog-Keeping Practices Vary by Race: Speculations on Implications for Disparities in Childhood Health and Disease

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:104-109


Jerel M Ezell, Andrea E Cassidy-Bushrow, Suzanne Havstad, Christine L M Joseph, Ganesa Wegienka, Kyra Jones, Dennis R Ownby, Christine Cole Johnson

Racial Disparities; Pet-keeping; Dogs; Asthma; Allergy; Human-Animal Bond

Receipt of Surgical Treatment in US Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer: Does Place of Birth Matter?

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:110-115


Saurabh Chavan, Michael Goodman, Ahmedin Jemal, Stacey A Fedewa

Breast Cancer; Birth Place; Breast Conserving Therapy

Medical Students’ Self-Reported Preparedness and Attitudes in Providing Care to Ethnic Minorities

Ethn Dis. 2014;24[1]:116-121


Charlie Zhang, Jackson Chu, Kristy Cho, Jonathan Yang, Kevin McCartney, Kendall Ho

Medical Education; Cultural Competency; Immigrant Health; Multiculturalism


Volume 23, Number 4 (Autumn 2013)




Impact of Race/ethnicity on Efficacy and Safety of Two Starter Insulin Regimens in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Posthoc Analysis of the DURABLE Trial

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:393-400


Jaime A Davidson, Bruce H Wolffenbuttel, Richard F Arakaki, A Enrique Caballero, Honghua H Jiang, Dana S Hardin

Type 2 Diabetes, Race, Ethnicity, Insulin

Behavioral Interventions to Improve Glycemic Control in African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:401-408


Rebekah J Walker, Brittany L Smalls, Heather Shaw Bonilha, Jennifer A Campbell, Leonard E Egede

Diabetes, Glucose Control, African Americans, Ethnic Groups, Lifestyle

Racial Differences in Glucose Control among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Survey on Dietary Temptations, Coping, and Trust in Physicians

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:409-414


Renée M Betancourt, Kathleen O Degnan, Judith A Long

Disparities, Diabetes Mellitus, Glucose Control, Psychosocial Factors

Prevalence of Diabetes and Pre-diabetes in Kansas

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:415-420


Elizabeth Ablah, Frank Dong, Ana Paula Cupertino, Kurt Konda, Judy A Johnston, Tracie Collins

Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, Rural, Urban

Racial Discrimination and Metabolic Control in Women with Type 2 Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:421-427


Julie A Wagner, Howard Tennen, Richard Feinn, Patrick H Finan

Discrimination, Racism, Diabetes, Glycemic Control, Women

Development and Validation of the Lifestyle Self-Efficacy Scale for Latinos with Diabetes (LSESLD)

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:428-435


Monica L Wang, Stephenie C Lemon, Garry Welch, Milagros C Rosal

Diabetes, Self-Efficacy, Self- Management, Scale, Latinos, Low-income

Fasting Plasma Ghrelin Levels are Reduced, but not Suppressed during OGTT in Obese African American Adolescents

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:436-440


Maurice B Fluitt, Kanwal K Gambhir, Gail Nunlee-Bland, Wolali Odonkor

Ghrelin, African American Adolescents, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus

Uncomplicated Obesity in an African American Population Seeking Medical Weight Loss

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:441-444


Denia Tapscott, Monet D Bernard, Thomas A Mellman

Obesity, Weight Loss, African American, Women, Cardiovascular Disease, Metabolically Healthy Obese

Restaurant Foods, Sugar-sweetened Soft Drinks, and Obesity Risk among Young African American Women

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:445-451


Deborah A Boggs, Lynn Rosenberg, Patricia F Coogan, Kepher H Makambi, Lucile L Adams-Campbell, Julie R R Palmer

Fast Food, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, African American Women

Turn off the TV and Dance! Participation in Culturally Tailored Health Interventions: Implications for Obesity Prevention among Mexican American Girls

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:452-461


Kathryn J Azevedo, Sonia Mendoza, María Fernández, K Farish Haydel, Michelle Fujimoto, Evelyn C Tirumalai, Thomas N Robinson

Obesity Prevention, Behavioral Health Interventions, Girls, Latinos

Examining the Relationship between the Endorsement of Racial/ethnic Stereotypes and Excess Body Fat Composition in a National Sample of African Americans and Black Caribbeans

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:462-468


Lauren J Parker, Haslyn E R Hunte

Discrimination, Stress, Psychological, Obesity, Body Weight Changes

Factors Influencing Medication Compliance among Hypertensive Older African American Adults

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:469-473


Marylen Rimando

Medication Compliance, Hypertension, African Americans, Qualitative, Self-efficacy

Relationship between 24-hour Blood Pressure Pattern and Left Ventricular Structure and Function in Hypertensive Nigerians

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:474-479


Chibuike E Nwafor, Adewole A Adebiyi, Okechukwu S Ogah, Ayodele O Falase

24-hr Blood Pressure, Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Left Ventricular Mass, Left Ventricular Geometry, Hypertension, Nigeria

Pattern of Prescription of Anti-hypertensive Medications in a Tertiary Health Care Facility in Abuja, Nigeria

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:480-483


Dike B Ojji, Samuel O Ajayi, Manmak H Mamven, Jacob Alfa, Damasceno Albertino

Hypertension, Pharmacotherapy, Sub-Saharan Africa

Predictors of Risk and Protection for Hypertension in Yup'ik People from Southwest Alaska

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:484-491


Bernadette Boden-Albala, Eric T Roberts, Scarlett Hopkins, James Allen, Bert B Boyer

Hypertension, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Blood Pressure

The Association between Renal Function Biomarkers and Subclinical Cardiovascular Measures in African Caribbean Families

Ethn Dis.2013;23[4]:492-498


Hu Li, Allison Kuipers, Candace M Kammerer, Clareanne H Bunker, Lewis H Kuller, Iva Miljkovic, Alan L Patrick, Victor W Wheeler, Joseph M Zmuda

Cardiovascular disease, Renal function biomarkers, Afro-Caribbeans

Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Sleep and Chronic Disease: Results of a Longitudinal Investigation

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:499-507


Rebecca S Piccolo, May Yang, Donald L L Bliwise, H Klar Yaggi, Andre B Araujo

Disparities, Sleep Quality, Chronic Disease

Racial and Ethnic Minority Participants in Chronic Disease Self-management Programs: Findings from the Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[4]:508-517


Holly Korda, Erkan Erdem, Cynthia Woodcock, Michelle Kloc, Sarah Pedersen, Susan Jenkins

Chronic Disease Self-Management, Prevention, Wellness, Race, Ethnicity, Minority Populations, Evaluation, Older Adults

Volume 23, Number 3 (Summer 2013)




Socioeconomic and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Biventricular Pacemakers in Heart Failure Patients with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:275–280


John C. Casale, Flossie Wolf, Yanfen Pei, Richard B. Devereux

Heart Failure; Biventricular Pacing; Ethnicity; Poverty

Race and Epicardial Fat: the Impact of Anthropometric Measurements, Percent Body Fat and Sex

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:281–285


Sule Steve Salami, Michael Tucciarone, Renee Bess, Anuradha Klluru, Susan Szpunar, Howard Rosman, Gerald Cohen

Anthropometric Measures; Body Mass Index; Echocardiography; Sex; Epicardial Fat; Race

Stroke Mortality Disparities in the Population of the Appalachian Mountain Region

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:286–291


Alexander V. Sergeev

Stroke; Mortality; African Americans; Blacks; Appalachian Mountain Population; Health Status Disparities

Coronary Artery Disease in South Asian Immigrants Living in New York City: Angiographic Findings and Risk Factor Burdens

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:292-295


Jeffrey J. Silbiger, Russell Stein, Monisankar Roy, Murali K. Nair, Pilar Cohen, Jonathon Shaffer, Arthur Pinkhasov, Mazullah Kamran

South Asians; Coronary Artery Disease; CAD Risk Factors; Coronary Angiography

Beyond Hispanics: Sub-Ethnic Differences in Depression, Post-Traumatic Distress, and Suicidal Ideation among Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:296–303


Yasunori Nishikawa, David Rubinstein, Rachel A. Annunziato

Cardiovascular Disease; Psychiatric Symptoms; Ethnicity

A Culturally Specific Health Coaching Program Targeting Cardiovascular Disease Risk in South Asians: Rationale, Design, and Baseline Data

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:304–309


Anita Sathe, Elena Flowers, Avantika Mathur, Donna Malhotra Garcia, Jeannette Kotry, Rupal Gandhi, Cesar Molina, Ashish Mathur

Health Coaching; Risk; Cardiovascular Disease; South Asian

Differences in Diabetes Mellitus Onset for Older Black, White, and Mexican Americans

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:310–315


Ana R. Quinones, Jersey Liang, Wen Ye

Ethnic Differences; Diabetes Mellitus Incidence; Discrete-Time Survival Analysis

Racial Influences on Diabetes Management among Adults in North Carolina

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:316–321


Crystal N. Piper, Tatreka Polite-Middleton, Jan Warren-Findlow, Michael E. Thompson, Neethu Sebastian, Yetunde Akindahunsi

Diabetes Mellitus; Disease Management; Health Status Disparities; Adults

Association of Church-Sponsored Activity Participation and Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in African American Protestants, National Survey of American Life, 2001-2003

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:322–328


Jerome Taylor, Jr., Brook Belay, Sohyun Park, Stephen Onufrak, William Dietz

Religion; Obesity; Overweight; African Americans

Factors Associated with Childhood Overweight and Obesity among Acculturated and New Immigrants

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:329–335


Vered Kaufman-Shriqui, Drora Fraser, Michael Friger, Natalya Bilenko, Hillel Vardi, Kathleen Abu-Saad, Naama Elhadad, Karen Mor, Zvi Feine, Danit R. Shahar

Childhood Obesity; Acculturation; Smoking; Socioeconomic Status; Preschool Age

Patterns of Sedentary Behavior in Overweight and Obese Women

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:336–342


Meghan Baruth, Patricia A. Sharpe, Brent Hutto, Sara Wilcox, Tatiana Y. Warren

Physical Activity; Accelerometer; Measurement; African American Women; Public Health

Association of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors for Colon Cancer Screening in Hispanic Patients

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:343–348


Max E. Otiniano, Robert C. Wood, Ramin S. Poursani, David A. Katerndahl, Saima Siddiqui, Mark T. Nadeau

Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors; Colon Cancer Screening; Hispanics

Differences in Incidence Rates and Early Detection of Cancer among Non-Hispanic and Hispanic Whites in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:349–355


Ray M. Merrill, Jessica D. Harris, Joseph G. Merrill

Cancer Incidence; Detection; Disparity; Ethnicity; Screening

Undergoing Transformation to the Patient Centered Medical Home in Safety Net Health Centers: Perspectives from the Front Lines

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:356–362


Michael T. Quinn, Kathryn E. Gunter, Robert S. Nocon, Sarah E. Lewis, Anusha M. Vable, Hui Tang, Seo-Young Park, Lawrence P. Casalino, Elbert S. Huang, Jonathan Birnberg, Deborah L. Burner, W. Thomas Summerfield, Marshall H. Chin

Patient Centered Medical Home; Safety Net Health Centers; Federally Qualified Health Centers; Qualitative Research

Hypertension in Mongolia: An Overview

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:363–368


Tsogzolbaatar Enkh-Oyun, Kazuhiko Kotani, Dambadarjaa Davaalkham, Ritei Uehara, Atsuko Sadakane, Yasuko Aoyama, Satoshi Tsuboi, Yosikazu Nakamura

Ethnic Epidemiology; Mongolia; Blood Pressure; Hypertension; Cardiovascular Disease

Obesity and its Related Factors among Women from Popular Neighborhoods in Casablanca, Morocco

Ethn Dis.2013;23[3]:369–373


Ali Jafri, Mohammed Jabari, Mohammed Dahhak, Rachid Saile, Abdelfettah Derouiche

Obesity; Overweight; Women; Morocco; Casablanca, Body Composition; Body Image

Rural-urban Difference in Plasma Lipid Levels and Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Hausa-Fulani of North-Western Nigeria

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:374–378


A. A. Sabir, S. A. Isezuo, A. E. Ohwovoriole, O. A. Fasanmade, S. A. Abubakar, S. Iwuala, M. T. Umar

Rural; Urban; Lipids; Dyslipidemia

MTHFR C677T Polymorphism among Meiteis of Manipur (India)

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[3]:379–381


Salam Kabita, Huidrom Suraj Singh, Dhanaraj Singh Chongtham, Kallur Nava Saraswathy

Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase; Meiteis; Polymorphism

Volume 23, Number 2 (Spring 2013)




Association Between Self-Reported Physical Activity and Obesity among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans: 2007 and 2009 BRFSS

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:129–135


Soyang Kwon, Meme Wang, Marquis Hawkins

Weight Status; Body Mass Index; Exercise; Race/ethnicity; Health Disparities; NHANES

Food Responsiveness, Parental Food Control and Anthropometric Outcomes Among Young American Indian Children: Cross-Sectional and Prospective Findings

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]: 136–142


Jayne A. Fulkerson, Peter Hannan, Bonnie Holy Rock, Mary Smyth, John H. Himes, Mary Story

Food Responsiveness; Parental Food Control; BMI; Anthropometry; Obesity; American Indian; Children

A 10-week Aerobic Exercise Program Reduces Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Overweight/Obese Female African University Students

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:143–148


Musa Lewis Mathunjwa, Stuart John Semple, Corrie du Preez

Aerobic; Cardiometabolic Disease; Obesity

Age-Related Decline in Salivary Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate and Associated Health Risks among African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:149–154


Preetha Anna Abraham, Josh Ben Kanzman, Stacy Anne Zeno, Merily Poth, Patricia Anne Deuster

Depression; Sex; Hassles; Obesity; Sleep; Stress

Does the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk Vary by Race? Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:155–160


Benjamin D. Capistrant, Paola Gilsanz, J. Robin Moon, Anna Kosheleva, Kristen K. Patton, M. Maria Glymour

Depression; Stroke; Cardiovascular Disease; Mortality; Race

Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertension in Abia State Nigeria: Results from the Abia State Non-Communicable Diseases and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Survey

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:161–167


Okechukwu S. Ogah, Okechukwu O. Madukwe, Innocent I. Chukwuonye, Ugochukwu U. Onyeonoro, Andrew U. Ukegbu, Moses O. Akhimien, Basden J.C. Onwubere, Ikechi G. Okpechi

Non-communicable Disease; Hypertension; Blacks; Abia State, Nigeria

The Effect of Prevalent Cardiovascular Conditions on the Association between Alcohol Consumption and Mortality among Older Mexican American Men

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:168–174


Majd AlGhatrif, Kyriakos S. Markides, Yong-fang Kuo, Laura A. Ray, Alison A. Moore

Alcohol; Cardiovascular Disease; Older Mexican Americans; Mortality

Ethnic Differences in Relationship Orientation, Marital Quality and Ambulatory Blood Pressure

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:175–181


Bryan Jensen, Patrick R. Steffen, Julianne Holt-Lunstad

Ambulatory Blood Pressure; Mexican American; Communal; Exchange; Marriage

Changes in Quality of Life Indicators among Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Participants: an Examination by Race and Ethnicity

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:182–188


Matthew Lee Smith, Jinmyoung Cho, Camerino J. Salazar, Marcia G. Ory

Program Evaluation; Quality of Life; Self-management; Older Adults; Aging

ACE Inhibitor and ARB Medication Use among Medicaid Enrollees with Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:189–195


Claudia M. Lora, Alexander W. Sokolovsky, Daniel R. Touchette, Jing Jin, Xiaojing Hu, Weihua Gao, Ben S. Gerber

ACE Inhibitor, Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, Diabetes

Islet Immunity and Beta Cell Reserve of Indigenous Black South Africans with Ketoacidosis at Initial Diagnosis of Diabetes

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:196-201


Chukwuma Ekpebegh, Benjamin Longo-Mbenza, Ernesto Blanco-Blanco

Diabetes; Ketoacidosis; Islet Immunity; Beta Cell Reserve; Black South African

Validation of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form 36 (KDQOL-36) US Spanish and English Versions in a Cohort of Hispanics with Chronic Kidney Disease

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:202-209


Ana C. Richards, Eileen Hacker, Claudia M. Lora, Lynn Ackerson, Karen B. DeSalvo, Alan Go, Lisa Nessel, Akinlolu Ojo, Raymond R. Townsend, Carol E. Ferrans, James P. Lash

Validation; Quality of Life; Hispanics

Comparing Perceived and Test-Based Knowledge of Cancer Risk and Prevention among Hispanic and African Americans: an Example of Community Participatory Research

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:210–216


Loretta Jones, Mohsen Bazargan, Anna Lucas-Wright, Jaydutt V. Vadgama, Roberto Vargas, James Smith, Salman Otoukesh, Annette E. Maxwell

Cancer; Knowledge; Minority; Prevention; Screenin

Racial Differences in Central Hemodynamic Burden in Men with HIV: Preliminary Findings

Ethn Dis. 2013; 23[2]:217–222


Kevin S. Heffernan, Christine A. Wanke, Kimberly Dong, Patrick J. Warner, Paul E. Anskat, Richard H. Karas, Jeffrey T. Kuvin

African American; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Arterial Stiffness; Blood Pressure; Wave Reflection

The Living Well by Faith Health and Wellness Program for African Americans: An Exemplar of Community-Based Participatory Research

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:223–229


Gaye Woods, Arnold H. Levinson, Grant Jones, Ralph L. Kennedy, Lucille C. Johnson, Zung Vu Tran, Tondeleyo Gonzalez, Alfred C. Marcus

African American; CBPR; Faith Based; Obesity; Diet; Nutrition and Physical Activity

Project ACTS II: Organ Donation Education for African American Adults

Ethn Dis. 2013; 23[2]:230–237


Kimberly R. Jacob Arriola, Dana H. Z. Robinson, Jennie P. Perryman, Nancy J. Thompson, Emily F. Russell

Organ Donation; Transplantation; Intervention Research; Minority Health; African American

The Impact of Diabetes on Ethnic Disparities Seen in Kidney Transplantation

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[2]:238–244


David J. Taber, Holly B. Meadows, Nicole A. Pilch, Kenneth D. Chavin, Prabhakar K. Baliga, Leonard E. Egede

Kidney Disease; Renal Transplantation

Sickle Cell Disease - the American Saga

Ethn Dis. 2013;23(2):245–248.


Azfar-E-Alam Siddiqi, Lanetta B. Jordan, Christopher S. Parker

Sickle Cell Disease

Volume 23, Number 1 (Winter 2013)




Traditional Beliefs and Knowledge Base about Epilepsy among University Students in Ghana

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:1–5


Anthony T. Dugbartey, Kofi Bobi Barimah

Epilepsy; Ghana; Traditional Beliefs; Antonak and Rankin’s Scale

Ethnic Differences in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders: Implications for Reducing Health Care Disparities

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:6–11


Ernest Moy, Marjorie K. Mau, Susan Raetzman, Marguerite Barrett, Jill B. Miyamura, Karne H. Chaves, Roxanne Andrews

Quality of Health Care; Health Care Disparities; Minority Health

Education, Income and Disability in African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:12–17


Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Sarah L. Szanton, Caryn N. Bell, Keith E. Whitfield

Education; Income; SES; Disability; African Americans; Health Disparities

Prevalence of Antibodies to the Hepatitis C Virus among Arab and Chaldean Americans in Southeast Michigan, USA

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:18–21


Laith H. Jamil, Michael C. Duffy, Monty Fakhouri, Hikmet J. Jamiil

Hepatitis C; Arab American; Chaldean American; Ethnicity; Risk Factors

How Do Depressive Symptoms Influence Self-Care among an Ethnic Minority Population with Heart Failure?

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:22–28


Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Margaret M. McCarthy, Stuart M. Katz

Heart Failure; Self-Care; Depression; Ethnicity

Ethnic Disparities Trump Other Risk Factors in Determining Delay to Emergency Department Arrival in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:29–34


James E. Siegler, Amerlia K. Boehme, Karne C. Albright, Sheryl Martin-Schild

Ethnic Disparities; Acute Ischemic Stroke; Treatment

Effect of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Cardiovascular Risk Factor Burden: the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:35–42


Georita M. Frierson, Erica N. Howard, Laura F. DeFina, Tiffany M. Powell-Wiley, Benjamin L. Willis

Socioeconomic Status; Racial/ ethnic Minorities; Preventive Medicine; Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Evaluation of Racial Differences in Resting and Postprandial Endothelial Function in Postmenopausal Women Matched for Age, Fitness and Body Composition

Ethn Dis. 2013; 23[1]:43–48


Damon L. Swift, Judith Y. Weltman, James T. Patrie, Eugene J. Barrett, Glenn A. Gaesser, Arthur Weltman

Flow-mediated Dilation; Postmenopausal; Racial Differences; African American; Postprandial; Endothelial Function

Fragile Health Status of Latino Patients with Diabetes Seen in the Emergency Department of an Urban, Safety-Net Hospital

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:49–55


Michael Menchine, Karl Marzec, Thomas Solomon, Sanjay Arora

Latinos; Diabetes; Emergency Medicine; Transtheoretical Model

Depression and Type 2 Diabetes among Alaska Native Primary Care Patients

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:56–64


Denise A. Dillard, Renee F. Robinson, Julia J. Smith, Burhan A. Khan, Edward W. Dubois, Marjorie K. Mau

Depression; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; Primary Care; North American Indians

Relationship of Ethnicity and Body Mass Index with the Development of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:65–70


James Davis, Deborah Juarez, Krista Hodges

Ethnicity; Hypertension; Hyperlipidemia

Getting to the Height of the Matter: The Relationship Between Stature and Adiposity in Pre-Pubertal Children

Ethn Dis.2013;23[1]:71–76


Lynae J. Hanks, Anna L. Newton, Krista Casazza

Height; Adiposity; Growth; Racial Disparities; Insulin

Ethnicity Influences BMI as Evaluated from Reported Serum Lipid Values in Inuit and Non-Inuit: raised upper limit of BMI in Inuit?

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:77–82


Paneeraq Noahsen, Stig Andersen

BMI; Ethnicity; Inuit Eskimo; Triglycerides; HDL-cholesterol; Overweight; Obesity

Predictors of Attempted Weight Loss and Physician Advice for Weight Loss in a Group of Overweight and Obese Patients in Togo

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:83–86


Gnankang Sarah Napoe, Yeon Hee Kim, Li Wang, Clareann H. Bunker, Findibe J. Damorou, Molly B. Conroy

Togo; West Africa; Obesity; Overweight; Weight Loss; Physician Advice; BMI

Dietitians in South Africa Require More Competencies in Public Health Nutrition and Management to Address the Nutritional Needs of South Africans

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:87–94


Whadiah Parker, Nelia P. Steyn, Zandile Mchiza, Gladys Nthangeni, Xikombiso Mbhenyane, Andre Dannhauser, Lynn Moeng, Edelweiss Wentzel-Viljoen

Dietitians; Academic Training; Community Service; Competencies

Does Language Moderate the Influence of Information Scanning and Seeking on HPV Knowledge and Vaccine Awareness and Initiation among Hispanics?

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:95–102


Clare F. Stevens, Margaret O. Caughy, Simon Craddock Lee, Wendy P. Bishop, Jasmin A. Tiro

Human Papillomavirus Vaccines; HPV; Health Communication; Health Care Disparities; Adolescent; Hispanic Americans

Racial-Ethnic Colorectal Cancer Survival Disparities in the Mountain West Region: The Case of Blacks Compared to Whites

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:103–109


Lucas N. Wassira, Paulo S. Pinheiro, James Symanowski, Alicia Hansen

Colorectal Cancer; Survival Analysis; Cox Proportional Hazard Regression; Racial/Ethnic Disparities

If You Drink Alcohol, Drink Sensibly: Is this Guideline Still Appropriate?

Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:110–115


Liezille Jacobs, Nelia Steyn

Alcohol; South Africa; Alcohol Abuse


Volume 22, Number 4 (Autumn 2012)




Variations in hypertension-related outcomes among Blacks, Whites and Hispanics in two large urban areas and in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:391–397


Haslyn E. R. Hunte, Graciela Mentz, James S. House, Amy J. Schulz, David R. Williams, Michael R. Elliott, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, Denise M. White-Perkins

Hypertension; Minority Health; Population; Urban Health

NT-proBNP and potential vascular calcification in Black and Caucasian African men: the SAfrEIC study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:398–403


Ruan Kruger, Rudolph Schutte, Hugo W. Huisman, Michael H. Olsen, Aletta E. Schutte

NT-proBNP; Alkaline Phosphatase; Vascular Calcification; Ethnicity; Arterial Stiffness

A comparison of metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk factors in Filipino women and Filipino American women: a pilot study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:404–409)


Irma B. Ancheta, Cynthia A. Battie, Teresa Tuason, Christine V. Ancheta

Metabolic Syndrome; Filipino; Women; Waist Circumference

Self-reported sleep impairment and the metabolic syndrome among African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2012; 22[4]:410–415


Josh Ben Kazman, Preetha Anna Abraham, Stacey Anne Zeno, Merrily Poth, Patricia Anne Deuster

African Americans; Metabolic Syndrome; Sleep; Snoring; PSQI

Love your heart: a pilot community-based intervention to improve the cardiovascular health of African American women

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:416–421


Fatima Rodriguez, Lula Christopher, Caitlin E. Johnson, Yun Wang, JoAnne M. Foody

Health Care Disparities; Cardiovascular Diseases; Community-Based Participatory Research; Obesity, Hypertension

Exploring the association between reported discrimination and hypertension among African Americans: a systematic review

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:422–431


Yendelela L. Cuffee, J. Lee Hargraves, Jeroan Allison

Discrimination; Racism; Bias; Unfair Treatment; Hypertension; Elevated Blood Pressure; African Americans; Black

Review: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:432–438


Sachil Shah

African Americans; Heart Failure; Diastolic Heart Failure; Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction; Diastolic Dysfunction

Rapid growth from 12 to 23 months of life predicts obesity in a population of Pacific Island children

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:439–444


May Okihiro, James Davis, Lon White, Chris Derauf

Obesity; Overweight; Child, Growth; Pacific Islander; Hawaii

Leukocyte count and cardiometabolic risk among healthy participants with parental type 2 diabetes: the Pathobiology of Prediabetes in a Biracial Cohort study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:445–450


Alexander A. Boucher, Chimaroke Edeoga, Sotonte Ebenibo, Jim Wan, Samuel Dagogo-Jack

Ethnicity; Metabolic Syndrome; Inflammatory Markers; C-Reactive Protein; Offspring; Leukopenia; Waist Circumference

Racial/ethnic variation in prevalence estimates for United States prediabetes under alternative 2010 American Diabetes Association criteria: 1988-2008

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:451–458


Tetine L. Sentell, Guozhong He, Edward W. Gregg, Dean Schillinger

Prediabetes; Minority Groups; Minority Health; Health Status Disparities

Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy in Filipino vs Caucasian Americans: a retrospective cross-sectional epidemiologic study of two convenience samples

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:459–465


Christopher S. Sales, Roland Y. Lee, Anthony K. Agadzi, Michael R. Hee, Kuldev Singh, Shan C. Lin

Filipino American; Diabetes; Diabetic Retinopathy

Cultural basis for diabetes-related beliefs among low- and high-education African American, American Indian, and white older adults

Ethn Dis.2012;22[4]:466–472


Joseph G. Grzywacz, Thomas A. Arcury, Eddie H. Ip, Ha T. Nguyen, Santiago Saldana, Teresa Reynolds, Ronny A. Bell, Julienne K. Kirk, Sara A. Quandt

Diabetes Beliefs; Explanatory Models of Illness; Cultural Consensus; Ethnic Differences; Health Disparities

Profile of diabetes mellitus among immigrants from Guyana: epidemiology and implications for community action

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:473–478


Ephraim E. Back, Avinash S. Bachwani, David S. Strogatz, Zachary M. V. Sherman

Guyanese; Guyana; Type 2 diabetes; Minorities

Perception of generic prescription drugs and utilization of generic drug discount programs

Ethn Dis.2012;22[4]:479–485


Anthony Omojasola, Mike Hernandez, Sujit Sansgiry, Lovell Jones

Generic Prescription Drugs; Prescription Drug Cost; Health Care Cost, Health Care Access

Health insurance coverage among diabetic adults from three major ethnic groups in the United States

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:486–491


Linda I. Ekperi, Shamola Greene, Ahmed Dehal, Ana Lopez-De Fede, Jian Zhang

Health Insurance; Race; Ethnicity; Diabetes

Perceived reactions to race and health status in the Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:492–496


Rachael B. Zuckerman, Liane J. Tinsley, Helen Hawk, Bruce Cohen

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; Massachusetts; Prejudice; Health Status Disparities; Race/Ethnicity

Discrimination, acculturation and other predictors of depression among pregnant Hispanic women

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:497–503


Janiece L. Walker, R. Jeanne Ruiz, Juanita J. Chinn, Nathan Marti, Tiffany N. Ricks

Depression; Discrimination; Acculturation; Hispanic Women; Pregnancy

Transdisciplinary approaches to understanding and eliminating ethnic health disparities: are we on the right track?

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[4]:504–508


Sarah Knerr, Stephanie M. Fullerton

Transdisciplinary; Health Disparity; Multilevel Intervention; Health Outcome; Evaluation

Volume 22, Number 3 (Summer 2012)




Validating a single-question health literacy test among African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:265


Dorothy L. Faulkner

Health Literacy

Need for effective HPV vaccine promotional messaging before sexual activity begins

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:266


Julia Lechuga

Human Papillomavirus; HPV

Barriers to genetic testing for breast cancer risk among ethnic minority women: an exploratory study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:267-273


Beth A. Glenn, Neetu Chawla, Roshan Bastani

Breast Cancer; Oncology; Ethnic Minorities; BRCA1/2; Barriers, Genetic Testing

Design and evaluation of a theory-based, culturally relevant outreach model for breast and cervical cancer screening for Latina immigrants

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:274–280


Kari White, Isabel C. Garces, Lisa Bandura, Allison A. McGuire, Isabel C. Scarinci

Cancer Screening; Community-based Participatory Research; Program Evaluation, Latina Immigrants

Cholesterol, lipoproteins, and breast cancer risk in African American women

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:281–287


Adana A. Llanos, Kepher H. Makambi, Cynthia A. Tucker, Sherrie Flynt Wallington, Peter G. Shields, Lucile L. Adams-Campbel

Breast Cancer; Cholesterol; HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; African Americans

Black Medicaid beneficiaries experience breast cancer treatment delays more frequently than Whites

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:288–294


Bijal A. Balasubramanian, Kitaw Demissie, Benjamin F. Crabtree, Pamela A. Ohman Strickland, Karen Pawlish, George G. Rhoads

Breast Cancer; Race; Disparities; Treatment Delays; Adjuvant Therapy; Medicaid

Racial/ethnic differences in upper-tract urothelial cancer

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:295–301


G. M. Monawar Hosain, Myrna M. Khan, Gilad E. Amiel, Seth P. Lerner, David M. Latini, G. John Chen

Race/ethnicity; Urothelial Cancer; SEER Program

Health-related quality of life in elderly black and white patients with cancer: results from Medicare managed care population

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:302–307


Jiali Ye, Ruth Shim, Stephanie Lynn Garrett, Elvan Daniels

Health-related Quality of Life; Race; Cancer

Racial disparities in the risk of developing obesity-related diseases: a cross-sectional study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:308–316


Hong Zhang, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio

Racial Disparities; Obesity; Obesity Co-morbidities; Underserved; Minority Health

Race, ethnicity, and the relevance of obesity for social integration

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:317–323


Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham, Elizabeth Vaquera, Jeanne L. Long

Adolescence; Friendship; Obesity; Body Weight; Race; Ethnicity; Social Integration

Association of an aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) gene polymorphism with hyper-low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia in a Japanese population

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:324–328


Kazuhiko Kotani, Naoki Sakane, Toshiyuki Yamada

High-density Lipoprotein; Lowdensity Lipoprotein; Oxidation; Detoxification; Alcohol

The correlation between serum amyloid A and reactive oxygen metabolites in a young Mongolian population

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:329–334


Kazuhiko Kotani, Toshiyuki Yamada, Shuumarjav Uurtuya, Nobuyuki Taniguchi

Oxidative Stress; Oxygen Reactive Species; d-ROMs Test; Inflammation; CRP; Lifestyle-Related Disease

Prevalence and correlates of hypertension among the Ibibio/Annangs, Efiks and Obolos: a cross sectional community survey in rural South-South Nigeria

Ethn Dis. 2012;22[3]:335–339


Joseph J. Andy, Etete J. Peters, Udeme E. Ekrikpo, Ndanyongmong A. Akpan, Bernard C. Unadike, John U. Ekott

Rural; Hypertension; Nigeria

Prevalence of hypertension in Kegbara-Dere, a rural community in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:340–346


Arthur Chukwubike Onwuchekwa, Mary Margaret Mezie-Okoye, Seye Babatunde

Prevalence; Hypertension; Rural Community; Niger Delta; Nigeria

Prevalence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus in adults from a rural community in Ghana

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:347–352


Mariana Cook-Huynh, Daniel Ansong, Rachel Christine Steckelberg, Isaac Boakye, Katherine Seligman, Lambert Appiah, Neha Kumar, John H. Amuasi

Africa; Diabetes; Ghana; Hypertension; Prevalence; Rural

Racial discrimination and health in Brazil: evidence from a population-based survey

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:353–359


Ana Luiza Braz Pavao, George Basil Ploubidis, Guilherme Werneck, Monica Rodrigues Campos

Cross-sectional Studies; Racial Discrimination; Health Status Indicators, Population; Brazil

Effects of parity on blood pressure among West African Dogon women

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:360–366


Jacquelyn Y. Taylor, Deborah A. Sampson, Cindy M. Anderson, Dennis Caldwell, Andre D. Taylor

Parity; Women; Dogon; Rural; Hypertension; West African

Review of the scientific literature on the health of the Roma and Sinti in Italy

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:367–371


Lorenzo Monasta, Anna Erenbourg, Stefano Restaino, Vittoria Lutje, Luca Ronfani

Gypsies; Roma; Sinti; Minority Health; Prejudice; Marginalization; Italy

Differences in conventional cardiovascular risk factors in two ethnic groups in India

Ethn Dis.2012;22[3]:372–376


Priyanka Rani Garg, Salam Kabita, Huidrom Suraj Singh, Kallur Nava Saraswathy, Ekata Sinha, Aloke Kumar Kalla, Dhanaraj Singh Chongtham

Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Coronary Artery Disease; Hypertension; Ethnicity; Health

Volume 22, Number 2 (Spring 2012)




Targeting the type 2 diabetes epidemic in Polynesia: historical perspective and rationale for exercise intervention trials

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):123-128


William R. Sukala, Rachel Page, Birinder S. Cheema

Aerobic Training; Resistance Training; Glycemic Control; Ethnic Population; Morbid Obesity; Diabetes

Prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors in six Nicaraguan communities

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):129-135


Timothy S. Laux, Philip J. Bert, Marvin Gonzalez, Mark Unruh, Aurora Aragon, Cecilia Torres Lacourt

Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Central America; Developing Nations; Diabetes, Hypertension; Nicaragua; Noncommunicable Diseases

Dominance of hypertensive heart disease in a tertiary hospital in southern Nigeria: an echocardiographic study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):136-139


Odia Osaretin James, Daniel Efosa Jesuorobo, Akpa Maclean Romokeme, Agadah Zuobemi, Dodiyi-Manuel Sotonye

Echocardiography; Hypertensive Heart Disease; Nigerians

Reproductive health and its bio-cultural correlates among Rai and Bhutia women of rural Sikkim: a micro level study

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):140-147


Shailendra Kumar Mishra, Susmita Mukhopadhyay, Barun Mukhopadhyay

Antenatal Care; Delivery Care; Gynecological Morbidity; Socioeconomic Status

Barriers to breast cancer screening and treatment among women in Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):148-154


Walaa K. Sabih, Jalaa A. Taher, Carol El Jabari, Cother Hajat, Salim M. Adib, Oliver Harrison

Social Stigma; Insurance; Qualitative; UAE; Arab

Gene-environment effects of SLC4A5 and skin color on blood pressure among African American women

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):155-161


Jacquelyn Y. Taylor, Chun Yi Wu, Denise Darling, Yan V. Sun, Sharon L.R. Kardia, James S. Jackson

Blood Pressure; Genetic; African American; Skin Color

Body mass index and waist circumference predictors of cardiovascular risk in African Americans

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):162-167


Vernessa R. Clark, Byron Greenberg, Toni S. Harris, Bernice L. Carson

Body Mass Index; Waist Circumference; Cardiovascular Risk; Stroke Volume; Cardiac Output, Blood Pressure

A comparison of lifestyle and behavioral cardiovascular disease risk factors between Asian Indian and White non-Hispanic men

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):168-174


Nirupa R. Ghai, Steven J. Jacobsen, Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, Ameena T. Ahmed, Reina Haque, George G. Rhoads, Virginia P. Quinn

Cardiovascular Disease; Health Behaviors; Asian Indian; White Non-Hispanic; Health Disparities

Racial and ethnic differences in hypertension risk: new diagnoses after age 50

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):175-180


Ana R. Quinones, Jersey Liang, Wen Ye

Ethnic Differences; Hypertension Incidenc; Discrete-Time Survival Analysis

Sex-dependent effects of the UCP1 -3826 A/G polymorphism on obesity and blood pressure

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):181-184


Meenal Dhall, Madan Mohan Chaturvedi, Umesh Rai, Satwanti Kapoor

Uncoupling Protein 1; Blood Pressure; Obesity Markers; Adults; Polymorphism

Chronic stress and decreased physical exercise: impact on weight for African American women

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):185-191


Gracie M. Moore-Greene, Susan M. Gross, Kristi D. Silver, Carrol S. Perrino

Chronic Stress; Physical Exercise; Weight; African American Women

Assessment of the effect of acculturation on dietary and physical activity behaviors of Arab mothers in Lubbock, Texas

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):192-197


Suzan H. Tami, Debra B. Reed, Mallory Boylan, Anisa Zvonkovic

Acculturation; Arab; Mothers; Dietary; Physical Activity; Social Cognitive Theory

Lifecourse educational status in relation to weight gain in African American women

Ethn Dis. 2012 ;22(2):198-206


Patricia F. Coogan, Lauren A. Wise, Yvette C. Cozier, Julie R. Palmer, Lynn Rosenberg

Weight; Obesity; Socioeconomic Factors; African Americans; Women

Special diabetes program for Indians: reliability and validity of brief measures of print literacy and numeracy

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):207-214


Angela G. Brega, Luohua Jiang, Janette Beals, Spero M. Manson, Kelly J. Acton, Yvette Roubideaux

Health Literacy; Psychometrics; American Indian Health

The En Balance Spanish diabetes education program improves apolipoproteins, serum glucose and body composition in Hispanic diabetics

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):215-220


Ihuoma Chukwueke, Anthony Firek, Larry Beeson, Maribet Brute, Eloy Shulz, Marino De Leon, Zaida R. Cordero-MacIntyre

Hispanics; Type 2 Diabetes; Diabetes Education Programs

Response to disease modifying therapies in African Americans with multiple sclerosis

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):221-225


Sylvia Klineova, Joyce Nicholas, Alfoeson Walker

African American; Response; Disease-Modifying Therapy; Difference

Barriers and facilitators to participation of minorities in clinical trials

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):226-230


Geri L. Schmotzer

Clinical Trials; Minorities; Recruitment; Research Participants; Neoplasm

Engaging community partners to develop a culturally relevant resource guide for physical activity and nutrition

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(2):231-238


Melissa Bopp, Elizabeth A. Fallon, Debra J. Bolton, Daniel Kahl

Community-based; Hispanic; Physical Activity; Nutrition

Volume 22, Number 1 (Winter 2012)




Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among hypertensive patients in Abuja, Nigeria
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):1-4

Dike B. Ojji, Samuel O. Ajayi, Manmak H. Mamven, Peter Alabi

Prevalence; Metabolic Syndrome; Hypertension

Cardiovascular and diabetes risk perception in a Hispanic community sample

Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):5-11

Vanessa A. Diaz, Arch G. Mainous, Deborah Williamson, Sharleen P. Johnson, Michele E. Knoll

Hispanic; Latino; Cardiovascular disease; Diabetes; Risk Perception; Risk Assessment

Coronary angiographic findings and conventional coronary artery disease risk factors of Indo-Guyanese immigrants with stable angina pectoris and acute coronary syndromes
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):12-14

Jeffrey J. Silbiger, Russell Stein, Biana Trost, Jonathan Shaffer, Jin-Hee Kim, Pilar Cohen, Mazullah Kamran

Indo-Guyanese; Guyana; Coronary Artery Disease; CAD Risk Factors; Coronary Angiography

Racial/ethnic disparities, social support, and depression: examining a social determinant of mental health
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):15-20

Ruth S. Shim, Jiali Ye, Peter Baltrus, Yvonne Fry-Johnson, Elvan Daniels, George Rust

Disparities; Depression; Social Support; Race/Ethnicity; African Americans; Caribbean Blacks

The impact of goal-striving stress on physical health of white Americans, African Americans, and Caribbean blacks
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):21-28

Sherrill L. Sellers, Harold W. Neighbors, Rong Zhang, James S. Jackson

Goal-striving Stress; Physical Health; Health Disparities; Racial Discrimination

Demographic differences in the treatment and control of glucose in type 2 diabetic patients: implications for health care practice
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):29-37

Brent M. Egan, Stephanie R. Shaftman, C. Shaun Wagner, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Keith A. Szymanski

Diabetes; Health Disparities; Glycosylated Hemoglobin; Anti-hyperglycemic Therapy

Type 2 diabetes and ethnic disparities in cognitive impairment
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):38-44

James M. Noble, Jennifer J. Manly, Nicole Schupf, Ming-Xing Tang, Jose A. Luchsinger

Type 2 Diabetes; Disparities; Cognitive Impairment; Dementia

Descriptive profile of people with diabetes who use the Puerto Rico Quitline
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):45-50

Alex Cabrera-Serrano, Miriam V. Ramos-Colon, Abraham Rivera-Alvarado, Antonio Cases-Rosario, Jessica Irizarry Ramos

Tobacco; Diabetes; Smoking Cessation; Quitline; Puerto Ricans; Hispanics

The Latino Health Project: pilot testing a culturally adapted behavioral weight loss intervention in obese and overweight Latino adults
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):51-57

Leonor Corsino, Marıa Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, Bryan C. Batch, David I. Ortiz-Melo, Hayden B. Bosworth, Laura P. Svetkey

Obesity; Overweight; Latinos; Cultural; Intervention; Weight Loss

The relation of acculturation to overweight, obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes among U.S. Mexican-American women and men
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):58-64

Lorena Garcia, Ellen B. Gold, Lu Wang, Xiaowei Yang, Meng Mao, Ann V. Schwartz

Acculturation; Mexican Americans; Diabetes Status; Body Mass Index Status

Exploring differences in adiposity in two U.S. Hispanic populations of Mexican origin using social, behavioral, physiologic and genetic markers: the IRAS Family Study
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):72-78

Kendra A. Young, Tasha E. Fingerlin, Carl D. Langefeld, Carlos Lorenzo, Steven M. Haffner, Lynne E. Wagenknecht, Jill M. Norris

Hispanics; Adiposity; Admixture; Environmental Differences; Social Factors; Behavior; Genetics

Exploratory study on the international medical graduate-patient relationship: patient's perceptions of the quality of care delivered by his or her non-native doctor
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):79-84

Linda R. Weber, Kevin B. Mathews

Quality of Care; Urban Issues; Relationships, Patient-provider; Ethnicity; Race

Maternal health prior to pregnancy and preterm birth among urban, low income Black women in Baltimore: the Baltimore Preterm Birth Study
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):85-89

Suezanne T. Orr, Jerome P. Reiter, Sherman A. James, Caroline A. Orr

Preterm Birth; Health Status; Pregnancy

Racial and ethnic disparities in lifetime risk of corpus uterine cancer: a comparative study of Puerto Rico and the United States SEER population
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):90-95

Ana Patricia Ortiz, Yomayra Otero, Katherine Svensson, Omar Garcıa-Rodrıguez, Sheyla Garced, Elvis Santiago, Sharee Umpierre, Nayda Figueroa, Karen J. Ortiz-Ortiz

Endometrial Cancer; Hispanics; Minority Health; Health Status Disparities; Risk

Characterization of clinical study populations by race and ethnicity in biomedical literature
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):96-101

Priyanka Kanakamedala, Susanne B. Haga

Race; Ethnicity; Clinical Trials; Publications

Biochemical differences in ethnic groups in Durango, Mexico
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):102-105

Ismael Lares-Asseff, Azalia Lujan-Garcıa, Martha Sosa- Macıas, Blanca Lazalde-Ramos, Veronica Loera-Castaneda, Carlos Galaviz-Hernandez, Ignacio Villanueva-Fierro

Clinical Biochemistry; Ethnic Groups; Renal and Hepatic Functions

Total vascular risk as a strong correlate of severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Nigerian Africans
Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):106-112

Mayowa Ojo Owolabi, Arinola Ipadeola

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy; HbA1c; Peripheral Neuropathy; Risk Factors



Volume 21, Number 4 (Autumn 2011)




The Contribution of Culture to Korean American Womens Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior: The Critical Role of Prevention Orientation
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):399-405

Hee Yun Lee, PhD; Soonhee Roh, PhD; Suzanne Vang, MSW; Seok Won Jin, MA

Cervical Cancer, Cancer Screening, Cultural Factors

Physical Activity Reduces Breast Cancer Risk in African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):406-411

Vanessa B. Sheppard, PhD; Kepher Makambi, PhD; Teletia Taylor, PhD; Sherrie Flynt Wallington, PhD; Jennifer Sween, MS; Lucile Adams-Campbell, PhD

Total Activity, Blacks, Postmenopausal, Women

Safety and Efficacy of Colonoscopy in the Elderly: Experience in an Inner-city Community Hospital serving African American and Hispanic Patients
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):412-414

Abbasi J. Akhtar, MD, MRCP (UK), FACG; Manmeet S. Padda, MD, MSCR

Colonoscopy, Elderly, Cancer, African American, Hispanic

HPV Vaccine Readiness among American Indian College Students
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):415-420

Felicia S. Hodge, DrPH; Tracy Itty, MPH; Briana Cardoza, MPH; Christine Samuel-Nakamura, MSN

American Indians, Human Papillomavirus, HPV, Vaccines, Readiness, Barriers

Risk Factors for Acute Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a Population Sample of Predominantly African American Patients with Chest Pain and Normal Coronary Arteries
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):421-428

Rigobert Lapu-Bula, MD, PhD; Anekwe Onwuanyi, MD; Marie-Vero Bielo, MD, MPH; Orlando Deffer, MD; Alexander Quarshie, MD, MS; Ernest Alema-Mensah, PHD; Jo Ann Cross, RN; Adefisayo Oduwole, MD; Elizabeth Ofili, MD, MPH

Chest Pain, Non-ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction, Normal Coronary Angiograms, Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Racial/Ethnic Disparities on Self-reported Hypertension in New York City: Examining Disparities among Hispanic Subgroups
Ethn Dis.2011;21(4):429-436

Luisa N. Borrell, DDS, PhD; Barbara S. Menendez, PhD; Sharon P. Joseph, MD, MPH

Self-reported Hypertension, Race/Ethnicity, Hispanic Subgroups, Nativity Status, New York City, Community Health Survey

Racial Residential Segregation and Stroke Mortality in Atlanta
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):437-443

Sophia Greer, MPH; Michele Casper, PhD; Michael Kramer, PhD; Greg Schwartz, MS; Elaine Hallisey, MA; James Holt, PhD; Lydia Clarkson, MPH; Yueqin Zhou, MS, MA; Gordon Freymann, MPH

Residential Segregation, Stroke, Mortality, Neighborhood Environment

A Comparison of the Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program across Three Race/Ethnicity Groups
Ethn Dis. 2011; 21(4):444-450)

Samantha J. Parker, AB; Romulo Vasquez, MD, PT; Emily K. Chen, AB; Charles R. Henderson, Jr, MS; Karl Pillemer, PhD; Laura Robbins, DSW, CSW, MSW; M.C. Reid, MD, PhD

Arthritis, Self Care, Ethnic Groups, Health Promotion

Racial Differences in Pain Reports between Black and White Participants with Chronic Venous Disorders Treated with Cryotherapy Compared to Usual Care
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):451-457

Robin E. Matutina, BSN; Martina Mueller, PhD; Teresa J. Kelechi, PhD

Pain, Cryotherapy, Chronic Disease, Blacks, Skin

Physical Inactivity, but not Sedentary Behavior or Energy Intake, Is Associated with Higher Fat Mass in Latina and African American Girls
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):458-461

Arianna D. McClain, PhD; Ya-Wen Hsu, PhD; Britni R. Belcher, PhD; Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez, PhD; Marc Weigensberg, MD; Donna Spruijt-Metz, PhD

Physical Activity, Overweight, Obesity, Latina, African American, Girls

Street Foods and Fast Foods: How Much Do South Africans of Different Ethnic Groups Consume? Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):462-466)

Nelia P. Steyn, MPH, PhD; Demetre Labadarios, MB ChB, PhD

Street Foods, Fast Foods, South Africa, Black Africans, Dietary Intake

Commentary: A Social-ecological Perspective on Obesity Among Latinos
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):467-472

Joel E. Williams, MPH, PhD; Annah Kabukuru, MPH; Rachel Mayo, PhD; Sarah F. Griffin, MPH, PhD

Public Health, Social Environment, Health Behavior, Family, Obesity

Diabetes Care and Language Discordance among Chinese and Latino Primary Care Patients
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):473-479

Francesca Gany, MD, MS; Jennifer C. F. Leng, MD, MPH; Ginger Winston, MD; Chi-Hong Tseng, PhD; Angie Qin, MS; Jyotsna Changrani, MD, MPH

Chinese, Latino, Diabetes, Processes of Care, Interpreting

Family Support is Associated with Success in Achieving Weight Loss in a Group Lifestyle Intervention for Diabetes Prevention in Arab Americans
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):480-484

Nicole R. Pinelli, PharmD, MS; Morton B. Brown, PhD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; Linda A. Jaber, PharmD

Diabetes, Prevention, Lifestyle Intervention, Diabetes Prevention Program, Arab Americans

Diabetes Knowledge in a High Risk Urban Population
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):485-489

Fadia T. Shaya, PhD; Confidence M. Gbarayor, PhD; Aurelia Laird, RN; Reed Winston, MD; Elijah Saunders, MD

Diabetes, Interventions, Diabetes Knowledge

The TG/HDL-C Ratio Does Not Predict Insulin Resistance in Overweight Women of African Descent: A Study of South African, African American and West African Women
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):490-494

Michael G. Knight, BS; Julia H. Goedecke, PhD; Madia Ricks, RN, MPH; Juliet Evans, PhD; Naomi S. Levitt, MBChB; Marshall K. Tulloch-Reid, MD, MPhil, DSc; Anne E. Sumner, MD

Triglyceride, TG/HDL-C Ratio, Insulin Resistance, Africans, African Americans

The Impact of Social Communication on Perceived HPV Vaccine Effectiveness in a Low-income, Minority Population
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):495-501

Alejandra Casillas, MD, MSHS; Rita Singhal, MD, MPH; Jennifer Tsui, MPH; Beth A. Glenn, PhD; Roshan Bastani, PhD; Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH

HPV Vaccine, Vaccine Communication, Perceived Vaccine Effectiveness, Social Network

Adapting the Everyday Discrimination Scale to Medical Settings: Reliability and Validity Testing in a Sample of African American Patients
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(4):502-509

Monica E. Peek, MD, MPH; Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD, MHS; Melinda Drum, PhD; Ten?T. Lewis, PhD

Health Care Discrimination, Health Care Delivery, Health Disparities, Race/ethnicity, Survey Research


Volume 21, Number 3 (Summer 2011)




Factors Related to Physical Activity and Recommended Intervention Strategies as Told by Midlife and Older African American Men
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):261-267

Steven P. Hooker, PhD; Sara Wilcox, PhD; Carol E. Rheaume, MSPH; Ericka L. Burroughs, MPH; Daniela B. Friedman, PhD

Exercise, Black Males, Barriers, Preferences

Attitudes of African American Advocates toward Childhood Obesity
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):268-273

Wendy L. Johnson-Askew, PhD, MPH; Rachel Fisher, MS, MPH; Kathryn Henderson, PhD; Marlene Schwartz, PhD

Obesity, African Americans, Child Advocacy

Yo-Yo Dieting in African American Women: Weight Cycling and Health
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3): 274-280

Robyn L. Osborn, PhD; Kelly L. Forys, PhD; Tricia L. Psota, PhD; Tracy Sbrocco, PhD

Weight Loss, African American Women, Blood Pressure, Weight Cycling

Body Image and Physical Activity among Latina and African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3): 281-287

Scherezade K. Mama, MPH; Beth E. Quill, MPH; Maria E. Fernandez-Esquer, PhD; Jacqueline Y. Reese-Smith, PhD; Jorge A. Banda, MS; Rebecca E. Lee, PhD

Body Image, Physical Activity, Obesity, Minority Health, Women

Development of a New Body Image Assessment Scale in Urban Cameroon: an Anthropological Approach
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):288-293

Emmanuel Cohen, MSc; Patrick Pasquet, PhD, HDR

Central Africa, Obesity, Body Image, Body Image Scales

Acute Myocardial Infarction Quality of Care: The Strong Heart Study
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3): 294-300

Lyle G. Best, MD; Amir Butt, MPH; Britt Conroy, PhD; Richard B. Devereux, MD; James M. Galloway, MD; Stacey Jolly, MD; Elisa T. Lee, PhD; Angela Silverman, CNP; Jeun-Liang Yeh, PhD; Thomas K. Welty, MD; Ilan Kedan, MD

Acute Myocardial Infarction, Ethnicity, Guideline Adherence, Outcome and Process Assessment, Quality Indicators

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in the Indigenous Population, Aged 19 to 69 Years, from Jaguapiru Village, Dourados (MS), Brazil
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):301-306

Geraldo Ferreira de Oliveira, MD; Teresinha Regina Ribeiro de Oliveira, MD; Fernanda Franc¸a Rodrigues; Lincoln Ferreira Corre?; Thyego Barreto de Arruda; Luiz Augusto Casulari, MD, PhD

Metabolic Syndrome, South American Indians, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Obesity

Racial and Rural-Urban Disparities in Stroke Mortality Outside the Stroke Belt
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):307-313

Alexander V. Sergeev, MD, PhD, MPH

Stroke, Mortality, African Americans, Blacks, Racial Disparities, Rural-Urban Disparities

Acculturation, Coronary Artery Disease and Carotid Intima Media Thickness in South Asian Immigrants - Unique Population with Increased Risk
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):314-321

Sunita Dodani, MD, PhD; Lei Dong, MS

South Asian Immigrants, Acculturation, Coronary Artery Disease, Type 2 Diabetes

The Relative Impact of Diabetes Distress vs Depression on Glycemic Control in Hispanic Patients following a Diabetes Self-management Education Intervention
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):322-327

Bryan Leyva, BA; Sofija E. Zagarins, PhD; Nancy A. Allen, PhD, ANP; Garry Welch, PhD

Diabetes Distress, Depression, Depressive Symptoms, Glycemic Control, Type 2 Diabetes, Intervention, Hispanic, Latino

Food Insecurity is Related to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Latinas
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):328-334

Nurg? Fitzgerald, PhD, RD; Amber Hromi-Fiedler, PhD; Sofia Segura-P?ez, MS, RD; Rafael P?ez-Escamilla, PhD

Food Security, Hispanic or Latino, Diabetes, Obesity, Depression, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Acculturation

African American Parents Attitudes toward HPV Vaccination
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3): 335-341

Vetta L. Sanders Thompson, PhD; Lauren D. Arnold, PhD; Sheri R. Notaro, PhD

African Americans, HPV Vaccination, Cultural Attitudes and Beliefs

Culture and Colorectal Cancer Screening on Three American Indian Reservations
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):342-348

David G. Perdue, MD, MSPH; Jeffrey A. Henderson, MD, MPH; Eva Garroutte, PhD; Andrew Bogart, MS; Yang Wen, MS; Jack Goldberg, PhD; Dedra Buchwald, MD

American Indians, Cancer Screening, Colorectal Cancer, Culturally Sensitive Health Care, Endoscopy, Fecal Occult Blood Test, Medical Communication, Patient Education

The Effects of Obamas Political Success on the Self-rated Health of Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites
Ethn Dis. 2011; 21(3):349-355

Jennifer Malat, PhD; Jeffrey M. Timberlake, PhD; David R. Williams, PhD

Social Environment, Stress, Health, Race/Ethnicity

Increased Patient Delays in Care after the Closure of Martin Luther King Hospital: Implications for Monitoring Health System Changes
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):356-360

Kara Odom Walker, MD, MPH, MSHS; Mei Leng, MD, MS; Li-Jung Liang, PhD; Nell Forge, PhD; Leo Morales, MD, PhD; Loretta Jones, MA; Arleen Brown, MD, PhD

Hospital Closure, Older Minorities, Delays in Care

The Impact of Thalassemia on Southeast Asian and Asian Indian Families in the United States: A Qualitative Study
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):361-369

Robert I. Liem, MD, MS; Brynnan Gilgour, BA; Stephanie A. Pelligra, BS, MPH; Maryann Mason, PhD; Alexis A. Thompson, MD, MPH

Thalassemia, Qualitative Research, Southeast Asian, Asian Indian

African American Womens Exposure to Interpersonal Racial Discrimination in Public Settings and Preterm Birth: the Effect of Coping Behaviors
Ethn Dis. 2011; 21(3): 370-376

Kristin M. Rankin, PhD; Richard J. David, MD; James W. Collins, Jr., MD, MPH

Racism, Preterm Birth, Coping

Health-Related Quality of Life among African Americans with Multiple Sclerosis
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(3):377-384

Robert J. Buchanan, PhD; Chunfeng Huang, PhD; Bonnie J. Chakravorty, PhD

Multiple Sclerosis, African Americans, Health-related Quality of Life


Volume 21, Number 2 (Spring 2011)




Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Clustering among African American Adults
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):129-134


Meghan Baruth, PhD; Sara Wilcox, PhD; Brent M. Egan, MD; Marsha Dowda, DrPH; Marilyn Laken, PhD; Tatiana Y. Warren, MS

Cardiovascular Disease, Risk Factors, African Americans, Community Health, Faith-based Settings, Church Members

Changes in Patterns of Racial Disparities in Attending Low-Mortality Hospitals and Outcomes among Patients with Stroke
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):135-141

Jay J. Shen, PhD; Minggen Lu, PhD

Stroke, Race, Mortality, Hospital, Outcomes

Determinants of Inflammatory Markers in a Bi-ethnic Population
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):142-149

Michael Paalani, MS; Jerry W. Lee, PhD; Ella Haddad, DrPH; Serena Tonstad, MD

Inflammatory Markers, Ethnicity, Health Behavior, Adventists

Ethnic Variations in Lipid-lowering in Response to a Statin (EVIREST): a Substudy of the Anglo- Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):150-157

Neil Chapman, FRCP; Choon Lan Chang, PhD; Mark Caulfield, FRCP; Bj?n Dahl?, MD; Gene Feder, FRCGP; Peter S. Sever, FRCP; Neil R. Poulter, FRCP

Statins, Lipid Levels, Cholesterol, Ethnic Groups

Plasma Catecholamines in Nigerians with Primary Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):158-162

Adewole A. Adebiyi, FWACP; Olubayo M. Akinosun, FWACP; Chibuike E. Nwafor, FMCP; Ayodele O. Falase, FRCP

Hypertension, Adrenergic System, Catecholamine, Blacks, Nigerians

Occurrence and Correlates of Overweight and Obesity among Island Puerto Rican Youth
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):163-169

Jeremiah R. Garza, MPH; Edna Acosta P?ez, PhD, MSc; Michael Prelip, DPA; William J. McCarthy, PhD; Jonathan M. Feldman, PhD; Glorisa Canino, PhD; Alexander N. Ortega, PhD

Child, Overweight/epidemiology, Obesity/epidemiology, Physical Activity, Prevalence, Puerto Rico/epidemiology

Differential Response of African American and Caucasian Women to Extended-Care Programs for Obesity Management
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):170-175

Katie A. Rickel, PhD; Vanessa A. Milsom, PhD; Kathryn M. Ross, MS; Valerie J. Hoover, MS; Ninoska D. Peterson, PhD; Michael G. Perri, PhD

Weight Loss, Weight Regain, Ethnicity, RacialDifference, Lifestyle Intervention

Elevated Body Mass Index and Obesity among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Adolescents
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):176-182

Patrice G. Saab, PhD; Stephanie Fitzpatrick, MS; Betty Lai, MS; Judith R. McCalla, PhD

Body Mass Index, Obesity, Health Disparities, Adolescents

Ethnic and Language Disparities in Diabetes Care among California Residents
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):183-189

Sarah Choi, PhD; Jung-Ah Lee, PhD; Elizabeth Rush, MA

Diabetic Care, Ethnic Disparity, Language Proficiency

Dietary Factors Associated with Adiponectin in Filipino-American Women
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):190-195

Sheila Medina-Torne, MPH; Maria Rosario G. Araneta, PhD; Caroline A. Macera, PhD; Mark Kern, PhD; Ming Ji, PhD

Filipino-American, Women, Adiponectin, Fatty Acids, Diabetes

An Excess of Breast Cancer among Young California-born Asian Women
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):196-201

Peggy Reynolds, PhD; Susan Hurley, MPH; Debbie Goldberg, MS; Thu Quach, PhD; Rudy Rull, PhD; Julie Von Behren, MPH

Breast Neoplasms, Health Status Disparities, Case Control Studies

Cancer Screening among Native Americans in California
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2): 202-209

Vanessa W. Simonds, ScD; Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH; Rima E. Rudd, ScD; Thomas D. Sequist, MD, MPH

American Indians, Native Americans, Preventive Medicine, Cancer Screening

Outcomes of Thyroid Cancer in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):210-215

Christopher S. Hollenbeak, PhD; Li Wang, PhD; Patrick Schneider, BS; David Goldenberg, MD

Thyroid Cancer, Racial Disparities, Follicular Thyroid Cancer, Anaplastic, Papillary, African Americans, Caucasians

African American Adolescents and New Media: Associations with HIV/STI Risk Behavior and Psychosocial Variables
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):216-222

Laura B. Whiteley, MD; Larry K. Brown, MD; Rebecca R. Swenson, PhD; Daniel Romer, PhD; Ralph J.P. DiClemente, PhD; Laura F. Salazar, PhD; Peter A. Vanable, PhD; Michael P. Carey, PhD; Robert F. Valois, PhD

African American Adolescents, HIV/STI Risk, Psychosocial

The Association between Income, Education, and Experiences of Discrimination in Older African American and European American Patients
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):223-229

Jewell H. Halanych, MD, MSc; Monika M. Safford, MD; James M. Shikany, DrPH; Yendelela Cuffee, MPH; Sharina D. Person, PhD; Isabel C. Scarinci, PhD, MPH; Catarina I. Kiefe, PhD, MD; Jeroan J. Allison, MD, MSc

Discrimination, Income, Education, African American, Age

Evidence of Reduced Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Mexican Americans with Arthritis
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):230-236

Saad M. Bindawas, PT, PhD; Soham Al Snih, MD, PhD; James J. Grady, DrPh; Elizabeth J. Protas, PT, PhD; James E. Graham, PhD; Kyriakos S. Markides, PhD; Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD

Aging, Disability, Life Satisfaction

Hypertension in Bo, Sierra Leone
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):237-242

Kate A. Meehan, BA; Andrea J. Bankoski, MPH; Edries Tejan, MBChB; Rashid Ansumana, MSc; Umaru Bangura, MPH; David A. Stenger, PhD; Kathryn H. Jacobsen, PhD

Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Sierra Leone, West Africa

Sickle Cell Anemia: Delayed Diagnosis in Bahia, Brazil - A Largely Afro-Descendant Population
Ethn Dis. 2011;21(2):243-247)

Angela Maria Dias Zanette, MD; Marilda de Sousa Gonc¸alves, PhD; Regina C?ia Santos Bahia, MD; Luciana Vasconcelos Araujo Nogueira, MD; Se´rgio Marcos Arruda, MD

Sickle Cell Anemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Hemoglobinopathy, Delayed Diagnosis


Volume 21, Number 1 (Winter 2011)




Diabetes Knowledge In Predominantly Latino Patients And Family Caregivers In An Urban Emergency Department
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:1-6)

Sanjay Arora, MD; Karl Marzec, MD; Carolyn Gates, MD; Michael Menchine, MD

Diabetes, Disease-specific Knowledge, Caregivers, Familism, Emergency Department

Recruitment Of Mexican American Adults For An Intensive Diabetes Intervention Trial
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:7-12

Molly A. Martin, MD; Susan M. Swider, PhD; Tamara Olinger, BS; Elizabeth Avery, MS; Carmen M. Tumial? Lynas, PhD; Kimberly Carlson, MS; Steven K. Rothschild, MD

Diabetes, Community Health Workers, Mexican American, Recruitment, Community-based Participatory Research, Behavioral Randomized Controlled Trial

Diabetes Management And Vaccination Rates In The Southeast United States, 2000 Through 2007
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:13-19

Kelly Hardman, MS; Kelly J. Hunt, PhD; Rickey E. Carter, PhD; Carolyn Jenkins, DrPH; Rhonda Hill, PhD; Daniel T. Lackland, DrPH

Diabetes Management, Vaccine, Southeast United States, Racial Disparities

Integrating Education, Group Support, And Case Management For Diabetic Hispanics EthnDis. 2011;21:20-26

Sharon A. Brown, PhD, RN; Alexandra A. Garc?, PhD, RN; Mary Winter, MSN; Lita Silva, MSN; Adama Brown, PhD; Craig L. Hanis, PhD

Diabetes Self-management, Hispanic, Case Management

Barriers To Self-Management Of Diabetes: A Qualitative Study Among Low-Income Minority Diabetics
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:27-32

Nneka C. Onwudiwe, PharmD; C. Daniel Mullins, PhD; Reed A. Winston, MD, PhD; Faida T. Shaya, PhD; Francoise G. Pradel, PhD; Aurelia Laird, RN; Elijah Saunders, MD

Diabetes, Self-management, Barriers

Pathobiology Of Prediabetes In A Biracial Cohort (Pop-Abc):Design And Methods
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:33-39

Samuel Dagogo-Jack, MD, MBBS; Chimaroke Edeoga, MD, MPH; Ebenezer Nyenwe, MD; Emmanuel Chapp-Jumbo, MD; Jim Wan, PhD

Diabetes Offspring, Ethnic Disparities, Pathogenesis, Insulin Sensitivity, Betacell Function, Genetics, Energy Expenditure, Body Composition, Prospective Study

Relationship Of Body Size And Mortality Among US Asians And Pacific Islanders On Dialysis
Ethn Dis. 2011; 21:40-46

Yoshio N. Hall, MD; Ping Xu, MS; Glenn M. Chertow, MD, MPH

ESRD, Body Size, Obesity, Mortality, Ethnicity, Asian, Pacific Islander

Maternal Immigrant Status And High Birth Weight: Implications For Childhood Obesity
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:47-51

Abdulrahman M. El-Sayed, BS; Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH

Immigrant, Intergenerational, Childhood Obesity, Macrosomia, First Generation

Health Status And Sociodemographic Characteristics Of The Morbidly Obese American Indians
Ethn Dis. 2011;21: 52-57

Felicia S. Hodge, DrPH; Betty Geishirt Cantrell, MSSW, MBA; Soeun Kim, MS

Morbid Obesity, Health Status, Characteristics, Sociodemographics, Rural, American Indians

Effects Of Socioeconomic Factors On Obesity Rates In Four Southern States And Colorado
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:58-62

Luma Akil, PhD-C; H. Anwar Ahmad, PhD, MBA

Obesity, BMI, Poverty, Unemployment, Food Stamps

Attitudes And Beliefs Associated With Leisure-Time Physical Activity Among African American Adults
Ethn Dis. 2011;21: 63-67

Olivia Affuso, PhD; Tiffany L. Cox, PhD; Nefertiti H. Durant, MD, MPH; David B. Allison, PhD

Physical Activity, African American, Attitudes, Beliefs, Survey

Impact Of An Urban Community Hypertension Screening Program On Participating High School Students
Ethn Dis. 2011; 21:68-73)

Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MS; Patti Hutchison, BSN, MA; Linda Handschumacher, MPA, MA; Marilou Gutierrez, BSN, MA; Stephanie Yellin-Mednick, BSN, MA; Sylvia Beanes, MPA; Elizabeth M. Cooper, BS; Linda Shields, BS; Donna Horowitz, BSN; Connie L. Moore, BSN, MA

Community, Students, High School, Blood Pressure, Outcomes, Hypertension, Screening, Risk Factors, Minorities, Los Angeles, Adolescent, Obesity, Hispanic

Association Between Serum C-Reactive Protein And Metabolic Syndrome In Mongolian Patients In Comparison To Japanese Patients
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:74-78

Uurtuya Shuumarjav, MD, PhD; Kazuhiko Kotani, MD, PhD; Nobuyuki Taniguchi, MD, PhD

Chronic Inflammation, Ethnicity, Metabolic Risk Factor, Cardiovascular Disease

Low Prevalence Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Elderly Afro-Caribbean Men
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:79-84

Iva Miljkovic, MD, PhD; Lisa M. Bodnar, PhD, MPH; Jane A. Cauley, DrPH; Clareann H. Bunker, PhD; Alan L. Patrick, MD, FRCP; Victor W. Wheeler, MBBS, FRCP; Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH; Joseph M. Zmuda, PhD

Vitamin D, 25(OH)D, Afro- Caribbean, Tobago, Men

Subsidized Housing Not Subsidized Health: Health Status And Fatigue Among Elders In Public Housing And Other Community Settings
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:85-90

Pamela L. Parsons, PhD; Briana Mezuk, PhD; Scott Ratliff, MS; Kate L. Lapane, PhD

Elderly, Public Housing, Fatigue

Recruitment And Retention Of African American And Latino Preadolescent Females Into A Longitudinal Biobehavioral Study
Ethn Dis. 2011;21:91-98

Ahva Shahabi, MPH; Leslie Bernstein, PhD; Stanley P. Azen, PhD; Arianna D. McClain, PhD; Britni Belcher, MPH; Ya-Wen Hsu, MPH; Selena T. Nguyen-Rodriguez, PhD; Donna Spruijt-Metz, PhD

Recruitment, African American, Latino, Female, Minority, Socioeconomic, Census, Transitions Study, Physical Activity, Obesity



Volume 20, Number 4 (Autumn 2010)




Role of Patient Race/ethnicity, Insurance and Age on Pap Smear Compliance across Ten Community Health Centers in Florida
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:321-326


Nicole Cook, PhD, MPA; Erin Kobetz, PhD, MPH; Isildinha Reis, DrPH; Lora Fleming, MD, PhD; D. Loer-Martin, PhD; Saint Anthony Amofah, MD

Cervical Cancer Screening, Race, Ethnicity, Insurance, Pap Smears, Disparity

Awareness and Knowledge about Human Papillomavirus among Latina Immigrants
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:327-333

Jonathan Drewry, MPH; Isabel C. Garc?-Palacio, DrPH, MPH; Isabel Scarinci, PhD, MPH

Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Cervical Cancer, Pap Smear, Latina Immigrants

All Nations Breath of Life: Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Address Health Disparities in Cigarette Smoking among American Indians
Ethn Dis. 2010;20: 334-338

Christine Makosky Daley, PhD, MA, SM; K. Allen Greiner, MD, MPH; Niaman Nazir, MPH, MBBS; Sean M. Daley, PhD, MA; Cheree L. Solomon; Stacy L. Braiuca, MSW; T. Edward Smith; Won S. Choi, PhD, MPH

American Indian, Smoking Cessation, Community-based Participatory Research

Medication Assistance Programs: Do All in Need Benefit Equally?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:339-345

Maria Pisu, PhD; Katie Crenshaw, JD, MSEd; Ellen Funkhouser, DrPH; Midge Ray, MSN, RN; Catarina I. Kiefe, MD, PhD; Kenneth Saag, MD, MSc; Cynthia LaCivita, PharmD; Jeroan J. Allison, MD, MS

Medication Assistance, Medication Access

Racial Difference in Lean Mass Distribution among Reproductive-aged Women
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:346-352

Mahbubur Rahman, MD, PhD, MPH; Abbey B. Berenson, MD, MMS

Lean Mass, Bone Mineral Density, Racial Differences, Reproductive-aged Women

Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma among White Hispanics and non-Hispanics in the United States
Ethn Dis.2010;353-358)

Ray M. Merrill, PhD, MPH; Nelson D. Pace, BS; Ashley N. Elison, BS

Disparity, Epidemiology, Ethnicity, Melanoma, Prognostic Indicators, SEER

Understanding Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2002 and 2004
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:359-365

Natalie D. Crawford, MPH; Camara P. Jones, MD, PhD; Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH

Colorectal Cancer Screening, Racial/ethnic Disparities, Race-based Treatment, Access to Care

Household Density and Obesity in Young Black and White Adults
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:366-369

Earle C. Chambers, PhD; Clyde Schechter, MD; Amanda Tow, BS; Luis Torrens, BA; Rene Kohlieber, MD; Roberto Calderon, BA

Young Adults, Obesity, Physical Activity, Race, Household

Sex Differences in Blood Pressure Levels and Its Association with Obesity Indices: Who is at Greater Risk
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:370-375

Shilpi Gupta, MSc; Satwanti Kapoor, PhD

Hypertension, Obesity, Sex Difference, Waist-height Ratio, Odds Ratio, Endogamous Group

Socioeconomic Position, Stress, and Cortisol in Relation to Waist Circumference in African American and White Women
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:376-382

Peter T. Baltrus, PhD; Ruth S. Shim, MD; Jaile Ye, PhD; Leah Watson, BS; Sharon K. Davis, PhD

SEP, SES, Socioeconomic, Obesity, Waist Circumference, Stress, Cortisol, HPA

Physical Activity and Obesity in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:383-389

Patricia M. Dubbert, PhD; Jennifer C. Robinson, PhD; Jung Hye Sung, PhD; Barbara E. Ainsworth, PhD; Sharon B. Wyatt, PhD; Teresa Carithers, PhD; Robert Newton, Jr., PhD; Jamie L. Rhudy, PhD; Krista Barbour, PhD; Barbara Sternfeld, PhD; Herman Taylor, Jr., MD

Physical Activity, African American, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease

A Comparison of Physical Activity Environments between South Asians and White Caucasians with Coronary Heart Disease
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:390-395

Shazareen N. Khan, BSc; Sherry L. Grace, PhD; Paul Oh, MD; Sonia Anand, MD, PhD; Donna E. Stewart, MD; Gilbert Wu, MD; Milan Gupta, MD; on behalf of the CRCARE Investigators

Cardiovascular/Coronary Disease, Ethnology, South Asian, Exercise, Motor Activity, CV Risk Factors

Cardiovascular Risk Factor Variation within a Hispanic Cohort: SWAN, the Study of Womens Health Across the Nation
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:396-402

Carol A. Derby, PhD; Rachel P. Wildman, PhD; Aileen P. McGinn, PhD; Robin R. Green, PsyD; Alex J. Polotsky, MD; Kavitha T. Ram, MD; Janice Barnhart, MD; Gerson Weiss, MD; Nanette Santoro, MD

Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Hispanics, Women, Acculturation

Clinical Risk Factors Demonstrate an Age-dependent Relationship with Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:403-408

Kathleen M. Sturgeon, MEd; Deborah L. Feairheller, BS; Keith M. Diaz, BS; Sheara T. Williamson, MS; Praveen Veerabhadrappa, MD; Michael D. Brown, PhD

Aging, Oxidative Stress, African Americans, Fitness, BMI

Effect of African American Race on Hypertension Management: A Real-world Observational Study among 28 US Physician Practices
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:409-415

Bryan Batson, MD; Daniel Belletti, MA; Jenifer Wogen, MS

Hypertension, Blood Pressure Control, Community-based Studies

Obesity and Other Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and their Association with Osteoarthritis in Southern California American Indians, 20022006
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:416-422

Jennifer L. Reid, PhD; Deborah J. Morton, PhD; Deborah L. Wingard, PhD; Mario D. Garrett, PhD; Denise von Muhlen, PhD; Donald Slymen, PhD

Indians, North American, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Imputation

Prevalence of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Hispanics Living with HIV
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:423-428

Farah A. Ram?ez-Marrero, PhD; Eilyn De Jes?, MD; Jorge Santana-Bagur, MD; Robert Hunter, MD; Walter Frontera, MD, PhD; Michael J. Joyner, MD

HIV, Metabolic Syndrome, Hispanics

Validation of a Dietary History Questionnaire for American Indian and Alaska Native People
Ethn Dis.2010;20:429-436

Maureen A. Murtaugh, PhD; Khe-ni Ma, MSTAT; Tom Greene, PhD; Diana Redwood, MS, MPH; Sandra Edwards, MS; Jennifer Johnson, MPH; Lillian Tom-Orme, PhD; Anne P. Lanier, MD; Jeffrey A. Henderson, MD; Martha L. Slattery, PhD

Dietary Intake, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Diet Measurement

Recruiting Black Americans in a Large Cohort Study: The Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) Design, Methods and Participant Characteristics
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:437-443

R. Patti Herring, PhD; Terry Butler, DrPH; Sonja Hall, MA; Susanne B. Montgomery, PhD; Gary E. Fraser, MD, PhD

Blacks, African Americans, Cohort Study, Cancer, Recruitment, Adventists

Dental Caries in American Indian Toddlers after a Community-based Beverage Intervention
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:444-450

Gerardo Maupom? PhD; Njeri Karanja, PhD; Cheryl Ritenbaugh, PhD; Tam Lutz, MPH; Mikel Aickin, PhD; Thomas Becker, PhD

Caries, American Indian, Child, Community Intervention, Soft Drinks, Sugared Beverages

Comparisons of Latinos, African Americans, and Caucasians with Multiple Sclerosis
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:451-457

Robert J. Buchanan, PhD; Miguel A. Zuniga, MD, DrPH; Genny Carrillo-Zuniga, MD, ScD; Bonnie J. Chakravorty, PhD, MSW; Tuula Tyry, PhD; Rachel L. Moreau, MPH; Chunfeng Huang, PhD; Timothy Vollmer, MD

Multiple Sclerosis, African Americans, Latinos, Demographics, Symptoms, Treatments

Perceived Cancer Risk among American Indians: Implications for Intervention Research
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:458-462

Angela A. Gonzales, PhD; Thanh G.N. Ton, MPH, PhD; Eva Marie Garroutte, PhD; Jack Goldberg, PhD; Dedra Buchwald, MD

Indians, North America, Cancer, Health Belief Model, Risk Perception, Attitudes and Beliefs, Cancer Knowledge, Family History

Promoting a Breast Cancer Screening Clinic for Underserved Women: A Community Collaboration
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:463-466

Sandhya Pruthi, MD; Eugenia Shmidt, BA; Margaret M. Sherman, MS, RN; Lonzetta Neal, MD; Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD

Access, Barriers, Breast Cancer, Language, Prevention, Screening

Evaluating the Relationships among Psychological Distress, Executive Cognitive Function and Economic Factors on Mammography Use in Unaffected African American Women at Risk for Breast Cancer
Ethn Dis. 2010;20: 467-473

Sharon S. Laing, PhD; Carlota Ocampo, PhD; Jeffrey R. Harris, MD

Distress, Cognitive Function, Breast Cancer Screening, African American Women

South Asians and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Current Insights and Trends
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:474-478

Sandeep S. Mangalmurti, MD; Ari Paley, MD; Francesca Gany, MD, MS; Edward A. Fisher, MD, PhD, MPH; Judith S. Hochman, MD

Cardiovascular Disease, South Asian, Preventative Medicine

A Proposition Against Using the Terms Hispanic and Latino in Research on HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders
Ethn Dis. 2010; 20:479-484

Enrique L?ez, PsyD; Guadalupe Morales, PhD; Carlos Saucedo, PhD; Lizette Aguirre-Giro´n, BA; Sara Mack, MS; Karl Goodkin, MD, PhD

Neuropsychology, Hispanics, Spanish-speaking, HAND, Acculturation, Latinos

A Proposed New Food Guide: Why Pyramids Should Stop at Traffic Lights
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:485-487

Norman J. Temple, PhD; Lesley T. Bourne, PhD

Nutrition, Health Education, Dietary Guidelines, Food


Volume 20, Number 3 (Summer 2010)




Urban High School Students Can Successfully Screen for High Blood Pressure in Their Community
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:223


Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MS; Patti Hutchison, RN, BSN, MA; Linda Handschumacher, RN, MPA, MA; Marilou Gutierrez, RN, BSN, MA; Stephanie Yellin-Mednick, RN, BSN, MA; Sylvia Beanes, MPA; Elizabeth M. Cooper, BS, MAOM; Linda Shields, RN, BS; Donna Horowitz, RN, BSN; Connie L. Moore, RN, BSN, MA

Blood Pressure Screening, Student Health Educators

Increasing Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Lean Rural Populations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is High Salt Consumption a Contributing Factor?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:224

Setor Kunutsor, BSc, MBChB, MSt

Blood Pressure, Sub-Saharan African, Salt

Elevated Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome among Asians and South Asians: Results from the 2004 New York City HANES
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:225-230

Swapnil N. Rajpathak, MBBS, DrPH; Leena S. Gupta, MPH; Elizabeth Needham Waddell, MA, PhD; Ushma D. Upadhyay, PhD, MPH; Rachel P. Wildman, PhD; Robert Kaplan, PhD; Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, PhD; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Impaired Fasting Glucose

Sex and Age Differences in the Association of Obesity and Smoking with Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes in Southern California American Indians, 20022006
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:231-238

Jennifer L. Reid, PhD; Deborah J. Morton, PhD; Deborah L. Wingard, PhD; Mario D. Garrett, PhD; Denise von Muhlen, PhD; Donald Slymen, PhD; Margaret Field, PhD

North American Indians, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Smoking, Imputation

Associations between Mental Health and Diabetes: Findings from the South Carolina Medicaid Managed Care Program in 20062008
Ethn Dis. 2010;20: 239-243

Ana L?ez-De Fede, PhD; James W. Hardin, PhD; Kathy L. Mayfield Smith, MA, MBA; Qiduan Liu, PhD; Teresa Payne, MSPH; John E. Stewart, MS, MPH; Verna Brantley, MSPH

Medicaid, Disparity, Diabetes, Managed Care, Fee for Service, Mental Health

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Weight Management Behavior by Weight Perception Status
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:244-250

Rashida R. Dorsey, PhD, MPH; Mark S. Eberhardt, PhD; Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD

Obesity, Weight management, Weight Perception, Race/Ethnicity, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Urbanicity Affects Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Reactivity to a Speech Stressor in Cameroon
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:251-256

Cheryl A. Armstead, MS(R), PhD; Norman B. Anderson, PhD; Lucile L. Adams-Campbell, PhD; James R. He´bert, MSPH, ScD; Walinjom F.T. Muna, MD, PhD

Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Urban, Cameroon

Determinants of Carotid Atherosclerosis in the General Mongolian Population
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:257-260

Shuumarjav Uurtuya, PhD, MD; Kazuhiko Kotani, PhD, MD; Hideki Yoshioka, MD; Toshiyuki Yamada, PhD, MD; Nobuyuki Taniguchi, PhD, MD

Age, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Glucose, Sex Difference

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Preterm Delivery among Low-Risk Women
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:261-266

Nedra Whitehead, PhD, MS; Kristen Helms, MSPH

Preterm Births, Continental Population Groups, Hispanic Americans

Healthy Aging in Neighborhoods of Diversity across the Life Span (HANDLS): Overcoming Barriers to Implementing a Longitudinal, Epidemiologic, Urban Study of Health, Race, and Socioeconomic Status Ethn Dis. 2010;20:267-275

Michele K. Evans, MD; James M. Lepkowski, PhD; Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, MBA; Thomas LaVeist, PhD; Marie Fanelli Kuczmarski, PhD; Alan B. Zonderman, PhD

Healthcare Disparities, Socioeconomic Status, Population Groups, Epidemiologic Research Design, Health Surveys, Longitudinal Studies

Randomized Trial Using Hair Stylists as Lay Health Advisors to Increase Donation in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:276-281

Ken Resnicow, PhD; Ann M. Andrews, MPH; Denise K. Beach, MSW; Latoya Kuhn, MPH; Sarah L. Krein, PhD; Remonia Chapman, BS; John C. Magee, MD

Organ Donation, Lay Health Advisor, Randomized Trial, African American

Trust in Physicians and Blood Pressure Control in Blacks and Whites Being Treated for Hypertension in the REGARDS Study
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:282-289

Raegan W. Durant, MD, MPH; Leslie A. McClure, PhD; Jewell H. Halanych, MD, MSc; Cora E. Lewis, MD, MSPH; Ronald J. Prineas, MD, PhD; Stephen P. Glasser, MD; Monika M. Safford, MD

Hypertension, Trust, Disparities

Racial Disparities in Access to Health Care and Preventive Services between Asian Americans/ Pacific Islanders and Non-Hispanic Whites
EthnDis. 2010;20:290-295

Xiao-Jun Wen, MD; Lina Balluz, ScD, MPH

Health Disparity, Access to Health Care, Access to Preventive Services, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Race and Preterm birth: The Case for Epigenetic Inquiry
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:296-299

Heather H. Burris, MD, MPH; James W. Collins, Jr, MD, MPH

Race, Preterm birth, Epigenetic Processes, DNA methylation, Ethnicity, Infant Mortality, Minority Health

Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic in First Nations People of Canada
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:300-303

Bilal B. Ayach, MSc, PhD; Holly Korda, MA, PhD

Type 2 Diabetes, First Nations, Canada, Aboriginal Health, Inuit, Population Health

Disparities and Social Inequities: Is the Health of African American Women Still in Peril?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:304-309)

Tamara A. Baker, PhD; NiCole T. Buchanan, PhD; Tirzah R. Spencer, PhD

Arthritis, Heart Disease, Depression, African American, Women


Volume 20, Number 2 (Spring 2010)




Differences in the Dietary Intake Habits by Diabetes Status for African American Adults
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:99-105)

Jonathan M. Scott, MS; Leon McDougle, MD, MPH; Kent Schwirian, PhD; Christopher A. Taylor, PhD

Minority, Diabetes Mellitus, Diet, African American, Disease Prevention, Nutrition Therapy, Race

Patient Perception of Risk Factors Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease Morbidity and Mortality
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:106-110)

Ainah U. Tan, BS; Brenda Hoffman, MD; Sylvia E. Rosas, MD, MSCE

Chronic Kidney Disease, Patient Knowledge, Patient Perception, Race Differences, Survey

Asian American/Pacific Islander Paradox in Diabetic Retinopathy: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 20062008
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:111-117

Yan Li, MD, MPH; Youlian Liao, MD; Amy Fan, MD, PhD; Xinzhi Zhang, MD, PhD; Lina Balluz, ScD, MPH

Diabetic Retinopathy, Prevalence, Racial Difference, Diabetes Care

Benefits, Barriers, Attitudes, and Beliefs about Soy Meat-alternatives among African American Parishioners Living in Eastern North Carolina
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:118-122

Roman Pawlak, PhD, RD; Brenda Malinauskas, PhD; Ashley Corbett, BS

Soy, Meat-Alternatives, African American, Diet, Nutrition

Detecting Cardiometabolic Syndrome Using World Health Organization Public Health Action Points for Asians and Pacific Islanders
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:123-128

Andrew Grandinetti, PhD; Joseph K. Kaholokula, PhD; Marjorie K. Mau, MD, MS; Dominic C. Chow, MD, MPH

Cardiometabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Asians and Pacific Islanders

Asians and Pacific Islanders and the Growing Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:129-135

Sanaa Shabbir, MPH; David Kwan, MPH; May C. Wang, DrPH; Margaret Shih, MD, PhD; Paul A. Simon, MD, MPH

Obesity, Childhood Obesity, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Ethnic Groups

Alloimmunization and Clinical Profile of Sickle Cell Disease Patients from Salvador - Brazil
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:136-141)

Angela Maria Dias Zanette, MD; Marilda de Souza Gon?lves, PhD; La?e Vilasboas Schettini, BS; Lais Magalh?s Aguiar, BS; Regina C?ia Santos Bahia, MD; Luciana Araujo Vasconcelos Nogueira, MD; Cl?dio Jos?de Freitas Brand?, MS; Ana Claudia Neves de Azevedo, BS; Luciana Ramos de Aragao, BS; S?gio Marcos Arruda, MD

Sickle Cell Disease, Hemoglobinopathy, Alloimmunization, Red Cell Transfusion

Association Between Utilization of Preventive Services and Health Insurance Status: Findings from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Ethn Dis. 2010;20:142-147

Nita Patel, MPH; Sejong Bae, PhD; Karan P. Singh, PhD

Health Insurance, Preventive Care, Disparities

Sociocultural Factors Influencing Delay in Seeking Routine Health Care among Latinas: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study Ethn Dis.2010;20:148-154

Tabassum Z. Insaf, MPH; Janine M. Jurkowski, PhD; Ladan Alomar, MSc

Latina, Healthcare Utilization, Community-Based Participatory Research

Patient Navigation Pilot Project: Results from the Community Health Advisors in Action Program (CHAAP
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:155-161

Mona Fouad, MD, MPH; Theresa Wynn, PhD; Michelle Martin, PhD; Edward Partridge, MD

Patient Navigation, Community Volunteers, African Americans

The Effect of Language Preference on Prenatal Weight Gain and Postpartum Weight Retention in Urban Hispanic Women
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:162-168

Barbara Hackley, MSN; Kristopher Fennie, PhD, MPH; Jo Applebaum, MPH; Diane Berry, PhD; Gail DEramo Melkus, EdD

Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Hispanic Americans, Acculturation

Hepatocellular Cancer: Risk Factors and Survival in Pacific Islanders Compared to Caucasians in Hawaii
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:169-173

Margaret Ochner, MD, MPH; Linda L. Wong, MD; Kristal Wimmer-Kunitomo, MD

Hepatocellular Cancer, Pacific Islanders, Hepatitis B

Measuring Skin Cancer Risk in African Americans: Is the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification Scale Culturally Sensitive?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:174-179

Latrice C. Pichon, PhD, MPH; Hope Landrine, PhD; Irma Corral, PhD, MPH; Yongping Hao, PhD; Joni A. Mayer, PhD; Katherine D. Hoerster, MS, MPH

Skin Type, Skin Cancer, Blacks, African Americans, Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification Scale

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Use among Adolescent Smokers Seeking Cessation Treatment
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:180-184

Maria Botello-Harbaum, MS, EdD; Jennifer R. Schroeder, PhD; Charles C. Collins, BA, BSW; Eric T. Moolchan, MD

Nicotine Dependence, Adolescents, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Treatment, Health Disparities

Health Promotion in Barbershops: Balancing Outreach and Research in African American Communities
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:185-188)

Bill J. Releford, DPM; Stanley K. Frencher, Jr., MD, MPH; Antronette K. Yancey, MD, MPH

Community Organizing, Health Promotion, Barbershops, African American Men

Recognizing the Diverse Roles of Community Health Workers in the Elimination of Health Disparities: From Paid Staff to Volunteers
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:189-194

Andrea Cherrington, MD, MPH; Guadalupe X. Ayala, PhD, MPH; John P. Elder, PhD, MPH; Elva M. Arredondo, PhD; Mona Fouad, MD; Isabel Scarinci, PhD, MPH

Community Health Workers, Volunteers, Latinos, African Americans


Volume 20, Number 1 (Winter 2010)




Ambient Temperature or Seasonal Variations in Blood Pressure: How Important Is This in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:1)

Setor Kunutsor, BSc, MBChB, MSt


Does the Use of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Vary by Race, Education, and Income?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:2-6

Ivy O. Poon, PharmD, BCPS; Nicole Etti, PharmD; Lincy S. Lal, PharmD, PhD

Hypertension, Race, Education, Income, Monitor

Elevated Homocysteine and Hypertension in Xinjiiang Province, China
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:7-10

Hang Lu, MA; Zhen Hong Lu, BA; Peng Gang Li, BA; Ying Ying Wang, BA; Zhao Yang Yan, BA

Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, Homocysteine, China

Personality and Inflammation: The Protective Effect of Openness to Experience
Ethn Dis. 2010;20: 11-14

Charles R. Jonassaint, MA; Stephen H. Boyle, PhD; Cynthia M. Kuhn, PhD; Ilene C. Siegler, PhD, MPH; William E. Copeland, PhD; Redford Williams, MD

Coronary Heart Disease, Creactive Protein, Openness to Experience

Identifying and Oversampling Hispanics by the Passel-Word Surname List for Enrollment in a Web-based Nutritional Intervention
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:15-21

Nikki M. Carroll, MS; Debra P. Ritzwoller, PhD; Melanie A. Stopponi, MPA; Christine Cole Johnson, PhD

Hispanics, Logistic Regression, Internet, Ethnicity, Passel-Word Surname List, Enrollment, Nutrition

Body Mass Index as a Function of Length of United States Residency among Haitian Immigrant Children
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:22-28)

Nancy Strickman-Stein, PhD; Marie-Denise Gervais, MD; David A. Ludwig, PhD; Sarah E. Messiah, PhD; Steven E. Lipshultz, MD; Tracie L. Miller, MD

Overweight, Body Mass Index, Children, Minority, Haitian

Perceptions about Body Image and Sizes Among Black African Girls Living in Cape Town
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:29-34

Thandi Puoane, DrPH; Lungiswa Tsolekile, MPH; Nelia Steyn, PhD

Overweight, Obesity, Body Image, Beliefs about Weight, Black Girls

Risk of Prenatal Depression: Differences by Race
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:35-39

Jay J. Shen, PhD; Fang Lin, BS; Tara Jackson, MHA

Depression, Race, Prenatal, Women

Perceived Racial Discrimination in Health Care and its Association with Patients Healthcare Experiences: Does the Measure Matter?
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:40-47

Leslie R.M. Hausmann, PhD; Nancy R. Kressin, PhD; Barbara H. Hanusa, PhD; Said A. Ibrahim, MD

Perceived Discrimination, Quality of Care, Healthcare Utilization, Diabetes

Mini-Mental State Exam Domains Predict Falls in an Elderly Population: Follow-up from the Hispanic Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (H-EPESE) Study
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:48-52

Daniella Ramirez, BS; Robert C. Wood, DrPH; Johanna Becho, BA; Kathleen Owings, MD; Kyriakos Markides, PhD; David V. Espino, MD

Cognition, Frailty, Mexican American, Elderly

Leading Causes of Mortality of Asian Indians in California
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:53-57

Latha Palaniappan, MD, MS; Arnab Mukherjea, DrPH(c) MPH; Ariel Holland, BA; Susan L. Ivey, MD, MHSA

Asian Indian, Death Rate, Mortality Determinants, Health Disparities, California

Reducing Disparities and Improving Quality: Understanding the Needs of Small Primary Care Practices
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:58-63

Robin M. Weinick, PhD; Sepheen C. Byron, MHS; Esther S. Han, MPH; Jessica Briefer French, MHSA; Sarah Hudson Scholle, DrPH, MPH

Disparities, Quality Improvement, Small Practices, Primary Care, Race, Ethnicity, Language

Can We Rapidly Identify Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Users in the Primary Care Encounter? A RIOS Net Study
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:64-70

Andrew L. Sussman, PhD, MCRP; Robert L. Williams, MD, MPH; Brian M. Shelley, MD

Complementary Medicine, Communication, Ethnic Groups

Cultural Context and a Critical Approach to Eliminating Health Disparities
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:71-76

Derek M. Griffith, PhD; Jonetta Johnson, MPH; Katrina R. Ellis, MPH, MSW; Amy Jo Schulz, MPH, PhD

Health Disparities, Health Inequities, Blacks, Racism, Social Determinants

The Pros and Cons of Staging Chronic Kidney Disease
Ethn Dis. 2010;20:77-81

Diane Moseberry, MD; Susanne B. Nicholas, MD, PhD

Chronic Kidney Disease, Staging, Albuminuria, Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Prevention, Referral to a Nephrologist



Volume 19, Number 4 (Autumn 2009)




Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Influenza Prevention and Control Measures among Hispanics in San Diego County 2006
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:377-383


Jeffrey W. Bethel, PhD; Stephen H. Waterman, MD, MPH

Hispanic, Latino, Influenza, Immigrant, Vaccination, Knowledge, Awareness, Practices

Ethnic-specific Prevalence of Hepatitis B/C Virus Infection in Pin-Jen, Taiwan
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:384-389

Hsin-Wen Lai; Hui-Yin Hsiung; John Jen Tai; Shu-I Chen; Huan-Cheng Chang; Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen

Ethnic, Hepatitis, Hakka, Chinese, Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Prevalence of Combinatorial CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Genotypes in Puerto Ricans: Implications for Warfarin Management in Hispanics
Ethn Dis. 2009;390-395

Jorge Duconge, PhD; Carmen L. Cadilla, PhD; Andreas Windemuth, PhD; Mohan Kocherla, MS; Krystyna Gorowski, BS; Richard L. Seip, PhD; Kali Bogaard, MS; Jessica Y. Renta, MS; Paola Piovanetti, BS; Darrin DAgostino, MD; Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero, MD; Gualberto Rua?, MD

Warfarin, CYP2C9, VKORC1, Genotyping, Personalized Medicine

Predictors of Medication Adherence for African American Patients Diagnosed with Hypertension
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:396-400

Julia Braverman, PhD; Julien Dedier, MD, MPH

Hypertension, Medication Adherence, African Americans, Urban Population

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Bystander CPR in Los Angeles, California
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:401-406

Peter C. Benson, MD; Marc Eckstein, MD; Christian D. McClung, MD, M.Phil(Cantab); Sean O. Henderson, MD

CPR, Epidemiology, Resuscitation, Cardiac Arrest

Perceptions of Hypertension and Contributing Personal and Environmental Factors among Rural Southern African American Women
Ethn Dis. 2009; 407-413

Cassandra D. Ford, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN; Mi Ja Kim, PhD, RN; Barbara L. Dancy, PhD, RN

Southern, Rural, African American, Women, Hypertension

Ethnic Differences in Gestational Oral Glucose Screening in a Large US Population
Ethn Dis. 2009: 414-419

Kathryn L. Pedula, MS; Teresa A. Hillier, MD, MS; Mark M. Schmidt, BA; Judith A. Mullen, APRN, BC, CDE; Marie-Aline Charles, MD, MPH; David J. Pettitt, MD

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Ethnicity

HLA Class II Polymorphism in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus from a Brazilian Racially Admixtured Population
Ethn Dis. 2009; 420-424

Cr?io Alves, MD, PhD; Maria Bet?ia P. Toralles, MD, PhD; Gild?io C. Carvalho, PharmD

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Major Histocompatibility Complex, Ethnicity

Adherence to Pap Test Guidelines: Variation among Asians in California
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:425-432

Michael K. Lin, PhD; Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD; Gene Kazinets, PhD; Susan L. Ivey, MD, MHSA; Young-Bok Kim, DrPH; Diana D. McDonnell, PhD

Asian Americans, Screening, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Vaginal Smears

Who Treats Limited English Proficient Patients? Implications for Linguistic Access Initiatives
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:433-438)

Eric E. Seiber, PhD; Christen M. Smith, BS; Sandra J. Tanenbaum, PhD

Limited English Proficient, LEP, Physicians

Regional Differences in Attitudes that May Affect Health Behavior and Willingness to Participate in Research among Black Seventh-day Adventists
Ethn Dis. 2009; 439-446

Andy Lampkin, PhD; Antronette Yancey, PhD; Colwick Wilson, PhD; Gary E. Fraser, PhD

African Americans, Trust, Quality of Health care, Research Subjects, Selfdisclosure, Refusal to Participate

A Mixed-Methods Approach to Developing a Self-Reported Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Measure for Use in Multiethnic Health Surveys
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:447-453

Salma Shariff-Marco, PhD; Gilbert C. Gee, PhD; Nancy Breen, PhD; Gordon Willis, PhD; Bryce B. Reeve, PhD; David Grant, PhD; Ninez A. Ponce, PhD; Nancy Krieger, PhD; Hope Landrine, PhD; David R. Williams, PhD; Margarita Alegria, PhD; Vickie M. Mays, PhD; Timothy P. Johnson, PhD; E. Richard Brown, PhD

Cross-Cultural Comparison, Discrimination, Survey Methods

The Association of Plasma Fatty Acids with Prostate Cancer Risk in Nigerians
Ethn Dis.2009;19:454-461

Flora A. Ukoli, MBBS; Philip N. Akumabor, MBBS; Temple C. Oguike, MBBS; Lemuel L. Dent, MD; Derrick Beech, MD; Usifo Osime, MBBS

Prostate Cancer, Fatty Acids, Omega-3, Omega-6, Nigerians, Case-Control

Half the Dsylipidemia of Insulin Resistance Is the Dsylipidemia of Insulin-Resistant Blacks
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:462-465

Anne E. Sumner, MD

Triglyceride, High Density Lipoprotein- Cholesterol, Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Blacks

Chronic Kidney Disease in United States Hispanics: A Growing Public Health Problem
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:466-472

Claudia M. Lora, MD; Martha L. Daviglus, MD, PhD; John W. Kusek, PhD; Anna Porter, MD; Ana C. Ricardo, MD, MPH; Alan S. Go, MD; James P. Lash, MD

Chronic Kidney Disease, Hispanics, Health Care Disparities

Genomic Medicine and Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities: Promises, Perils and the Challenges for Health Care and Public Health Policy Ethn Dis. 2009;19:473-478

Ramal Moonesinghe, PhD; Walter Jones, PhD; Peggy A. Honor? DHA; Benedict I. Truman, MD, MPH; Garth Graham, MD, MPH

Genomic Medicine, Allele Frequency, Healthcare Disparity, Genetic Tests


Volume 19, Number 3 (Summer 2009)




Race/Ethnic and Sex Differences in Large and Small Artery Elasticity Results of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:243-250)

Daniel A. Duprez, MD; David R. Jacobs, Jr, PhD; Pamela L. Lutsey, PhD; David Herrington, MD; Darryl Prime, MD; Pamela Ouyang, MD; R. Graham Barr, MD; David A. Bluemke, MD

Blood Pressure, Arterial Elasticity, MESA Study

The Association Between Racial and Gender Discrimination and Body Mass Index Among Residents Living in Lower-income Housing
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:251-257

Rachel C. Shelton, ScD, MPH; Elaine Puleo, PhD; Gary G. Bennett, PhD; Lorna H. McNeill, PhD, MPH; Glorian Sorensen, PhD, MPH; Karen M. Emmons, PhD

Discrimination, Body Mass Index, Obesity, Health Disparities, Gender

A Preliminary Investigation of Cognitive Appraisal and Cardiovascular Reactivity and Recovery in Arab Americans
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:258-264

David K. Chatkoff, PhD; Michelle T. Leonard, PhD

Cardiovascular Reactivity, Ethnicity, Arab American

On Human Tissue Kallikrein Activity in Urine of Brazilian White and Black Primary Hypertensive Patients
Ethn Dis. 2009;19: 265-270

Andreza Alves Belo, MSc; Marinez de Oliveira Sousa, PhD; Eduardo Luis Guimar?s Machado, MD; Amintas Fabiano de Souza Figueiredo, PhD

Human Kallikrein, Human Tissue Kallikrein, Hypertension, Ethnic Groups, Brazilian

Psychiatric Symptom Presentation in Ethnically Diverse Cardiology Patients
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:271-275

Rachel A. Annunziato, PhD; David Rubinstein, MD; Michael Murgueitio; Mugdha Santra, MD; Sarah Sultan, BS; Martin Maurer, MD; Gad Cotter, MD; Rachel Yehuda, PhD; Eyal Shemesh, MD

Ethnicity, cardiology, depression, distress, mental health screening

Trend Analysis of Diagnosed Diabetes Prevalence among American Indian/Alaska Native Young Adults United States, 19942007
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:276-279

Henry Roberts, PhD; Ruth Jiles, PhD; Ali Mokdad, PhD; Gloria Beckles, MD; Nilka Rios-Burrows, MPH

BRFSS, Diabetes, American Indian/Alaska Native

Sociodemographic and Healthcare Characteristics of Colonia Residents: The Role of Life Stage in Predicting Health Risks and Diabetes Status in a Disadvantaged Hispanic Population
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:280-287

Marcia G. Ory, PhD, MPH; Martha Conkling, PhD; Jane N. Bolin, PhD, RN, JD; John D. Prochaska, DrPH; Dongling Zhan, MS; James N. Burdine, DrPH; Nelda Mier, PhD

Border Health, Diabetes, Life Stage

Disparities in the Prevalence of Diabetes: Is it Race/Ethnicity or Socioeconomic Status? Results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:288-292

Carol L. Link, PhD; John B. McKinlay, PhD

Diabetes, Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status

The Prevalence of Self-Reported Chronic Conditions among Arab, Chaldean, and African Americans in Southeast Michigan
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:293-300

Hikmet Jamil, MD, PhD; Florence Dallo, PhD, MPH; Monty Fakhouri, MS; Thomas Templin, PhD; Radwan Khoury, PhD; Haifa Fakhouri, PhD

Arab, Chaldean, Black, Chronic Conditions

The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Disease Severity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:301-307

Katie L. Crosslin, PhD, CHES; Kristin L. Wiginton, PhD

Lupus, Disease Severity, Autoimmune Disease, Chronic, Comorbidities, Autoimmunity, Epidemiology

Associations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with All-Cause Mortality in Blacks and Whites: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:308-314

Alanna M. Chamberlain, MPH; Matthew B. Schabath, PhD; Aaron R. Folsom, MD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD, Lung Disease, Mortality

Colorectal Cancer Test Use among Californians of Mexican Origin: Influence of Language Barriers
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:315-322)

Marilyn Johnson-Kozlow, PhD, MA; Stergios Roussos, PhD, MPH; Liza Rovniak, PhD, MPH; Melbourne Hovell, PhD, MPH

Mexican Americans, Colonoscopy, Colorectal Cancer, Screening

Sociodemographic Correlates of Stage of Adoption for Colorectal Cancer Screening in African Americans
Ethn Dis. 2009; 19:323-329

Jennifer Christie, MD; Lina Jandorf, MA; Steven Itzkowitz, MD; Ethan Halm, MD, MPH; Kim Freeman, MPH; Sheba King; Rayhana Dhulkifl, MPH; Michelle McNair, MA; Linda Thelemaque; Catalina Lawsin, PhD; Katherine Duhamel, PhD

Colorectal Cancer Screening, African Americans, Cancer Prevention

The Association between Perceived Provider Discrimination, Healthcare Utilization and Health Status in Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:330-337

Chioun Lee, MA; Stephanie L. Ayers, PhD; Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, PhD

Provider Discrimination, Health Status, Health Disparities, Utilization

Multidimensional Health Locus of Control in American Indians: The Strong Heart Study
Ethn Dis.2009;19:338-344

John Thomas Egan, BA; Gary Leonardson, PhD; Lyle G. Best, MD; Thomas Welty, MD, MPH; Darren Calhoun, PhD; Janette Beals, PhD

Health Beliefs, Multidimensional Health Locus of Control, American Indians, The Strong Heart Study

Patient-Physician Race Concordance and its Relationship to Perceived Health Outcomes
Ethn Dis.2009; 19:345-351

Disha Kumar, BA; David G. Schlundt, PhD; Kenneth A. Wallston, PhD

Health Disparities, Race Concordance, Perceived Health, Health Status, Access to Health Care, Health Insurance

Use of Focus Groups in Multi-Site, Multi-Ethnic Research Projects for Womens Health: A Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN) Example
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:352-358

Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, PhD, MN, RN; Shelley R. Adler, PhD; Charles P. Mouton, MD, MS; Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH; Lynne G. Underwood, PhD

Focus Groups, Multi-ethnic, Menopause Transition, SWAN Study

Geriatric Admissions in a Developing Country: Experience from A Tertiary Centre in Nigeria
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:359-362

Arthur C. Onwuchekwa, MBBS, FMCP; E. Godspower Asekomeh, MBBS, MMCP, MWACP

Geriatric Admissions, Developing Countries, Tertiary Centre, Nigeria


Volume 19, Number 2 (Spring 2009)




Disparities in Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose among Low-income Ethnic Minority Populations with Diabetes, United States
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:97-103)

Deborah A. Levine, MD, MPH; Jeroan J. Allison, MD, MSc; Andrea Cherrington, MD, MPH; Joshua Richman, MD, PhD; Isabel C. Scarinci, PhD, MPH; Thomas K. Houston, MD, MPH

Diabetes Mellitus, Self-care, Healthcare Disparities, Minority Health, Income

Psychological and Physiological Correlates of Insulin Resistance at Fasting and in Response to a Meal in African Americans and Whites
Ethn Dis. 2009;19:104-110

Su-Jong Kim-Dorner, PhD; Christie O. Simpson-McKenzie, PhD; Merrily Poth, MD; Patricia A. Deuster, PhD, MPH

Insulin Resistance, Stress, Ethnicity, Coping Style

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Seventh-Day Adventist African American and Caucasian College Students
Ethn Dis. 2009;19: 111-114

Roman Pawlak, PhD, RD; Marta Sovyanhadi, DrPH, RD, LDN

Obesity, Overweight, Adventists, College Students

Metabolic Syndrome and High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein in Cubans
Ethn Dis. 2009; 19:115-120

Fatma G. Huffman, PhD; Gianna Perez Gomez, PhD; Gustavo G. Zarini, MS